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A slave of honour

Chapter 5 A test

Word Count: 827    |    Released on: 05/06/2021

tary training? "This is to test your pote

rming, you'll be chosen by one of the royal families. "If Your Martial art skills

and you know everything about cooking and that; "


o them as they asked them to fight each other.

low sword as a sword was give

be a soldier?. "Atleast, when she has learnt many fighting skills she can use it

her partner who she was about to fight with. Her height

thug. Everybody was amazed by the skills and force she just applied in fall

sen to farm, while the ones who won were chosen as the palace sol

heir training field. "I hope you guys have been training hard because t

as they stopped at the sight of Elizabeth. "Arrest her, Pri

from here. While all these was happening, everybody was b

ou try telling me what to do. Do you know what this good for nothing maid di

nths of staying here, she'll learn the rules. Miss Kim utter as she scoffed. "Just get your

me, I didn't do anything, I did nothing wrong, '' Princess Elizabeth uttered as


the palace. As little as she was, all the good memories reflected back at her a

. She has to be brave. It was around dawn tim

etreating when she called again. "Please help me, don't go away?? I promise to repay you with anything in the future

arry me. She whines and the boy walks to

onight. She asked as he sighed. "Follow me. He utter as she follows him

g what a small boy like him could be doing there instead of s

suggested as he smirked. "Really, can't you just keep quiet for a while. I think I've lost my

t utter a word again,


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