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The Young Captives

The Young Captives


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 920    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ently young men of good social position, had been singing bacchanalian songs and otherwise conducting themselves in a manner contrary to the spirit of orderliness which King Josiah was str

, sprang to the aid of his companions. He cleverly tripped one of the watchmen and grappled with the other in such a way that the officer could not use his sword arm. This fierce onslaught gave the other members of the party new courage, and they joined in the battle again. The conflict might then have been settled in favor

ou are about to bring disgrace upon your relatives. Make haste away from this place before the reinforcements

and, hastily uttering a few words to his companions, led the

gh notice so that there is sure to be an inquiry to-morrow, and I for one will put the city of my birth behind me before the dawn of day. The son of Salome and the nephew of King Josia

conspicuous in the quarrel with the guard. He reached the place by a circuitous route and hastily entered. Although the hour was late two Hebrew maidens of rare beauty awaited his coming. They were in a state of anxious solicitude for the return of their erring brother, whose conduct of late had been such

curred to you, my dea

tha," he replied, "an

iends he had been guilty of taking up arms against

eir veins, they had the privilege of carrying weapons and were in the habit of going armed with swords. This unfortunate custo

ters a cry of agony. They implored him to remain, promis

of clothing while his sisters followed him from room to room with painful sobs. He was soon ready. His younger sister, Monroah, fell on his n

s chords of melody remember that thou art loved with all the strong affection of a brother's heart.

rning brow and tear-dimmed eyes, rushed from his

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