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Beyond a Wave of Storm

Beyond a Wave of Storm

Kumawuese Maureen


Beyond a Wave of Storm reflects the ups and downs in the life of a teenage girl, who despite the unceasing challenges in her life, resolved to not give up, but accepted and learnt from all it lessons. She later grew to become a legendary figure in her society and fought against several vices in her community. The book captures a numerous challenges that are commonly faced by people in the secular world and throws a positive light on how these problems can be managed or overcomed.

Chapter 1 The Vacation

"Finally, exams are a long way off, thank goodness!" Sedoo cheered inwardly as she made way out of the exam hall. She has just completed her Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and was hopefully looking forward to her vacation the next day. She felt overwhelmed by joy and could barely await the coming day as thoughts of home rolled on continuously in her mind.

The following day was a Friday morning, perhaps, her day of vacation. She got aroused to the first struck of the rising bell and knelt gently beside her bunk bed. After some morning reflections that followed a short fervent prayer, her regular routine for each morning, she nipped out of her room to tidy up a portion of her dormitory environment, then packed up her belongings and freshened up afterwards. An hour later, the bell went again summoning the teachers and students of Star's Comprehensive College for the assembly, which was customary coordinated at the school hall after the students breakfast.

At the school's parking lot stood a dignified lady, endowed with beauty, and an alluring stature. The lady, Dooter was probably among a number of parents who had showed in earlier that morning to convey their wards home. And within the little intervals of waiting for her neice's dismissal; She lazed herself by leaning against her car, delightedly enjoying the fresh passing air of nature.

From the dinning hall, the students snappily proceeded to the school hall where the national and school anthems were consecutively sung, after which the principal's short courtesy address preceded the dismissal of vacating students.

Loud cheering shouts of students broke the silence of the morning. They were dispatched for vacation and bustled uncontrollably in haste to meet their friends and relations. In what may seem like a wink, the initial calm and motionless environment transformed to a scene of great disorderliness with parents, teachers, students, and all other categories of people moving randomly at every nook and cranny of the compound.

Dooter was rather puzzled by the sudden mix of activities. She stretched forth her neck and her eyes bulged out prominently amidst the crowd in search for her neice.

"Aunt, aunt!" exclaimed Sedoo, rushing unto her from behind. She turned with a graceful countenance and embraced her neice firmly.

"I missed you so much my jewel," she said tenderly.

"I missed you even more, aunt!" Sedoo cuts in, beaming.

Moving gently towards the car, she placed her neice's luggages into the car trunk, and they both chatted away lively.

Dooter regarded Sedoo as a priceless gift, specially given to her by her late immediate sister, who had died not long before the little girl attained 2years of age. Though she had no child biologically, she felt grateful to have shared in the warmth of motherhood by bringing her neice up.

She nurtured Sedoo to growth from her toddler and preverbal stages till recently that she transformed into a grown teenager. The constant figure of the jolly little girl around her tremendously contributed in ebbing away the tormenting feeling of loneliness that she likely fell prey to, regarding her childlessness. The girl's lively and ebullient nature relieved her of the pain and heaviness that subsequently throbbed in her heart, making her happy in spite of her condition.

Dooter got married to Mr.Dele, a Yoruba man from the western part of the country. They had their marriage union a couple of years after her Undergraduate Degree Programme at the University. Since then, the couples had looked forward to having a child, but to no avail.This incidence in their marriage felt like they were been placed on a regular dose of bitter pills to swallow. More especially for Dooter, whose hope of being a mother got dashed by her misfortune. She got miscarriages anytime she conceived, owing to some major complications as confirmed by her specialist. She had lost many pregnancies at the initial stages of conception and was a victim of the circumstance for quite a long time. Sometimes, people thought about her fate in marriage if she hadn't gotten a loving and an understanding man as her husband.

Mr. Dele was a rugged man with a daring figure. He was certainly of a rare and reserved personality. He had a behavioural trait that made him shrug off people's opinion about his life and decisions. Decisions especially regarding his matrimonial life. In his marriage, he was undaunted by challenges. Even though he had to take any which came along, he certainly saw none too overwhelming to ruin his marital life. He literally took to; "For better and for worse," and loved his wife unconditionally, regardless of what people thought or said about them.

