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The Alpha's Fairy

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1086    |    Released on: 20/07/2021


le of the fairy tribe lands. The small tinks follow me and t

Laura?" one of the

am at the annoyin

through the large french doors. I rush out to speak with her, not knowing my father is also out th

k to you; it is very i

father answers me. I really did n

new Alpha. We are all invited to attend tonigh

go to that?" m

iends with the wolves; you never know when we might nee

e time for fun,"

nvited us?" m

the forest edge and invited me. I r

not say no to her. That is why I will tell her about Luther first. There has

ble. The way he kisses me touches me and makes my body ache for him. I have a feeling that if I do not commit to him sooner, I wil

d be his wife. I will give myself to him completely tonight in

so different than living with a wolf pack. I know things will be d

l going to be with Luther tonight. I go into my room and start going through my clos

purple flowers and maybe a few blue and pink ones. I want to be beautiful for Luther tonight. Not only for when

hair and wings, I hear a knock on my bedroom doo

ed to talk,"


convinced him to go to the celebration tonight. I know you are planning to marry this wolf, and I will try my best to contain your father, but give him t

know, my quee

e a lot of little tinks with enormou

ling bit.. I mean those

up with a wolf does not mean you shoul

have known they would t

ot your father. Even the tinks are scare

t. "I have a beautiful veil you can wear with this; I wil

ou," I s

ant before you make this leap. There is no turning back onc

love him,"

much more to a relationship and love. How will you handle all of that? There is a home and childre

have thought about everything. I do not want to leave my tribe,

back to help you get d

rvous, but I know this is the right thing for Luther and me. I know lo

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