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The golden Flame

Chapter 2 Unknown power

Word Count: 1894    |    Released on: 26/03/2021


in my aunt Isabel you finally woke up my aunt asked. I

are you okay my aunt again a

nt, now what

feeling well you ca

id and got ready. Then I saw my

door after my aunt left. I can sure its Damon's


you. I am happy that you

at happened af

and the thing is he is in our academy

got damaged, it looks like its bu

of hitting in the tr

Damon, the tree

op this talk, I am n

ou help her get ready. I will mee

ng ready" I que

not isa, s

re of that". after that I got ready

reached our academy,

with Damon," I asked her

e doing with her" s

ignoring me every ti

etty to be y

and was about to kiss him.damon leaned closer and suddenly he pus

.." Vivic

nd left. I felt somewhat relieved. actuall

our class,"

stly before I can tell sectumsempra.we

you that there's a party tonig

re," Sel

u didn't te

never gone

an come now," Se

in our dorm.all are nice, I think I am not any collection lik

ok cute

doing here ... I mean" I bl

u should wear this dress tonight".as he said

ou, now I am thinking of changing m

aring at me.finally hse selected a blue dress.at the time Damo

bright smile invited into the house.the

," Selena said to me.after that she spotted a fr

o see my room".i turned a

oks according t

he lead me to the stairs and

he books are mostl

n't like romance but yo

e, but I like fict

turned to see his face.he's soo near to me and staring at me like a doll. I am feeling nervous aroun

meone yell

d him down to the hall and the crowd has increased. I sit next to Damon on

s time for t

ve us if we told no"D

tle".he spun it and it showed it to a

h or


to kiss a

take a shot"

be interesting".by the time my pho

you going" Dam

said and scrambled outside.she will be d


el, where

t am in Se

soo loud".oh no w

I can't he


the hall. my place was occupied by some guy.so I sat opposite to damon.they again

er. our Damon and a n

heck is

sist now or not?before deciding Damon gone to the nearby closet and followed

soo close that I can feel his breath and I don't want this 7 minutes to get over."talk s

ooked up as he is higher than me. then suddenly he kissed me. nobody kissed me in my life and my eyes are open at that minute. I closed it and kissed him back.his lips is Soo soft and he is kissing me softly. I

e has gone,

talking," Dam

ken.i just don't like drinking.damon e

you, "a boy said to me. He's

he guy who hit

iam sorr

ou sho

was damaged I don't know how that happened but it did.i

that".i walked away from him but he stopped and pushed me into the water.i was tot

out of my hands and I felt The same pain I felt yesterday. the force I pushed the guy, he is injured. I don't know what to do. all the tables and chairs outside are crashed. I ran and wished I would have disappeared. Then I skipped and fell, I again felt embarrassed by my moments. when I stand up D

ee me. I wish they could see me." hey Isabel why are you like this, I asked where you have been.but you hanged


top me so I hone to my room and put on new clothes.it really felt weird, how can nobody can see me and how did I get powe

took my phone and dialed his

have you gone. you

t on purpose. I felt weird.

should get some rest

uestion what happ

see you tomorrow".he hanged up after that. I am still not feeling clear at what exa

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