Mr. Dele was firm in speech and in believe that even his mother couldn't possibly lure him into things he didn't approve of. His refusal to heed to her unremitting pressure, and that of some friends towards taking a second wife aggravated to more hatred upon his wife. Nonetheless, he remained patient and sure hopeful that his wife will have a child for him in due time. He in turn stood stronger by her and made her more courageous to remain in their marriage, especially at instances when her ruthless mother- in-law tried to drag her out.

Mr. Dele was however, hardly around due to the nature of his job, and moreso because he worked far abroad and was only timed to come home once or twice in 52weeks. His absence were a dear opportunity for his unerring mother to trod into his compound and torment his wife's feelings of being barren. He had craved to take his wife along, but her health condition which did not guarantee her travelling was a deterrent. Herself, she preferred to settle back into the country and work with the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, and also owned a shop to complement the family's finances. Hence, the couples maintained a consistent relationship through phone calls amongst themselves. They related with each other as though there weren't a distance enstraging their relationship.

Dooter reversed her car and made way towards the school exit gate. In that process, she got waylaid by a lady, who was anxiously waving and calling out on her from behind.

"Dese, Dese!!" the lady called out aloud.

She stopped the car as the lady moved quickly to her.

"It's me Tina, your mate at Globes Secondary School," the lady said, elated to have met her. Dooter knew that she must have mistaken her for her late sister because of their splitting resemblance.

"Good day Madam Tina. I'm pretty sure you're mistaking. I'm Dooter, an elder sister to the lady you were calling out on."

"Oh, really? you both look much of a muchness," Tina said grinning. She was amazed at the resemblance. "Anyway, about Dese, How's she fairing? Where's she now?" she asked eagerly.

"My sister is late. She died some years ago."

Tina's face fell on hearing that. In shock, she quieted down for a while and cast her mind back on her long and distant past. She recalled many instances when Dese was her ray of hope and of sunshine. A girl that spurred her spirit and made her see the good about herself. A girl that encouraged and stood by her whenever she performed poorly and nearly gave up on schooling. The same one who truly believed in her at that time and contributed in heady words in making her the successful woman she is presently.

"My heart is pained to know she's gone. May her gentle soul rest in peace. Please accept my condolences," she uttered grimacingly.

"I'm Tina Oscar."

"O,Tina Oscar...!" Dooter groaned in surprise.

"You mean the noble CEO of Stars Pharmaceuticals, one of the largest pharmaceutical industries in the country?" Her eyes pooped out. She was much surprised at how simple and informal the lady appeared. She has actually heard about the renowned pharmacist and philanthropist, but haven't had the opportunity to meet her in person. What a privilege it was, having to see and talk to an icon. As a mark of honour, she came out of her car and greeted the lady in a more dignifying manner.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Ma," she said humbly.

"Thank you Madam, I'm honoured." Tina beamed. "I used to be Dese's mate in the secondary school before my parents had me transferred later.That girl, Dese, created an unforgettable impact in my life. She was extremely nice and kind to me. The first three years of my stay in the secondary school were going to be a turmoil if it weren't for her. I was faced with numerous challenges then. Not only was I depressed over some issues at home but also, having to be seen as a dummy, who performed poorly and was quite often competiting among the last three students in the class. At such moments when I was down and low spirited, she presented a sisterly shoulder for me to cry on. She is chiefly the reason I grew up to be optimistic about my life. I had missed her so much." She continued as tears hovered beneath her lashes. "I lost on seeing and hearing from her till a year ago when I got wind of the terrible incident that happened to her. I was thinking of how massively I could assist and compensate her without knowing she's gone." She sniffled and rubbed her eyes with her palm. "Did she put to bed before she died?" she asked again worried.

"Yes, she did." Dooter answered faintly. At that point, she felt quite emotional too, as the lady's question evoked past painful memories of her late sister's ill fated experience with life. They were the harrowing memories she resolved to neither recall nor talk about, especially in the presence of Sedoo. She made Sedoo believe that she is an orphan, who lost her parents to a fatal accident, in order not to disclose the secret behind her existence to her at such a young age. Disclosing the truth to her was only going to lead to an emotional havoc, and she felt it was best to keep that off until Sedoo was well matured enough to understand the outcome of certain things.

Tina, on the other hand, seemed to direct her question towards that experience. And so, she knew she had to sneak into another topic of conversation, before the lady unconsciously unmasks the whole truth before Sedoo, who was likely listening to their conversation from inside the car.

