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The Young Captives

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1919    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

on the minds of those high dignitaries; and although, in reality, they were but captives of war, they were treated with that high civility d

r captivity had been made the subject of their thoughts, and served

icers, with whom, at this time, they had to do. The manner in which they formerly had been received gave them some e

e young noblemen of Judah?" asked

fears. We are the sons of Amonober, the brother of King Josiah, under whose reign, for many years, Judah smiled amid peace and plenty. Thy servants were early instructed in the religion of our sainted father, who, with our beloved mother, feared the God of Israel, and worshiped in his holy Temple. While thy servants were yet young, Amonober our father died, and was gathered to his fathers, and today he calmly rests by the side of his illustrious brother, King Josi

isper words of sweet, brotherly affection in her youthful ears. Oh, deal gently and kindly with the dear, mother

ative land has well-nigh overwhelmed her heart with sorrow. The thought of parting makes her spirit faint; and thy servants are sincere when they assure their compassionate master that they greatly fear that, if compelled to be separated from her brothers, Perreeza will sink under the deep weight of sorrow, and pass away to the spirit land. In compliance with her very urgent request, thy servants at this ti

sister, of whom ye speak in

just commenced her

at the setting of the sun, and ye shall learn his pleasure in this

od of Judah for ten thousand blessings on the head of Barzell

· ·

n a pleasant mood, "are my chosen capti

the word of co

brothers? Hast thou had an oppo

es and great worth. Their amiable deportment and truly noble bearing have left on my mind a very favorable impression. Indeed, the youths of Babylon,

this rate these youths continue to grow upon thy good opinion, b

hildren are a fair specimen of its operations, I cannot thi

l give their powers a fair trial. But are

dly thanking the king for the question. "Ther

er in the absence of her sons," sa

. For many years the children have

! This young damsel, an only orphan sister, must b

rs sought an interview with me on this very point, and pleaded in her behalf with such melting eloquence as well-nigh robbed me of all my generalship.

brothers. Nothing shall prevail upon me to give them up. To Babylon they must go! I have

mile; "but let me assure him that the noble youths have made no petition of

heir young orphan sister, be permitted by the king to

his small favo

f his sovereign in behalf of the Hebre

arzello, see that she is well provided for, and de

ing," said the well-pleased officer, as he r

ly sinking beyond the western hills, and Barzello hastened his footsteps toward his headquarters. After having reached his apartment, he se

s roused by the entrance

now, F

tand below, desiring the favor

ee thou to it that they receive due respect fr

to the presence of Barzello, where again

and will consider it a great pleasure to add to their comfort and happiness. And th

ur noble friend for his generous feelings in her behalf, has prompted her to e

ter, but I am not aware of any service render

ning, are in thy presence to learn the will of the king, in regard to thy servants

r request in regard to your sister is very readily granted; and, moreover, the king has given me particular directions to see th

result of their effort, together with the unaffected tenderness of Barzello, that for a short interv

herless and motherless will surely reward his servant, and cause blessings and prosperity to rest on his household. Thy kindness shall n

fficer, in a voice far from being firm, "will live to

y directed their footsteps to that beautiful mansion which

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