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A slave of honour

Chapter 4 Training

Word Count: 803    |    Released on: 05/06/2021

as she didn't know wh

her pride, if not for everybody staring at

ended to her mom chamber...on her way there, she encountered "princess lola,. the

ing thing?. Princess anne utter as princess lola scoff. "Was someone on your view? I don't have

er. She rapidly lumber to her mother chamber and founded her being messaging by

s her mother simper. "you're my daughter and I know you more than you know yourself. So you can

hallenge me and enraged me, I want her to be

st let the guards know of her crim


to some building as she first give them some food to eat b

little rice as there was

st a white cook rice,serve in a little plate. Prince

s one black girl who have been watching her since walk toward where she was plo

You should eat whatever is been given to you here because som

Hygiene my foot? Who are you to protest whatever is been gi

th their hands fist. "You don't protest here, "who do yo

y retreat her word, smirking?. " I think we should teach this litt

sudden hand?. Turning backwards, she saw the black girl who had appro

g,they usually prepared us for war...by training some of us wh

oo wicked, "how can they allow someone to do that

hey're mere servant to the royal family?they serve them

they be s

r hand for shake!. "I'm princess Elizabeth?... Sorry,

carried your working equipment and ran to the farm immediately. The white woman

re and you do anything been ask of you

thinking of breaking the rule

a test before finally gettin


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