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The golden Flame

Chapter 9 Enchanted forest

Word Count: 1859    |    Released on: 26/03/2021

I need to see them. I want to see them alive and have to kill th

king me that moment I came to know where iam.iam just stunn

" I stammered to say that. Regina didn't said any

egina. atleast one time" I sa

ou saw from

election was conducted and

m, my dad"

what h

nd killed my mom and they escaped leavi

I saw you. this moment I have b

my family, but are they re

parallel universe.there may be a chance of livin

i saw that vision.how can I not remember anything in that age.

removed your memory

hat if I didn't find y

now the problem is the people should know

revenge and I will do whatever takes to kill h

. dont tell me yo

n't there will be no use of y

here i

heal anyone or any

healed your sister"

the dagger. now Isabel don't think of the past

ill we

llow me," she said and

n tell the information before she knows,

eading my mind,"

ught of ass

is soo brighter lights and o

ng the entrance". after Regina stood in front of the mirror, the top view came from the castle a

"Regina says and grabbed me to the mirror and everyone confusingly stared at m

r back, there will be coronation within days"

here," she asked

nd we are going to tell to everyone"T

g him" I shouted

't even talk in front of me" she says an

hing. I know everything going in

n't stop me, are you thinking

if I

ut of here" she commanded

to do whatever she tells" as I sa

f me now"the moment I sa

control,"Tyler sa

dy can resist my power. get out of here" s

t up" I l

w," Regina said and

me. why she is declaring me as her dau

ghter and if we didn't kil

n where is

e l

you think she will leave her daughter.well may

over-stressed for this"Tyler caugh

r through which she kill

y can't

ied, it's in


may never have seen him

ucceded in getting tha

t be easy killing her, why can'

. his house in an enchanted forest

iam so tired now".

sabel. sleep now"Damon says to me.



mber don't go alo

, Re

you at 12 o'cloc


why she keeps on cheeking me.i may be impor

now all b

t.iam rea

ll. It's already 10 pm. I w

ated a slide from my room t

and got hit

you Damon. What the he

y. I came down before

.go. don't stop me "I st

into the woods. Goddamn, now Iam hearing

stance, I got shocked and skipped. I wa

the hel

freak out

are you fo

swered and turne

a you

leave you here

can I make it. then h

sure you are safe without any

having hope. now come with m

nd reached a house whi

hould go insi

ill crumble and fall at any moment. There are many ro

sabel screa

r place and there's a dead man lying over t

e all seems

safe can we go n

il I find something. Th

light coming

will go there you to st

d there's a box which looks like a treasure box.i I dont feel like it contains treasure.because its covered with blood on the outside.

sight of a

or with my power itself.there's a golden light flashes before its ope

things looks like traditional but whatever I found what I was searching.the

and daggers.but this one looks familiar.i took it from there and I recognized it.it

don't know it but I have get away from here. I searched the box for any evidence to

I opened the box.in that there's an old dress which is soo dusty lying .its covered with blood on the middle part of it.the dress is shiny and it's a re

er and louder as I turned a

" asked a fierce man w

n him somewh

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