Beyond a Wave of Storm
st completed her Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and was hopefully looking forward to her vacation the next d
llowed a short fervent prayer, her regular routine for each morning, she nipped out of her room to tidy up a portion of her dormitory environment, then packed up her belongings and freshened up afterward
among a number of parents who had showed in earlier that morning to convey their wards home. And within the little intervals of wa
ere the national and school anthems were consecutively sung, after which the p
meet their friends and relations. In what may seem like a wink, the initial calm and motionless environment transformed to a scene of great
ies. She stretched forth her neck and her eyes bulged ou
o her from behind. She turned with a gracefu
much my jewel,"
n more, aunt!" Sed
aced her neice's luggages into the car
who had died not long before the little girl attained 2years of age. Though she had no child bi
ittle girl around her tremendously contributed in ebbing away the tormenting feeling of loneliness that she likely fell prey to, regarding her childlessness. Th
ncidence in their marriage felt like they were been placed on a regular dose of bitter pills to swallow. More especially for Dooter, whose hope of being a mother got dashed by her misfortune. She got miscarriages anytime she conceived, owing to some major complications as co
and decisions. Decisions especially regarding his matrimonial life. In his marriage, he was undaunted by challenges. Even though he had to take any which came along, he certainly saw n
hat of some friends towards taking a second wife aggravated to more hatred upon his wife. Nonetheless, he remained patient and sure hopeful that his wife will have a child for him i
ent his wife's feelings of being barren. He had craved to take his wife along, but her health condition which did not guarantee her travelling was a deterrent. Herself, she preferred to settle back into the country and work with the Ministry of Works and Infr
exit gate. In that process, she got waylaid by a lady, wh
" the lady cal
ar as the lady mov
aid, elated to have met her. Dooter knew that she must have mista
ou're mistaking. I'm Dooter, an elder si
rinning. She was amazed at the resemblance. "Anyway, about D
late. She died
er ray of hope and of sunshine. A girl that spurred her spirit and made her see the good about herself. A girl that encouraged and stood by her whenever she performed poo
her gentle soul rest in peace. Please accep
.!" Dooter groane
ow simple and informal the lady appeared. She has actually heard about the renowned pharmacist and philanthropist, but haven't had the opportunity to meet her in
e to meet you Ma,
s then. Not only was I depressed over some issues at home but also, having to be seen as a dummy, who performed poorly and was quite often competiting among the last three students in the class. At such moments when I was down and low spirited, she presented a sisterly shoulder for me to cry on. She is chiefly the reason I grew up to be optimistic about my life. I had missed her s
he resolved to neither recall nor talk about, especially in the presence of Sedoo. She made Sedoo believe that she is an orphan, who lost her parents to a fatal accident, in order not to disclose the secret behind her existenc
ew she had to sneak into another topic of conversation, before the lady unconsciously unmasks t
," she interr
g to see and meet you in person," Dooter went on. "I also appreciate that my sister
then, a huge, strapping man walked across, and they conversed inaudibly
e notified me of an urgent meeting at the office," she said, looking bot
ne, I understand. I shall leave fairly
card. It contains my contact and home address. I'm looking forward to seeing you ag
liged." Dooter receiv
e quickly supervise a project and leave. We should certai
am Do
drive safely. I hope to
o. Bye!" They waved at ea
She felt thrilled at how well the lady honoured and spoke highly about her la
nce. "The Lady you chatted with a f
she's quite po
furbishment of our school clinic last year. She has recentl
is sure full of surprises. I didn't even expect to meet that remarkable woman in person. Her simplicity is st
e wonderful impact she created in her life. I
ndly, ever willing to sacrifice her time, her knowledge, and her money in expense to the other in need. She treated everyone she came across with respect and made them to feel special regardless o
ting! My mum w
son."They both flashed a smile. "I really miss my sister. If only I could turn back
ou crying? You're mak
here people yearn for great accomplishments without realizing that the true measure of a man's gr
w, our successes too get intertwined with who we show such acts to. I remember a saying by a long lived rugged man. That; "I walked across t
successful as a result of asking after a blind wretched man's welfare. One who al
ke a cab for his pursuit. He finally resolved to lend a helping hand considering how desperate the man needed it. And as he walked along to thrust the coin into the blind man's bowl, he was taken aback by what he saw. Not only was the man blind, but also lost both legs, maybe to some threatening leprosy, or an accident, or critical amputations, whatever the case, he stood dumbstrucked, and with his heart deeply absorbed in thoughts of the man's pitiable state, he bent down and slowly released the coin into the bowl. Then, he greeted sympathetically, "Hello, ho
udden impact left the file he held to the floor, and the documents contained in it were scattere
zed that this young man had been a job seeker and must have been out on that day for the same pursuit... "Excu
s. We can,"
f one of my companies. Please come with me," the man said firmly. "This young man was speechless. Was he dreaming at
craved for. He was made the General manager of the company, offered a comfortable house, a car and many other
y that simple deed of kindness could propel him to the right direction, right place and right people in line with his d
. You may walk all around in search of a great life, but if you can't be human or sensitive enough to look out for others, you would likely end up with an abbreviated piece of no accompli
t always need our money or materialistic things. As we go through life, we would have people we can lift up, give our little time, words, care, encouragements, help, patience, talents and so on. Just a smile can make someone's day. How we make people feel matters more than the cr
rate person too. A lady of integrity, hospit
y in bringing you up. Not only are you kind and considerate but also, quite irreproachable in terms of aca
ons dear! You are finally
Sedoo repl
believe my neice shall beco
se I'm one already."They
happy I shall be having a whale
said as she drove past a few corner shops situated at the outskirts of t
med us that our results shall be out in a month time. And
h to tell you about school. Get pr
re will! Doote