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The golden Flame

Chapter 7 Who the hell is she

Word Count: 1202    |    Released on: 26/03/2021


t me. now I should think about only

i raised up and can I can only form a shape


your business. I

do you

over a boy," she

ho cries for a bo

top" she

he moment she raised her hand and statue

ve you d

to talk with me, if

ry. let's see who

my hand up no matter how it hurts. I feels my hand burning and sooner the places around me started burning. the trees got fire. I cant able to hold on to it. we both stop

you, but you cant bet me thi

go," I said and got re

fighting with you, are

l you then you kill me one day or another.i

r is a hunger to kill me. I know what I have to do now.

coward, fi

o. as she raised the sword, I bent down and I got her from behind.it may look stabbing in the

re a c

her throat a few inches away. her cheek i

place. I coughed soo hard till its gone. soon the burning fire was vanishing from my sight. I turned to see

e cas

nd the hall telling w

d not have

told me, still you

ldish, just g

was about to leave but Damon ca

left her. I won't t

ou are just a human, you d

t us back to our place. you cant do that.then how a

t her now" Regina com

ice" Tyler listened carefully without a s

e both her friends at the bridge.i will go now


o get up.at least I have to reach halfway near th

half-opened I saw Tyler. but I can't give any response

ssed it without seeing the face. all I know is so

iam in my room and Regina, Tyler

don't need to get

I got up and Tyler

sorry for

y fault. I shouldn

happened after I left, "T

ill her in the future if she didn't kill me. I tried to manage and fight with her and I did it.but s

e to figure out this is all so confusing," Regina

totally feels dangerous.we can live in

ith all unknown powers. actually, I can contro

ith you as long as

have been my best frie

l alwa

ng"Regina interrupt

om.iam wearing in since my childhood

you. why don't I notice it all this time? its the nec

through this only I came to th

ace in my hand and saw the stone again. suddenly I felt like I passed out. Everything is absolutely dark and alone. Iam standing alone in a dark place w

, "he sai

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