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The Unspeakable Perk

Chapter 2 - AT THE KAST

Word Count: 3059    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e. The top of the cloche is of fluted glass, with a wide aperture between it

ect from the bill of fare special morsels upon which they will stake their internal peace for the day. No cabaret can hold a candle to it for variety of interest. When the sudden torrential storms sweep down the mountains at meal times, the little human champignons, beneath their insufficient cloche, rush about wildly

rough the agency of some edged instrument not wielded in the arts of peace. She was further delightedly intrigued by the abrupt appearance of a romantic-hued gentleman, who thrust out over the void from the second balcony an anguished face, one side of which was profusely lathered, and addressed to all the hierarchy of heaven above, and the peoples of the earth b

ends as "ropa con carne," "bacalao seco," "enchiladas," and meantime devoured chechenaca, which, had

s were saluting Heaven with all the clangor and din of the other place, and only the strident of voice gained any heed in that contest. Even after the bells paused, the habit of effort kept the voices up. Miss Brewster, dining with her father a f

r might look like behind th

gested a second speaker, in a slightly fo

ted nothing so much as a club with a gnarled knob on the end of it, a tough, reliable, hardwood club, capable of dealing

ved a languid and rather elegant elderly man, who occupie

be hardened," remarked the young C

ar on one. Kast happened to be passing. Our friend beckoned him over. 'A little less of the fauna and more of the flora, Senior Kast,' said he in that

k the blighter is barm

elegant one kindly. "Why do you co

is table. The friendly touch, y' know. 'I say,' I said to him, 'I don't know you, but I heard you speak, and I knew at once you were one of these Americans-tell you

haps," supplied the

off. Were you ever bitten by one in the fossil state? Very exhilaratin', but poisonous,' he says. 'So don't let me kee

twinkle directed at the tall brown man, who, having opened his

fell and broke his arm on the mountain, this gentleman fo

e, doesn't he, Mr. Raimo

eserted plantation,"

?" asked the

t know, unless Senor

rt of scientific investigation, accordi

shman darkly. "Might be a blind, you know. Calls h

plaintive voice, "for the fifth and last time, I implore you to pass me th

But I was overhearing some

tlemen upon whose conversat

ye and a denatured voice of interrogation, but he seldom succeeded in keeping a twin

served that d

uppose I am t

is way? Presently they'll be employing all thei

urveyed the gr

as this, one can'

h he were lately. You know," she added, with a covert glance at the adjoining table, "I wouldn't be surprised if you found yourself an extr

ectable. Quite one of the gilded youth of Caracuna. His name is Rai

sense of injury, for a guess," replied the girl carelessly. "I l

y, I

t want to be hurried. Here he is, now. Look at that smile! A sculptor couldn't hav

stopped to greet the elderly man in the near-by group, and presently drew up a chair. At first,

ked the fatalistic gesture of the upturned hands. "T

man. "Always room for a few mo

urdo. I think it was underground, not underse

or foreigners?" as

gnificantly: "But the Caracunan Government d

nd came over t

present him?" he asked. "I can vouch for h

ll, Fitzhugh," co

thern aristocracy l

" he said, "Mr. Ra

I've quite fallen in love with

e other American is an ex-professi

cried Miss Polly. "He got his start in the New York S

an underbred littl

conversation I've ever list

as presently introducing that gentleman. "Mr. Sherwen i

real live minister?"

re not keeping a minister in stock at present. My job is being a

Miss Brewster hopefully. "Is there an

on of civilities between the two

, with clasped hands. "I admire indiscret

pained, as the othe

that the Hochwald minister and his secretary, Von Plaanden, who is a very able citizen when sober,-and is, of course, almost always sober,-have not exerted themselves painfully to compose the little misunderstanding between President Fortuno and us. The Dutch diplomats, who a

d mind," Miss Brewster complimented him. "I like

so well," observed Carroll grimly

ntly. "The suspicion of plagu

to be the same, doesn't i

hen people disappear for many causes in Caracuna. Politics here are somewhat-w

ere?" inqui

g to the worthy plans of the Hochwald Legation. For trade purposes, they would very much dislike to have the port closed for a considerable time by quarantine. The Dutch

e?" asked

ealth Service. The best man on tropical disease

Pruyn, is it?" in

. Do you


do, except by

him since. I'd be glad to see him again. A queer, d

owers, but unofficially he acts, while on his roving commission, for the British, the Dutch, the French, and half the South American republics. I suppose he's really the most important figure in

Polly. "Bring the others here and let's

ith awkward and admiring respectfulness by the ball-player, and with grace

ss Brewster," said Cluff, as they found th

we shouldn't have time to catch


Sherwen and Raim

t, from Puer

ish battleship," said

tine already?

e blowed! It'

the news. It just came in to-night. Holland has declared a block

an pass?" aske

n aeroplane or

Polly Brewster broke it

s day after

d slipped over her shoulder a brown thin hand holding a cunningly woven

say?" asked th

you," translated Raimond


iful lady. There could hardly be any mistaking such specific ins

light. Bedded in fern, lay a mass of long sprays aquiver with bells of t

I see that you are persona grata with

irl, surprised. "No; not that I'

ost the official flower. They c

of growing them?" a

from their native cliffs. But it's only the Pres

so inacc

t of the mountains. Few people except the hunters and mountaineers know wh

these?" Miss Brewster indicat

e to the boy

is he one of the President's me

d gathe

will say is,

ter, and retired into

hey?" continued the Caracunan. "A

d the girl, emergin

ragrance casts a spell which carri

ience?" she queried absentl

g Caracufian. "It is the language-permit that I

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