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The Unspeakable Perk


Word Count: 2655    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

laza which had so puzzled Miss Polly

ed from a store near the far corner of the square, which exploited itself in the purest Castilian as offering the last wo

sly clean and neatly pressed khaki suit, which set forth rather bumpily his solid figure. A serviceable pith helmet barely overhung the protrusive goggles. His hands were encased in white cotton gloves, a size or two too large. Dismal buff s

f the departing crowd that had been enjoying the free oratory attracted his attention. He glanced acro

of the curb. The occupant put forth his head, saw the goggle

re you ill?" ask

e bent and brought his goblin eyes to bear on the dark face. The features were distorted, the eyelids tremulous over suffused eyes, and the teeth set. Opening the man's loose shirt, Perkins thrust his hand within. It

he helper saw no aid, until his eye fell upon the waiting cab. H

stic discourtesy of the Caracunan lower class,

anish, turning to the dim recess of the victoria. "Might I-Oh

ll. "Well, you're co

elp," added


stions? The man may be

Carroll promptly.

Help me carry h

hile the driver was still angrily expostulating. The beggar was shivering now, and the cold sweat rolled down his face. His bearers

ong?" aske

re. Says he was hired

rung face of the beggar, who was bei

aid he grimly

ound those of the driver, pinning him,

he'll drive," he

whose breath had been squeezed a

erner bade him, in accents t

ins looked up

r?" he aske

le disgusted by this levity in

he driver stop

the seat," he admonished

cheroot that appeared to be writhing and twisting

, extending a handf

le willing to aid in a good work, he did not in the least app

rther, his resentment was he

very puff of that infernal smoke i

ouldn't smok

an Carroll, when a second thought about the smoke dive

ed," observed t

ne of those,

front of a building abutting on an arroyo of the foothills. Here they stopped, and Carroll threw his jehu a five-bolivar piece, which the driver caught, driving away at once, without the demand for more which u

or at first supposed to be stalls, until he saw bedding and utensils in them. The two men lifted the cripple in, amid the outcries and lamentations of the aged woman, who had looke

erte n

ng only the moaning woman to help. At her direction the

d the Unspeakable Perk to hi

l st

omed upon him i

ipple with a knife and some cloths. He had stuffed his ludicrous white gloves int

doctor?" asked Carrol

has sent. No

n't be

h. I should say he wa

" said Carro

negra. The



re? Are you

e a case like that. The lump in the

self in the man to such an ex

nd of mine.

t. One can't disregard a c

speakable Perk, with his half-smile. "You don't

I give it up. But I know this: I'm going to be pretty wretchedly f

r may be less than you think. Stick to that cigar-here

ered, bowing to Carroll as they passed in the hallway. Almost

learned professor assures me

e plague," said C

was of brie

is arms in twelve hours. The present Government of Caracuia doesn't believe in bubonic plague. I fancy our unfortu

e done now?"

eep ourselves in that smoke until we choke, I think it will discourage any fl

tes later, from the cloud of smoke. From his pocket the Unspeakable Perk dr

ed. "What has happe

re bli

y-mile race. That message of Mr. Brewster's-See here, Perkins, you didn't ro

t row it to

swear to those hands. Where?

he yawned. "It makes me

ey blow you ou

Mr. Carroll, because I think you'll get your release within forty-eight hours, and I want you to see that some of your party keep

ng to report

I know a

ing a physician," mused the other. "Still, when Dr.

er any delay after twenty-fou

all you

nough to be safe. Thank Heaven, there's a cloud over

the same shock that Polly Brewster had experienced, though the nature of his sensation was profoundly different. But his impression of the suddenly revealed face was the same. Ribbed-in though his mind was with tradition, and distorted with falsely focused ideals and pre

t!" he blurted out, his gaze d

n't you

tten clu


d Carroll,

place the white gloves, with their soothing con

ing. I've got muc

Perkins, is there a woman up t

rely my own

wster there wasn't

any such thing.

s the

more frankly, that is

en letting M

ged to marry


f it will ease your mind, and because of what you've done to-day, I 'l

me has already been connected with yours, and I intend to follow t

u propose

ming t

of an envelope. "I'll be there at work most of to-morrow. Au revoir." He rose and started down the hill. "B

patching a note of excuse to Miss Brewster on the plea of personal business, he slipped out into the city. Wandering idly toward the hills, he

to hang on the door. As Carroll crossed to address her, a powerful, sullen-faced man, with a scarred forehead and the insignia of some official status, apparently civic, on his coat, emerged from a doorway and addressed her harshly. She raised her reddened eyes to him and seemed to be pleading for permission to set up the little tribute to her dead. There was the exchange of a few more words. Then, with an angry exclamation, the official s

urner had vanished, Carroll returned to the Gran Hotel Kast, his perturbed and conf

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