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CEO's Crush

Chapter 5 I won't fire you.

Word Count: 1045    |    Released on: 27/09/2021



soft. I arranged myself in the couc

ep for a while before hearing some n

th. Guess who's back? He's here looking at me. I wonde

lips before staring at his watch. "Actually I watched you sleep past 4, the dea

nds to feel my cheek, I was so plus. I slept this long b

perly?" Seems like he's a mind reader. "No I won't ,I have something that would b

my eyes "wha

time you're done ,you're free to go hom

this is

e pointed at the chai

he files "START!". I started to

the minute, and my boss was playing a movie on his laptop. He seems so happy, shining

me "Miss shor

e notice the problem? The problem is that I have a home to be at, even though this man may

and I had not gotten

ntinuous, so he noticed it was already late,

harp, He stood up and started

... My sweat is in this. "Next time you know not to mess with me. And A

ling him here for today, I can't. I'm so quiet till we reach down of the building. He passed his office keys to th


look, aunt alrea

door, knowing its l

ndow slightky and s

ed with weary eyes. I'm n

ith rich men you're coming back by this tim

m really so annoyed on my own and di

me good to let me come in. I'm so tired, pls open the doo

She sneered "Go away y

er if I could sleep over for tonight. I really don't have time for

nd I went ther

me and she didn't even welc

what's wron

swered "ashlyn,do y

i answ

ver liked her while we were In school he said he just follow

iah, you know I will never get c

d her that time without numbers"

s face li

orking with the boss

o sleep? on my first day on the job, he gave me so mu

e's handsome"

ee him to be

lushing" they both said

crush on him, how can I? Just on th

saying it now and also, haven't you

t up and ran to the bath

did not know he's such a dick head, I admired him, but now... We're at the sa

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