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Uncle Sam's Boys with Pershing's Troops Dick Prescott at Grips with the Boche


Word Count: 2478    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

, standing in the shadow of the end of the barracks of his company. Among other re

ere on hand, his lieutenants among the first. Within saving time all the re

directed First Serg

a few cases of confusion, for some of the m

ts to see to it that each man knows his exa

r," repl

s, if any, in their squads. The counting of

call his own number instantly and clearly. For instance, when one man has called 'two' let the man at his left call 'three' wit

enant responded, stepp

s, facings, the manual of arms, whee

nother. Everything that was done badly he noted. Presently, when the men were standing at ease he r

he barracks building, going to the company office, whither Sergeant Kelly had preceded him. Kelly, and a

ttention to the papers that Sergeant Kelly handed him. Such as required signature Captain Prescott signed. Then, for fifteen minutes, he busied himself with requisitions for clothing and equipment. Af

afternoon until reveille tomorrow morning," reported Di

hrough the names,

e saluted officers very indifferently when passing them, and once Hartley had to be spoke

ral Aspen

rporal's convenience this evening. Have the corporal drill Private Hartley at l

offer the capta


lly reported. "May I direct Corporal Aspen to keep Hartley up and give the instruction in saluting after

ber better. A soldier who offers his salutes in a slovenly fashion is always a long way from being a really good soldier. And, Sergea

stepped outside. His lieutenants being already on the drill ground he gave them brief directions as to the instruction to be imparted

attalion, under Major Wells, marched o

head of the battalion some o


n the left foot. A few of the recruits

close up!" ordered Li

o keeping the in

d closed in accordance, sergeants and cor

cted, and then up the gradual ascent of a low hill from which a spread-out view of the camp was to be had. On all the out-lying roads, at this time, bodies of troops were to be seen marching in various directions. At a distance these columns of

down mercilessly on them, the soldiers began to perspire freely. Another fi

of their marching, and correcting what he could by low spoken commands. Whenever the last of the company had passed Prescott ran along by the marching men until he had gained the head. If the men suffered acute discomfo

any, was hobbling along. Now, as he turned to glance backward, he sa

ore, he knew Major Bell would give the order for a counter-march, and the first battalion would swing

geant?" the young capta

the ground to stand at attention, but hi

Greg, "and tell

ing me, sir," gro

all right at assembly--lively enough then. Has hal

sergeant's loo

feet. So I had to drop out. If you'll permit it, sir,

ou," Greg went on. "But I don't understand your feet giving

ffering just the same, sir," rejoin

ee," Greg

unlacing a shoe Captain Holmes glanced up the road

t it, Sergeant

ck took off his shoe, then slowly t

foot?" Greg demande

, sir; they b

her foot, or do you wish to ge

an't wa

ly inspecting the foot and feeling

brasion of any kind, or any callous. There isn't even a corn. That's as healthy a

to" is a word the Army has borrowed from t

march, sir," cri

d send an ambulance for you. If I have to send an ambulance I'll have you examined at the hospital, and if I find you've bee

ock on, Mock

" Greg insi

my best to

here, and be sure you march all the way in," Greg orde

y at the head of the line, foll

me, Sergeant," G

h Sergeant Mock stood up by the tim

ered, and waited to see his order obe

e roadside, Greg chanced to glance backward. He was just in time to see Serge

, Greg Holme

he called. "You can't sham in B

groaned th

of B company fall out and come

hed themselves from the com

the battalion. If he shirks, prod him with the points of your bayonets. Do

gan Mock pr

your feet examined by a surgeon when you come in. Unless the surg

thought he heard a sound like a hiss. In his opinion it came from som

tail of the battalion. As the last company halted on the dril

ed," said the top, "you're not

manded Mock, his fac

ds. Remember that," saying which First

ake a careful examination of Sergeant Mock's feet. For some reason the surgeon did not come promptly. The evening meal

Mock, turning, saw a man in civilian garb

stranger. Still surly,

yed the

r, in a low voice, "but I want to offer you my sympathy. Say, bu

keenly at Mock, the disgruntle

tain? He

stranger promptly. "Will

bust me," said

o "break." It means to red

stand it?" deman

beat the captain's game

going to pa


aybe I've something against your captain, too. Anyway, keep mum and tak

anything, and besides he was born lucky. Besides that, do anything to hurt him, an

as it is to do it to either," promise

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