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Uncle Sam's Boys with Pershing's Troops Dick Prescott at Grips with the Boche


Word Count: 1616    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

eant Kelly, hearing an angry voic

n, men who had been drafted to the National Army and sent to th

tones of Corporal Barrow, as he g

poor mutt-heads!" rasped the corporal.

put it on, and stepped out into the corridor,

ed out Corporal Bar

llows think you'll

But Barrow, a young man of twenty-two, who had received his chevrons afte

ment!" the young non-com went on. "Your p

minute or two, Corpo

ed placidly. "I've

Kelly, who, placing a hand on the young man's shoulder, walked him some distance away. S

it to be in a regiment of Regulars? Do you know your left foot from your right? You know as much about the manual of arms as I do abo

Barrow soon forgot to be indig

ded, thickly, his lower j

ked Sergeant Kelly, his own strong jaw thrust ou

nded the corporal, wit

being spoken to li

dropped back int

t squad like hearing you talk to

ch numbskulls!"

on them all the time," Sergeant Kelly continued. "Could I make

w you co

ng else will answer. Talk to the men right along as I heard you doing, and they won't have a particle of respect for you. That being the case, you cannot teach them anything that it will be worth their while to know.

" Barrow answered,

edley is the most patient drill-master in the company. Sha

, Serg

it necessary," smiled Kelly. Then his hand, still resting on the

me you want to know," was Kelly's l

one of the things a new soldier is likely to do badly at

y singled out the soldier

d horizontally when it touches your hat-brim. Hold it the way I am doing. Don't be in a hurry to let hand fall, either. When saluting an officer, keep the hand at the hat-brim until he has returned the salute

hat the squad has drill enough in the salute, for a man is never a really good soldier until he can render a salu

e salute of each rookie as he passed, the young company

Prescott said, as he turned away. "

precise salute as he received hi

l in! Mark time, mar

p, hip! Squad h

had paused an instant to glance back.

d, Sergeant," Dick announced. "The men are doing first-rate for n

replied, without

ecruit, Sergeant. If you ever see a non-com in this compa


in hearing of the squad unles

t Kelly promised,

ompany to full str

ing in on the 4.10 train this afternoon is exp

companies of the Ninety-ninth appeared to promise t

ure to have the clothing requisitions for them all in shape




sfer to this regiment when I was ordered t

k you

t. He now stood at salute a

d to A company, were marched to barracks after ten. No man in the detachment h

he measurements of the new men on paper and his clothing requisit

irst call to reveille s

sh-room at the rear of barracks. Then back again, the final touches being administered. Outside a bugle blew, calling the men to first formation. Then

t stepped briskly in

t the end of each squad room. At 8.25 turn the company out with barracks bags and dismiss after the bags have been placed. At 8.40 turn out the compa

th a quiver. "Of course you

ent is mov

of embarkation, Sergeant. We'

e the office door, for instantly, so it see

s have



, as he stepped into the corridor. "This is Georgia, an

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