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Uncle Sam's Boys with Pershing's Troops Dick Prescott at Grips with the Boche


Word Count: 2638    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

amining Sergeant Mock's feet for twenty minutes, and t

ublished reducing the sergeant to the rank of private. Yet, on the whole, the ex-sergea

e noon meal that day, as he was on his way to his quarte

rtinet," said Cartwright,

Holmes, "but what ar

sergeant busted for havi

o," Greg decl

me I'm a liar?" Cartw

with preferring unjustifiable charg

sergeant for doing his own thin

e driving," Holmes went on, patiently, "but I've already

e a liar again!"

eturned Greg coolly, an

Captain Cartwright, taking a quic

coffed Holmes. "You're eager to

a door opened behind him, and Dick Prescott ca

t, Cartwright

other striving though failing

re to strike Holmes he would be practically bound to thrash you, or else to prefer charges. In either case th

other anywhere and at all time

willing to perjure himself, and Dick flushed,

of you now, Cartwrigh

ptain Cartwright wheeled and aimed a vi

arm thrust up h

t, Cart

ow. Dick parried with a thrust, but this time his other fist landed on Cartw

step was heard

op this! What

f authority and outr

es flashing, st

have an instant explanation of this scene. Officers

elf to smile as he saluted; he

y, "that developed into bad blood for the m

Prescott?" dema

, s


, s

n would prove satisfactory to the E.O. of the Nin

that it was all frolic then I would have thought no more of it. But I have been assured that there was a misunderstand--a quarrel that proceeded to blows.

rotested Cartwright, "except that I do not harb

, and other officers of the Ni

ved from duty. I will notify all three of you, however, at a later hour, and will then hear y

to the group of officers t

range construction. I am aware that you have not yet had a chance to send it

Saluting, he darted down the corridor, ope

Colonel Cleaves, returning the first lie

below the entire group of younger officers stood as tho

Three of you look as though the moon we

o back into his quarters. "You will realize, as we do, that the first di

lowed hi

hope it will. A certain officer took what I thought too much liberty with me, and when I resented

rescott turned on his friend with eyebrows signi

to his quarters, for the steps of many

g. Greg walked over to the window and stood

watch and laying down his book at last. "After that I'll go out and see how the platoon commanders

nd also from Boston. Some day we may hope to

panies are filled," Prescott smiled, as he stood

the recent trouble with Cartwright, not even when they crossed

was taking place beyond the window in front of his desk. His four second lieutenants were in command of the platoons

tt at last arose, stretched slightly, then

r one of his lieutenants e

st effective thrusts with the bayonet can be de

to the spot in the small of his own b

. Page, you will stand out. It isn't a popular role to which I am going to assign you, but you will run slowly past me and represent a fleeing enemy. Dobson, you will take a blob-stick and chase Page, running just fas

ate Page stepped out and took post where the lieutenant indicated, prepared to begin running away at the word of command. Private Dobson picked up a blob-stick, a

ork! Any enemy, struck like that in earnest, could safely be left to himsel

he blob-stick. As is usual in the run of human affairs, some of the men mad

t, presently, and the men sto

e of coming back from Europe alive. The man who learns it indifferently has very little chance of seeing his native land at the close of the war. Remember that. Bayonet fighting is one of the th

swift, savage lunge aimed at the other's abdomen. In a twinkling the thrust had been parried by Lieutenant Morris, who, at close quarters, aimed a vicious jab at his captain'

each France, should be able to fight fas

soldiers impossible that a more skillful or a swifter bit

here," Prescott ordered, and the bayoneted rif

t four series, as fast as we can

really seemed as though Lieutenant Morris and Captain Prescott were bent on annihilating each other. Could this fierce, mutual onslaught be pretense--play? Then, as the last move of the fourth series was executed the two infantry

with what we want you men to be when this regiment sails for France,"

others in his company, offering a rema

n Prescott announced. "No lady-like thrusts will ever push a bayonet into a


sir, and he will see the captain in his

. Down the street he espied Greg, also going toward headquarters, and hurried after him. O

as a low one-story pine shed, with the colonel's office at one end, the adjutant's office next to it, and beyon

xactly at ease as they entered t

er will see you at on

ugh into h

om his desk, gravely returned t

mes," directed the K.O. "Now, gentlemen, I will hear whatever explanation

thers wished to speak first. After waiti

s you who struck the kno

, "though it followed a parry, and

Captain Cartwright

ially s

n a quarrel, h

yed at what I felt to be an insinuation. Then Captain Prescott came out of his quarters, sir, and caught Captain Cartwright's wrist. When Captain Prescott released it,

hat, Captain Cartwr


Colonel Cleaves, handing him a small pie

d glanced at it he felt himself tu

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