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The Black Cross

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 3148    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ieur Vel


alitsin, is here and mus

composing. He has been compos

said the

, and eyes that twinkled perpetually as though at some inward joke that he did n

ing a boot at your head, why dodge it-dodge it! Or

htly as if on eggs with his finger on his lips, while the Manager open

His shoulders were bent, his head was in his hands; he was mo

sco, is t

ruder angrily, tossing the hair away from his brows. His face was pale, as of o

ld Bobo to keep people out, the treacherous rascal! For heavens sake

ughed: "Compos

composing. Go!" He waved his han

n Leipzig the Gewandhaus was entirely sold out a fortnight ago. In Dresden there isn't a seat left. Why the money loss is something tremendous! I had a telegram this morning; they are nearly crazy. You must keep your engagements; you will ruin your career utterly, absolutely. You will

the young Musician's shoul

If you go tonight, you will reach Leipzig in time. It makes a difference of thousands of roubles to m

ands in his pockets, staring down

ns! I couldn't play if I tried! You managers are like the old man of the mountain; you want to sit on my neck and lash me on as if I were Sinbad. All for the sake of a few dirty roubles to put in your pocket! What do I c

hey were heavy and weary, he could scarcely keep them open; his fingers strummed against the arm of the chair and h

ng with you. Very well then, I wash my hands of the whole business. Answer your own letters

Don't answer them at a

bout the Studio and then he bent

this. It is not the composing. Where is the score?-Not a note!" He

o told you? The devil

ll St. Petersburg is talking about it. When a man of your fame, Velasco, insists on befr

d every excuse; but get down on your knees, Velasco, and give thanks. It is no fault of yours that you are not tramping through the sn

ow where she is? Tell me! By God, will you

so excitable, so violent! No wonder you play with such passion; but I am

e is

el-piece. "What is the matter with you, Velasco? Any one would suppose you


w the Chief of Police yesterday, and he

dead, Ga

gether, and marching through the snow and the cold. It is thousands of miles. A Countess, who has undoubt

from the fire to the hearth with a thud, flaring up. Th

the sake of Mezkarpin, poor man! The Chief told me he had had a stroke in the prison and

did you sa


e started


ef told

f himself

ention th

, I dare say, the usual one. Com

they c

ns, Galitsin? Fancy, how horrible! How they must clank! It

erwise she would have been hung, or shot!-Why of course! The Chief said she was utterly brazen about it. She asked over and over if he were dead, and then sai

hief gave warning. You are to leave Russia, he said. Velasco-listen

r angrily. "Velasco, do you hear?-If you won't go for your

n my ear like a bull! If I must, I suppose I must

the agents y

set me down anywhere in Europe, just as you please. I feel like an automaton! You w

cane; he seemed uneasy. "You swea


n? I shall meet yo

ell. Go

ight E

ke an old woman, Galitsin; you would talk a cricket dum

s then," he said, "Au revoir! You have plen

with the crisp, curling hair, and the Musician wa

in. I sent for you. Didn't yo

, Bá

you make my head spin. Go at once and stay until morning; leave the cigarettes on

ng in list slippers, died slowly away in the corridor. Velasco leaned forw

d, "or he may not. You can't trust

rtain behind him. There were sounds in the room as of the pulling out of drawers, the creaking of keys in a rusty lock, step

waist, a shabby jacket of velveteen on his back; his trousers were short to the knees, old and spotted; his boots were worn at the heel and patched. It wasn

d over his mouth, listening again. But he was alone, and the form reflected in the mirror was his own, no shadow behind. He snatched up the lamp and held it close to the glass, p

door should open now, and Galitsin should come in-the ox! How he would stare! And Bobo, poor devil, he would take me for a thief in m

the lamp flared up. Great heaven! The step crept nea

and he staggered back against the wall, clutching h

r opene

patter of hands feeling their way, the faint sound of a breath. It was worse than in the carriage, because the room w

forward towards the other step, and all of a sudden two bodies came together, gra

ir-It is you, Kaya! It is you! I know your voice-your touch

eeling his way, clutching the so

atch, it is damp, how it sputters!-Put your face

flickering light, almost touching; then t

ice is his,-Dieu! And the eyes-they are his, a

ned with a gang; and were walking through the snow and the c

ght you had gone in the train to Germany." She shuddered and clung to his hand. "Why do you wear

rything, and then I shut myself up here waiting-I was nearly mad. Kaya-you escaped from the fortress alone, by yourself? Did they h

one knows; it must never be guessed. To-night, after dark, someone whistled-one was waiting for me in the corridor with the keys; the

me here. As soon as it is light I shall be missed, and then-" She shuddered

nd the railroad is useless. They would track us at once. When I put this on-" He began smoothing th

't know me yourself,

me? Ah, but they told you a lie! I-" S




ow at da

e of Mez

nd buried her fa

e said, "If your hair were cut-" Then he brightened suddenly and ran forwa

sea, and the peasants; but his things are all there in his room next to mine, just duds for his models you know. Go-go! Put on one li

ushing her gently towards the curtain. "Quick!" he w

n, the round-eyed ox! Ha ha!-He will wait until he is stiff, and then he will fly back here in a rage. Good God, we must

, "How simple to be a gypsey! A knapsack will

wn back and in the

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