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The Young Captives

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2028    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

action. Around him, on a rich carpet, were several large scrolls of manuscript, while, in his hand, he held carelessly what appeared to be a well-arranged map of battle fi

plexities, he bestowed much thought on his own favorite studies; and one of his most prominent desires was the perpetuity and advancement of learning among his subjects. A dull individual, however high in his rank, could never share the company of the young King of Babylon. All who moved within the royal enclosures, whether as courtiers, under-officers, or domestics,

e pleasure of m

n this matter was somewhat different from mine. Far be it from me to cast any reflection on the judgment of my illustrious father; but the glory and splendor of my empire are on the forward march, and things at the royal palace must not be permitted to fall in the rear. I am about to lay a foundation to a me

the laws of etiquette, and court customs and maxims, so as to be of efficient service to the king, and at the same time reflect honor on their stations. About their instruction there must be nothing shallow or superficial. There must be thorough work. For this they must have reasonable time. I therefore appoint the period of their studying to be three years, at the end of which let them be brought before the king for examination; and let those who will be able to gi

he orders of his illustrious sovereign, which are always

ining to the duties of his office. For a long time he had served as a confidential servant of the king's father, and was

nd Ashpenaz," said Barze

ur excellent Barzello,"

ings move on a

narch is bent on thorough ref

never pause until the work is perfe

udah and Egypt to be placed under proper instructions to prepare them, after three years' training, to be royal waiters at the palace. In thy wisdom thou art to select from amon

These four are noble specimens of humanity-beautiful in bodily form and complexion, and truly amiable and excellent in mind. I will assure my worthy friend that, of all the acquaintances I ever formed among men, and they have been quite numerous in different lands, none ever impressed me so favorably as these four youths from the land of Judah. They worship no god but the Go

fords me much pleasure to hear such a favorable report of those who are to be placed under my charge;

without delay to the young men's apartments;

avor-but where is thy sweet Jupheena? This call will hardly recom

Ashpenaz will have no objection to

better, m

into the presence of the delighted officers. Perreeza never appeared lovelier. Attired in the rich, flowing simplicity of her Hebrew costume, with a degree of blus

ly," said Ashpenaz, gazing with wo

Judah by the hand, and, ap

f her own accord, accompanied her brothers to the land of t

shpenaz, bowing low. "I hope the partial

te of the house of Barzello, I trust that three brothers and a cousin, given to

d Ashpenaz, still gazin

e brothers, of whom I spake, saw fit to leave her nativ

"they are indeed worthy of s

n the minds of all who have the

iend, Jupheena, on the happy addition

plied the young beauty; "and let him be assured

nd from Judah enjoy the soci

" modestly replied Perreeza. "If she stands in a

s received in my house," said Barzello, laughing. "If she does, she must charge it to

s to forget their great hurry. Come, my good friend, business is press

apartment, entered a chariot, and we

damsel tha

at, my wor

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ah's capital

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And the b

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genius must be o

ighted, and without delay they hastened

. "This is my noble friend, Ashpenaz, a high officer of the king at t

ill be greatly delighted to be placed in any spot whe

ell versed in the art of teaching. The king himself will be greatly interested in your progress, and therefore has prepared apartments for the students within the royal en

n readiness at the appo

ello," said Ashpenaz, smilin

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