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The Alpha's Fairy

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1264    |    Released on: 20/07/2021


in my hair. I have my long hair curled perfectly. My mother finally comes into the room with the

r work. "You look beautiful, Lau

my queen," I

ls to my mother as we come down the stairs. "I know, Pip, we are running late, but

oing to say that you look beautiful, A

ng," she says to him, kissi

territory. My father's right hand, Fairy, Jeb, is waiting and opens the carriage d

do not want one of these wolves to

My heart sinks, knowing wh

me it will be okay. I know she has my back, but now I am

and other creatures that I am not entirely sure what they are,

oaches. "Hello, my friends. I am so happy to see you came. I am Selene, and I wi

. We take our seats. I look around at all the other creatures and wolves danc

le. "Where are you go

around; I will not g

o my leaving the table. I run straigh

u are here to break his heart wait until

site. I have to see

I will take yo

use, I can hear Luther and his father going over his speech. Selene k

nyone right now

behind her. "Not

He picks me up. "My goodness, you look beautif

in private?

es my hand, and we walk to a bedroom down the hall. H

u decided?" L

til the cere

ore I have to give my sp

w. I want to marry you, Luther, and be you

and kisses me. I let my tongue slide into his mouth and press my body to him

, Luther,"

my back and make their way under my dress. I can feel him touch my ass

o do this now," L

we do,

flowers in my hair. "you are so perfect," Luther says. His mouth goes straight for

rvous and scared, but I want him, and I want it to happen tonight. I want tonight to be special for so many re

body is pressed to me as he makes his way to my lips. He kis

s so painful. "Just relax and let me inside you, a

to my virginal pussy. I moan so loud as he pushes into me. He begins to thrust in

I want him, and I am going to have him now. He kisses my neck as he goes in and out of me. I can

begin to moan louder. I cannot help myself. Luther pushes into me and growls a deep wo

pack tonight that I have chosen a wife, and then you will jo

ha," I sa

love you,"

I say to him, tu

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