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Falling in love with...

Falling in love with...

Author: Amy T

Chapter 1 Lily - Childhood friends

Word Count: 1358    |    Released on: 14/06/2021

r, similar but different in the same time? Imagine having the possibility to live your life in so many ways because for every choice you make in one world in a parallel world another yo

hem? Will he love her back? Will she have a future with him? How will this affect her and her friends? Will their live

the moment I got

hose party hats. I suspect this was Abel's idea. I was very happy to see them after five years of being in another country. It filled my

finish my studies, and moved to the Vallerian Kingdom, and started to work there for a company from the Tulip Kingdom. At the same time as I started my studies, I got my job at the company that produced the most famous can

friend, Luke, and gave him the great news. He promised to mak

the day I gave him the great new

'm sure you're already busy. ” I felt like I

for you, my little

me years ago when we were kids. I never figured out why he c

Luke, I do o

when you arrive here. And brin

for him and the other guys. It was like their tradition that began when they were fifteen years old. Lily first used them

ght, I

o depressed to take care of him. Sadly, my mother and father died when I was 18. We were gonna spend the day together when a car hit our car. My folk

ppy that the airplane flight was over. I never liked flying, it

at I decided to come back. We made little conversations as we walk towards her car. If flying made me nerv

bout everything and anything. Sara works for the

together," she says. "Even though

say, and then I loo

y sapphire adorned her ring finge

the right time," she tells me. "Jeremy

py, she and Jeremy have

,” I tell her because

? But I was an ordinary girl, nothing special at home, 1.55m, long wavy brow

irst person I ever fell in love with. The moment I saw him my heart started pounding fast and when I look

about you in a romant

said yes right then and there. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret

boyfriend while in the Vall

till singl


s reminded me of a lot of things. That's where I grew up with Luke, Taka, Caleb, Drake, and the brothers Hunter Abel, Sam, and Taylor. I was wondering when I might see the guys again. It’s been years since we've all hanged out

," Sara said and helpe

rents' death that I've been here. When they died, I was in college and living wi

etter get it over with,' I said

into my apartment and I see all m

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