The Submarine Boys and the Middies The Prize Detail at Annapolis
Author: Victor G. Durham Genre: LiteratureThe Submarine Boys and the Middies The Prize Detail at Annapolis
an instant. An angrier boy it
ame the sound o
" raged the submarine boy, s
d yo', w'ite trash?"
on you, and I'll show
' wait er minute, an' A
to the cause of the sounds. Then, some fifteen feet over his head, a tiny flame sputtered. This match-end was carried to the wick
te guide, grinning down with a look of infernal glee. On either side of the mulatto stood a heavy-jowl
allenged Jack, shaking his fist. "Come down,
and tackle yo'," grinned the guide, gripping at the collars of th
to the surface, might have chosen to face the brute, hoping to despatch it with a well-aimed kick. But with two dogs, b
o' keep cool," observed
pped me here with a me
angrily. "What
late guide. "Ah's gwine gib yo' er place to sleep fo' d
o me about
oss down some blankets. 'Pose yo'se'f and gwine ter sleep, honey. Don't try to clim' up outer dat, or dem dawgs'll sho'ly jump down at yo'. Keep quiet, an' go ter sleep, an' d
ess Captain Jack could hear the two dogs moving about e
ected Jack, his temper cooling, but his bitterness increasing. "They're fighting dogs,
reappeared with a light and to
d the late guide. "Ef yo' done feel lonesome, yo
enson, in ragging silence, gather
"Dat's all right, sah. Wow, good night, Marse Benson. Ef yo' feel
s. Would the dogs jump down? Jack knew they would, at the first false move or sound
enson's sense of admiration
than I, to walk stupidly into this same trap! What's the game, I wonder? Robbery, it must be. And I have a watch, some
lthy sleeper at all times, he slumbered on through the night. Once he awoke, just a trifle chilled. He
am mawnin'. Time yo' was w
ern illumined the darkness. Both bull-dogs displayed their ferocious muzzles over the edge
em to," declared the mulatto, grinning. "Yo' needn't try ter slip yo' wallet, nor nuffin' outer mah sight, cause
ine, to the lower end of which the boy made fast his garments, one after another. His money and valuables went
shoes," directed the g
ulatto disappeared, leaving the two dogs still on guard. A
d the guide of the night before. "Yo' has good pi
The cool insolence of the fellow cut him to the marrow, yet where was th
he mulatto, tossing down some woefully tattered, nondescript garments, and, af
I'll put on such du
on' put dem t'ings on, yo'll sho'ly hab ter gwine back ter 'Napolis in yo' undahelo's. An
ound out the submarin
Had he not been so angry he must have roared at sigh