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The Alpha's Fairy

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 20/07/2021

a Lu

n tonight. Tonight I take my place permanently as Alpha. My ailing father can no

t condone the sneaking around and hiding the relationship. She does not think it is good for the pack or the relations with

h of my younger brothers, and I settle on the porch—my

ke a decision. The alpha of this pack cannot be having a secret love affair with a

er, I only wanted to give her time to

he has had plenty of time to fess up; tonight

and I love her. I want h

th you, or you need to let her go. If she doesn't love you enough to be with you, then you are only hurting yourself, not to mention

ssary for the pack, no

her family. A fairy and a wolf would make powerf

am in love with her. I am in love with her because she is

If she does not accept your offer, you m

woods I met a scared little fairy so many years ago. The day I fell in love with her an

the house preparing for tonight, but I need just one more glimpse i

me. She is everything to me. I cannot live without her. I

ht. Just think tonight is the last night mother can boss you aro

a yet," I yell

I love you, Laura Angel. Soon you will be mine, forever. I

as head of the pack until I take over at midnight. There will be a lot of changes that tak

ues that pass through our land. They never cause any problems, and we do not give them any either. A

him. I really do not have time to fight anyone right now. I have a mother to piss off and the love of my

tantrum," my mother asks

e your son, but I am also your

all these responsibilities I have been covering for your father, and let me tell you some

. Surely you can meddle in Drake and Silas's love life for

I need to spend time with my father before the ceremo

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