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CEO's Crush

Chapter 2 In Search for a Job

Word Count: 1050    |    Released on: 27/09/2021



to leave, hearing the hard sound of an eng

you? You just broke

se I'm so caught up in his handsomeness. He looks like a star, so m

w see who's wrong,I have to quarrel a lot with him today. As a poor person, we learn to act dramatic i

d? Help me! Someone help!" I wailed "this man is going

what you did to my baby" he leaned to the car.... "Oh darling, d

just heard him ca

reak or is

g a ca

ld never afford not even in your next lif

e do I have money to pay? "you ruined my dress and I ruined your car, it's call

and back and twi

front of his car. "You're crazy!" I say even tho

s of my car, so gues

one? He answered it still holding my hands behind my back and said "wait for a

he tells me, released my

about me!" He really doesn't know me, and I won't let my face ev

traight to L

dy dressed and w

, where w

quite a while and wait, what h

o what she was saying, i was

t, my stomach and job versus his

t voice "am hungry and I need t

hings since you got here, what's wrong? You seem

n my mood so bad, and again. I'll eat fir

had to re prepare for the morning,

l have to go home to meet my aunt as i remembe

,you kn

t?" sh

just not for me" I tell her after a long walk in the sun. I'm 100% percent su

a job sooner or later" she tried talking to me with s

,before she spoke again

iousity in me and open my eyes so wide an

ime ago ,she said she worked at a renowned fas

o" i

you need to stay with me but you always reject... You're like an old

call her no

y?" i

d pls don't ask me another question so I don't go crazy"

ll now" she said look

ll "ashlyn ,lets go,

disbelief, i never belie

much, you get nothing*

ver me, every time, I learn to live like This sin

is crucial time?" She asked me with a

go then

and feeling disturbed and me, so dizzy, if I don't get a job today, I'll fo


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