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Falling in love with...

Chapter 3 Lily- The new manager

Word Count: 1031    |    Released on: 14/06/2021

ie. It was basically the same job but in a bigger place with new people. I took a big breath and I w

d and tall woman,” I am Lily Smith

e you are, love. You are transferred from the Vallerian LaLa quarter

ap of the place and she tells me how to get to my Depar

tment I am greeted by

e Vallerian quarters. I have been waiting for you. I will show you around. Also, a n

sharply. It could not be him. She

the matter?”


ine”, and I forc

he loved, the one she ran away from

offered this job I didn't hesitate to accept, because

would never love her, not the way she loved him. Besides, she came back home to forget him. Just bec

anager Peet, I say looking at the man in front of

to scream at the man. She hated that he was here. Hat

on Wednesday and the next day I was here. A

t at his thirty-three years, he never loved a woman and he was not about to lie to someone just to make that person feel better. To his surprise, Lily

the LaLa company - 150 years since it was founded. From what she heard the company will organize many events and will

u will be part of team D and the team will organize a charitable event. Next meeti

popular singer for our charity event and the money

ht now, to our charity event,” I conclude in our next meeting. “The LaLa company is already

th”, the manager said. “Wha

roposition I explained was the b

ure Luke Hunter will sin

, the manager sto

e name of Luke Hunter rings a bell. I

“He is a good

you can be his assistant, the person to explain to

can do

Then I will leave

ily that invited him to the event. He did not want to disappoint her by refus

will be your assistant for the upco

for informing

her? The fact of seeing and working with her made him happy. He did not understand his new feeling toward Lily, and he did

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