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Falling in love with...

Chapter 2 Lily- The party

Word Count: 1202    |    Released on: 14/06/2021

ment. But seeing all her childhood friends made her happy, very happy. And she felt miserable for a long time. Looking at them, she

am so happy," I said

't miss your return home for nothing in the w

lds his arms. Listen, I'm here because you dragged me here. I h

n the party we put on for Lily,” sa

g something worthwhile, not attending a party t

“You are free to go. And the hat isn't st

s and takes

against my will,” Drakes says. “Luke has always been too pro

urge to stick m

l says. “ This way, we do

so I'm going to s

e says, “we are here to

ine, even more beautiful than before. Same dark blonde hair, blue eyes, right nose, square chin, and full lip

is embrace. "You look exactly the same. I

”, I

e goes by quick

s a new piercing on your eyebrow! In t

er. And I'm sure he had a

cratches the ba

s to say hello to Lil

raced by my friends. Even Drake hugs me and murmurs something that sounded a lot like

Smith,” and b

ith Luke, though. Luke had two BFFs, Lily an

group who hadn't spoken to her for eight years. The hug was a li

re her mom and dad died. After that, the pain was too much and

d recalling old childhood memories. Then they talked about

ng Taka on the shoulder, just t

ttle, he always says that one day he will play for FC Tulip club, the best football club in the kingd

u were going to play for the FC Tulip Cl

a few seconds and then

“For friends from childhood and t

uys withdrew to their homes, but Luke stayed behind.“Finally,” he s

girl of her memories. She was a grown-up woman now. And she turned out to be so beautiful, even more beautiful than he exp

ith him on the sofa. I want you to tell me everything

The last one was a huge mistake, he should never have gone out with her. The wom

ng her one month ago

take his love life seriously. I couldn'

about you?

ed because I didn't un

happened to you when you were in the Vallerian King

and cuddling. He wanted to cheer her up not as a childhood friend, but as a man because he was a man and she was a woman. And while she was in his arms, he stared at her and saw her as he had never seen her before. She w

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