"Tina Oscar," she interrupted genially.

"You've got a wonderful personality, and I must say It's a profound pleasure having to see and meet you in person," Dooter went on. "I also appreciate that my sister happened to be one of the dearest persons to you, because you truly are a rare gem."

"Thanks, my pleasure!" Tina responded, letting out a handshake. Just then, a huge, strapping man walked across, and they conversed inaudibly. He informed her of an urgent appointment she needed to catch up with.

"Oh Madam, I'm sorry I have to run along now. My Personal Assistant here notified me of an urgent meeting at the office," she said, looking bothered to have left briefly. I love to have had much time with you but..."

"That's not a problem. It's totally fine, I understand. I shall leave fairly soon too," Dooter cuts in courteously.

Tina brought out a papered material and handed it over to her.. "Okay, here's my card. It contains my contact and home address. I'm looking forward to seeing you again, and do ensure to keep me noted, whenever you're in need of my help in any way.

"Thanks, I'm much obliged." Dooter received the card gratefully.

"It's nothing. She answered with a friendly grin. "Let me quickly supervise a project and leave. We should certainly discuss some other time. So what was the name again?"

"I am Dooter."

"All right, Dooter, do drive safely. I hope to see you some other time."

"Yes, have a nice day too. Bye!" They waved at each other and parted ways.

On her way home, Dooter kept pondering over her encounter with Tina Oscar. She felt thrilled at how well the lady honoured and spoke highly about her late sister. "Ah...! She's so nice and sensitive," she complimented in her mind.

"Aunt," Sedoo broke the grave silence. "The Lady you chatted with a few minutes ago. I think I know her."

"Really? Well, she's quite popular you know?"

"Yes, she's Tina Oscar. She donated generously for the refurbishment of our school clinic last year. She has recently embarked on another project to renovate the hostel as well"

"That's very generous of her, she truly is a kind hearted woman," Dooter said in a delightful grin. The world is sure full of surprises. I didn't even expect to meet that remarkable woman in person. Her simplicity is striking too, I mean, how can a lady with such attained prospect be as humble as a dove both in looks and manner?"

"That's amazing aunt, thanks to my mum for the wonderful impact she created in her life. I could sense how grateful she was," Sedoo added.

"You know, your mum had the same heart as Lady Tina," Dooter conversed, gently pushing forth the car gear. "She was generous to a fault," she said smiling. Your mum was considerably kind and friendly, ever willing to sacrifice her time, her knowledge, and her money in expense to the other in need. She treated everyone she came across with respect and made them to feel special regardless of their ages and status. That natural disposition of hers, drew many people to her. I could hardly predict her number of friends, cause they were nearly a million. Sometimes, I envied her myself."

"Wow, interesting! My mum was really nice.

"Yes, she was. I usually called her sister Christmas because she was too good a person."They both flashed a smile. "I really miss my sister. If only I could turn back the hands of time, we won't ever be parted." Her eyes teared as she said emotionally.

"Come on aunt, are you crying? You're making me emotional too."

"No, I'm not," she quickly flicked her face and continued calmly. "Darling, we live in a world where people yearn for great accomplishments without realizing that the true measure of a man's greatness sums from the sensitive acts of care and concern shown in his or her life towards another."

"Generally, the virtue; kindness, seem to be undermined. Many see the act as a form of weakness and ignore it without realizing that somehow, our successes too get intertwined with who we show such acts to. I remember a saying by a long lived rugged man. That; "I walked across the world in search for a life's fortune, but discovered that my true fortune was conspicuously embedded in a little; "Hello, how do you do?"

This man had travelled the world in search of a life fortune, but later became successful as a result of asking after a blind wretched man's welfare. One who always sat in a shade along the street, seeking for notes and coins from townspeople.

