The Submarine Boys and the Middies The Prize Detail at Annapolis
Author: Victor G. Durham Genre: LiteratureThe Submarine Boys and the Middies The Prize Detail at Annapolis
irit was stung to the quick. "It's your mistake, sir," he retorted. "You d
rying to get this vessel out of a scrape a bo
e. In another moment a pallor ha
disaster, and he was
eceived, he did not feel it his pla
ern conferred in low to
resumed Mr. Mayhew, turning upon the submarine
to the deck below, he caught sight of Hal Hastings, hovering near in the rowboat. Hal signal
ly. They understood, well enough, that the new, trim-looking gunboat w
he sand. Then the machinery stopped. An engineer officer came up from below. He and Mr. Mayhew
of that sand for the reason that the propellers are buried in the grit. They'll hard
rd. It was no pleasant situation for the lieutenant commander. Having run his
the present, had rowed over to the "Farnum's" moorin
h your watch off
Mayhew called down, in the cold, ev
wner of the yard. M
," Lieutenant Comman
went nimbly up
trouble here, sir?" a
"that your enterprising boy pilot ha
ead briefly in dissent. Jacob Farnum, with full confidence in his y
er of the gunboat, who was a man of too good breeding to wish an
Yet Benson was clenching his hands, fighting a desperate battle to get ful
of the Navy. At the same time he was man enough to feel determined that J
rnum, "that you attach some blame
too much, on account of his extr
man. I've always found him one, in judgment, knowledge and loyalty. Do
"Or else it was ignorance of how to handle a craft as
ated the first part of Jack's dire
hrow my wheel over
id, or intended to say, was to bring your vessel so that the forward end
" demanded the gunboat's commander, turning to
d the lad to say what
e of that, M
gn, "Mr. Benson said just what he now states. I won
face of Ensign Trahern. Then, of a sudden, the gunboat's commander
at Benson advised as he now states he did.
Mayhew held ou
t, "I was the one in error. I am glad to admit it, e
s head in a satisfied way. It had been difficult for him to believe that his young captain had
hed him most deeply was the quick, complete and m
ve you any tow boats about here that can be used in
a launch, that ties up some three miles down the coast. She's the boat I use when I need any towing he
stion?" asked Jack,
Benson," replied Mr. Mayhew, tu
nd with such help as the engines of the submarines may give, together with your own engines, Mr. Mayhew, I think there ought to be a good chance of getting the 'Hudson' afloat w
," nodded Jacob Farnum. "I'll have a
appeared on deck, moving ne
y, Greers?" cal
I trust you and your young submarine c
nly time enough to arrange for keeping some of his
he lieutenant commander there were Lieutenant Halpin, two ensigns, two engineer officers and a young medical office
w plainly doing all in his power to atone
n," both submarine craft were also manned and hawsers made fast. Two cables were passed ashore to winches to which power was supplied by the shipyard's engines. When all was ready a mighty pull was, given, th
f tremendous reli
I'll settle with him at my own expen
replied Jacob Farnum, quickly. "In this harbor I
thanks. Presently, glancing ash
country is i
roads and several handsome estates within a few miles of here. Mr. Mayhew, won't you and a couple of your
lied the command
went ashore in this. Jack, after bidding the naval officers good-night, fo
ers yet, I supp
kon we'll start, all right,
o to-night?"
to. We could call on Mrs. Farnum, but I imagine we'd run into the naval party up at the Farnum house. We
bout the old town, t
they were passing through the gate a man of middle height and se
ard open night
Mr. Farnum
ain B
n is m
sed to Mr. Farnum," we
ld me I could
the letter from th
bearer, Samuel Truax, seems to me to be just the man you want. I've examined him, and he understands the sort of
e Mr. Farnum tonight,"
early in the mo
sail?" asked
e to ask Mr. Farnum
d engaged me to work aboar
doesn't it?" laugh
're the
take to handle Mr. Farn
he craft to sleep for to-n
plied the young submarine captain. "No; I couldn't t
re, I have spent all my money getting here. I haven't even th
re's a dollar. That'll buy you a bed and a breakfast at the hotel up the street. If y
not the owner of the boat, and I can't take any liberties. Oh, wait just a
rning, unless possibly at a very late hour with the naval officers, b
ck drew the night watch
He has a letter from Mr. Pollard to Mr. Farnum, but I wouldn't let hi
said the night w
, then, and
y rejoined the oth
to come here earlier than eight in the morning. Better
ied Eph, as the three submarine boys strolled on up the st
e to him," Jack replied
im of mighty
e of genuine regret. "All I wanted to make plain was that I couldn'
ubmarine boys, a cunning look in the ma
man, or else a wise on
t enough to take
ad his own plans for this evening-plans
show that had opened recently in Dunhaven. This place they did not leave until the show was over. They were halfw
the yard. I'll hurry back, get the
already the little
l in the morning," he muttered, as
ad passed about half way along the length of the fence, when a head appeared over the top followed by a pair of arms holding