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A slave of honour

A slave of honour


Chapter 1 Conceited

Word Count: 1127    |    Released on: 15/05/2021

mat as she listened to her history teacher

t me on this particular topic? Little Miss Elizabeth whined as he stroked his

what my mom sees in you... Before applying to you! "You're j

o something? She's a princess, while

topic?. "No, you're fired? I won't have you here

front? She rasped in as he glared at her in bewilderment. He couldn't b

ng? He mumbled to himself about Wending out of the roo

d back to see who must have slapped him only to find the "q

e stutters his head bow in

ay those...... " You didn't mean.. "but that's what

eked as he pleaded. " I'm sorry my queen? It was the work of the dev

old me we will only end up being a slave to another kingdom?

y those big words to this little girl? She th

eling proud of herself? That's a warning for threatening her about her people being e

ECCA" a black woman who was enslaved in his father's pal

other glaring at her body to

te men and women teaching me? She uttered

ny black intelligent woman to teach you? He

will be visiting? Her mother uttered as she went to h

t be seen loo


story teacher!; They release him as he trek the way to his vil

as true after it has been confirmed with her own two eyes. he couldn't believe such

ob? He just did that to get back at the "K

y,she rushed to him, seeing him looking so pale

y are you bleeding?. His wife cooed touching his face?. "It'

t happened; were you beaten because of that worth

enge on the king again?. "Yes honey, "don't worry I'll talk


e as the maid escorted her to the palace entrance? S

sed as she touched her cheeks? "Come on Eli's, let's go and play

nd. "Stop referring to me as "Eli's ``, call me Princes

the word you said about white people "Us". "Seriously, "how could she be? "th

hould be treated equally despite the rank and sta

eant to be slaves or one thing and another, "why didn't their parents give th

..every king does that?. "No, they don't? "It isn't normal and it should be stopped,

xchanges sla

why my sister stopped visiting you and this

p playing with me like your sister did. I have my doll to play with, with then? h

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