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The Submarine Boys and the Middies The Prize Detail at Annapolis


Word Count: 2078    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

he cruise Jack Benson

ors along the coast. On the fifth night, as darkness fell, the squadron con

other task being to keep the course by the "Hudson's" lights, for the parent boat supplied in its own conduct all the navigation orde

I've always wanted to

im in the co

sighed Hal. "But there's no chance for me, I fear. Jack,

ack, steadily. "It's h

ver be

rd" leading. A little later the three craft entered the Basin at the Academy. While the gunboat anchored off the Am

board the 'Hudson'?" asked the young officer in command of the cutter. Capt

es while here at the Naval Academy. If you and your crew would like to spend the night ashore, in the quaint little old town of An

r, then hastened back to the "F

eclared Eph, promptly. All

'clock to-night, though,

crew ought t

decided Jack, "and re

ck to-night,"

orders," muttered Eph,

he captain gives

off from shore, bringing two soldiers of the marine guard along

oming back to-night

ct the sentries to see that none of the c


beyond any doubt, that he was not coming back on board that night. Truax followed the others as they passed through the Academy grounds. Beyond the large, handsome buildings, there was not much to be seen at night. Lights shone behind all the windows in Cadet Barracks. Nearly all of the cadet

Williamson, as the party passed

llow, sullenly. "I'l

o," muttered Eph,

itol grounds, continuing until they reached o

ore we got ashore," grumbled Eph. "Hanged if I d

, except to wander abou

a good sleep on sho

k, and in these principal streets the evening crowds much resembled those to be found in any small town. There were other streets, how

place to see by day li

bout that s

ng a drug-store and spending some of our loose change o

nd House. Jack and Hal engaged a room togethe

g place like this," grima

s. For some minutes Hal sat wit

talked with the night

yster fry," Benson explained, returning to his chum. "With t

and jo

"I reckon I'll go

ng in half a

e his order, then picked up the local daily paper. As he ate, Jack found himself yawning. The drowsiness of Annapolis by night

pped to the street, a young

, in supposin' yo'

name," Ja

fo' yo', sah. One ob yo' men, Mistah Sam Truax

rs ago, and he looked as healthy as a man

the mulatto. "He done gib me money fo' to hiah a ca

ed Jack. "L

t'ank yo', sah.

en around a corner. Here a rickety old cab with a single hors

be dere direckly. Marse Truax'l

at a good speed, "Truax hasn't been getting into any drinking

hat, quiet and "dead" as Annapolis appears to the stranger, there

the mulatto. "Marse Truax do

behind," cried Jack, a few moments later

h. Dere am' nuffin'

ulatto. The submarine boy felt confident that, in a stretch of

wheah we am gwine, sah," volu

torted, drily. "

wintah, sah. Now, sah, dere am some good voodoo doctahs 'roun' Annapolis, so Marse Truax, he done gwine to see, sah, what er voo

doo doctor tonight?" demanded

ah; yes

e sense than to go in fo


ound himself interested. He had heard about the charms, spells, incantations and other humbugs practised on colored dupes and on some credulous whites by these greatest of all quacks. The voodoo m

aring Jack's half-amused questions, the cab

icine dat he called fo'. So, w'ile de voodoo was sayin' his strongest chahms, Marse Truax done fall down, froth

ck told himself. "This new experience will be worth the time it keeps

well down a lonely country road, well lined with trees on either side. Th

yo'?" asked the o

me," directed

mun. He's all right,"

the guide, in a whisper, as he fitted a key to a lock, and swung a door

stealthily into the nearest room. Jack Benson began to feel secretly aw

holding the lantern behind his body as t

room, ahead ob me, sah," be

, instinctively, o

b ole voodoo house," advised the mu

gility, Jack stepped ahead. By a sudden jerk of his ar

?" growled Jack Benson, wheeli

eered the mulatto. He gave th

ut a doubt he would have done so, but, just then, the floor under his feet ended. With a yell of di

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