On a particular day, the young man headed out for a job pursuit that made him move hastily to catch up on the nearest vehicle, heading to his intended destination. On his way across the street, he caught notice of a blind man, who sat in the shade of a little tree, calling out for financial assistance from people. The blind man appeared shabbily and in a state that anyone could hardly ignore. Quite disposed to the poor looking man, the young man contemplated between forging on for his initial appointment, or just donating the last dime he had preserved to take a cab for his pursuit. He finally resolved to lend a helping hand considering how desperate the man needed it. And as he walked along to thrust the coin into the blind man's bowl, he was taken aback by what he saw. Not only was the man blind, but also lost both legs, maybe to some threatening leprosy, or an accident, or critical amputations, whatever the case, he stood dumbstrucked, and with his heart deeply absorbed in thoughts of the man's pitiable state, he bent down and slowly released the coin into the bowl. Then, he greeted sympathetically, "Hello, how do you do?" His casual greetings sent chills of pleasure into the man's system. In a tone of gratitude, and a partial tearing eyes, the man managed to stammer out a response, "My son, you've indeed brightened the day of your wretched father, not only have you given me financial care, but had also shown a great concern about my welfare, a statement I've longed to hear for almost 70 years now. As you go, I pray the universal creator brightens your day with a ray of blessing, riches, favour, happiness and a long life. Go in peace my son." He uttered in pleasure.

As the young man turned to leave, he unconsciously ran into another man. The effect of their sudden impact left the file he held to the floor, and the documents contained in it were scattered on the ground. The man too had passed across to offer financial assistance before this incident.

"I'm so sorry Mr." He apologized and bent to pick the files. While collecting the fallen documents, he realized that this young man had been a job seeker and must have been out on that day for the same pursuit... "Excuse me young man, your credentials clearly show that you're fit for a job I have to offer. Can we meet again?"

"Yes, yess. We can," he stutterd.

"If you wouldn't mind, I like you to come over with me for a job interview. I need someone as you to take charge of one of my companies. Please come with me," the man said firmly. "This young man was speechless. Was he dreaming at mid day or something, "too good to be true," he mumbled and followed after the man, or rather, his destiny helper.

His encounter with this man marked the beginning of the manifestation of his life's progress and all he had craved for. He was made the General manager of the company, offered a comfortable house, a car and many other priveledges.The old man's prayer for him had come to pass and it manifested right at that spot and at that time.

"What if he had left without passing along to where his life's blessings and destiny helpers were truly confined? Only that simple deed of kindness could propel him to the right direction, right place and right people in line with his destined life. The young man had a happy life after and lived to tell of the miraculous outcome of his life and fortune."

"Great achievements aren't necessarily in having to be the most intelligent, bravest, richest, or smartest," Dooter went on. "How we treat people is much more important than what we have. You may walk all around in search of a great life, but if you can't be human or sensitive enough to look out for others, you would likely end up with an abbreviated piece of no accomplishment at all. Intellectual and material possessions are no best legacy as compared to leaving behind an impact to the world by how effectively we lived our lives while we are still alive."

"Kindness is a strength indeed, it is a strength capable of penetrating the depth of a human soul. A deed of kindness is like thrusting an arrow that penetrates down the human mind, leaving behind a scar of love and an unforgettable impact to the life of that person. People don't always need our money or materialistic things. As we go through life, we would have people we can lift up, give our little time, words, care, encouragements, help, patience, talents and so on. Just a smile can make someone's day. How we make people feel matters more than the cravings of materialistic possessions that pass on with time. We should help one another, not just because we have to, but because we truly can. Look how clearly Tina Oscar, and the blind man, esteemed and took a great delight in the simple acts of care and concern shown to them."

"H'mm I just hope to be a kind and considerate person too. A lady of integrity, hospitality and generosity," Sedoo said cravingly.

"You are that and so much more my dear. Just at your age you've made me feel a sense of pride and dignity in bringing you up. Not only are you kind and considerate but also, quite irreproachable in terms of academic performance, character and comportment. I know that for a fact," she said and ruffled her hair fondly.

"By the way, congratulations dear! You are finally done with the junior class."

"Yes....!" Sedoo replied elatedly.

"Time really flies, I can't believe my neice shall become a senior student soonest."

"Better do so aunt, cause I'm one already."They gave a hoot of laughter.

"I really missed you aunt, I'm happy I shall be having a whale of time with you for the holiday."

"Yes dear, it's going to be fun all along.. And we are almost home," she said as she drove past a few corner shops situated at the outskirts of their residential location. Tell me, about your exams, hope you wrote well."

"Of course aunt, I sure did. The principal earlier informed us that our results shall be out in a month time. And that we can only check them online when they are ready."

"Not to worry much, I have so much to tell you about school. Get prepared for a lot of chats tonight."

"Ok, dear. Sure will! Dooter giggled again.

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