Beyond a Wave of Storm
fully proceeded into the Senior class. The holiday party and encouraging words of her aunt had bee
ger and became known to all appearances. In class, she topped in all the subjects, coming first place in projects, tests and exams. She also made the school proud in different academic c
only intellige
apart from most of the students.Teachers marvelled at her comportment,
of girls as she passed along the walkway. They snubbe
kes herself like one who walks on cloud. I wonde
hampion or somethin
d girl continued. "Are you sure she doesn't go around bribing teachers for such high scores? She's
ught sight of the dut
ed in a field of roses." Those few words of her aunt made her condition her mind that not everyone was meant to celebrate her successes, and not everyone was meant to be her fri
letion as exams were knocking at the corner. It was a wake up call f
go out and begin preparations for her exams bef
s the heavy rain reduces to some drizzles, inorder to prepare for her forthcoming exams. This was another secret behind her outstanding performances. When other students were roa
er school bag and left to the classroom. On reaching the class premises, she heard some whispering noises a little di
almost about entering in, before she heard her name mentioned in the discussion. Sedoo drew back quietly
about our renowned Sedoo," I
p being a busy body. What now about Sedoo
Anita, the rumour mo
had to leave the dormitory this early, for some
girl I respect and admire so much too. At least I should
be fast about whatev
s and doors have ears nowadays,
days back that Sedoo is
Anita responded
, a ba
gue Isabel, that'
ws is everywhere now. Almo
alous mates are only trying to slander he
but not after I got win
explain more. I c
Let me just cut the story short.." Isabe
" she tried
girl that came in as a
mber. Is she in any
er expulsion in senior class 1 and also to her being rejected and sent packing from her uncle's home. Since then, no one ever heard about her until a few years later when it was known that she died after giving birth to Sedoo, who was in turn nu
aware of this incidence in her
aking her head. "Judging from the way I heard the sto
." Anita. warned. "Hm'm.. Don't you think Lisa's mother was rather loquacious, how
Sedoo would be really upset when she gets to know this. I admire Sedoo a lot. My concern is
ve exhausted much time," Anita inquired. She open
or something? she held a grip on herself and managed to scram her way into the classroom. Should she confront Isabel? or just wave off the precon
so much to do and achieve this term." she silently resolved. With this in mind, Sedoo felt a light of self motivation, but made up her mind to ask her