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Married by Contract - book 1

Married by Contract - book 1



Margareth Miller, or Meg to those close to her, had a perfect life with her family. But her life was turned upside down by a terrible accident. Since then, her life has been a real hell. Christian Winchester had a difficult childhood, but his life became perfect. It's full of parties, drinks, women and heir to the empire built by his family. Chris keeps running away from commitments and swears he will never have a serious relationship. The lives of these two young people change drastically because of a marriage contract proposed by their parents. Two totally different people who have hated each other since the moment they met will have to live together for a year. They would have to swallow their pride and pretend to be a real couple for the media and everyone. Two young people who barely know about love would have to pretend to love each other, this will not be an easy task for them. This approach will awaken something in them. Something neither of them wanted or even expected. What will happen when this contract ends?

Chapter 1 Author's note and prologue part 1

Hello, how are you? Before starting the reading, I need to inform you about the content you will find here. This book addresses sensitive topics such as grief, suicide, self-harm, depressive thoughts and actions, violence, and homophobia that may be emotional triggers. If you are sensitive to these subjects, unfortunately, I do not recommend this book. I just want you to be aware of what you are going to read, so we can avoid making you feel uncomfortable throughout the story. My least intention is that; your mental health is more important. Thank you in advance for reading my book.

You are amazing!


Is it possible to find love in an unlikely place and love someone we think we hate?



Meg Miller ♡


" I want to watch a horror movie " I declare excitedly in the back seat of the car, fastening my seatbelt.

" No horror, I want to see a romance " my sister retorts without taking her eyes off her phone, sitting beside me. Today, Mom decided that we should do a family activity, as it has been a while since we did that. So here we are, heading to the cinema at eight o'clock at night when the show starts at nine, hence Dad is driving quickly so we won't miss the movie. A movie that we haven't decided on yet.

" No way am I watching romance; it's going to be horror " I complain, rolling my eyes and looking at the city, which now has few people on the street due to the heavy rain falling outside the car.

" And I'm not watching horror either " she replies, making me huff irritably, and I hear my parents laughing in the front seat; they're probably laughing at our argument.

" Stop being annoying, Mandy, those are just excuses because you're scared " I tease, turning my eyes from the window to her, and I laugh at the surprised look on her face. " Scaredy-cat " I sing, making her roll her eyes.

I know your fears, dear little sister.

" You're so silly, Meg, and I'm not afraid. I just want to say that we're not old enough to watch horror movies. You're fourteen, and I'm fifteen, remember? We can't watch a horror movie in the cinema " Mandyson argues, looking at me again and winking at me, thinking she won this argument. I look at her in shock with my mouth open in an "O" shape, but soon I have an idea, so I open a mischievous smile and propose:

" We may not be able to watch it in the cinema, but we can at home. " She looks at me suspiciously, and I widen my smile even more. " I bet you won't watch a horror movie with me when we get home " I add firmly, raising my eyebrows, making her look at me amazed, but she quickly changes her expression to determined.

" I'm in! " She exclaims, pretending to be excited, and with that, she gets a laugh out of me and my mom. Mom knows she's afraid of horror movies, especially those with ghosts or killer scarecrows.

" Really, Mandy? Are you up for watching a movie with me? " I question, studying her face because I don't believe her answer. Her green eyes, similar to Dad's, remain fixed on me as if trying to convince me with a gaze. Mandy tilts her small, upturned nose as if trying to show indifference, and her thin lips form a tight line. Her fair skin is illuminated by the streetlights as the car passes, leaving her skin slightly orange. I observe her face a bit more and notice the differences between us; my eyes are blue like Mom's, my nose is narrower, and my lips are fuller. There's also a difference in our hair" mine is blonde, while Mandy's is light brown. Only the rounded shape of our faces is similar. Mandy quickly averts her gaze from mine and huffs in frustration. " I knew it! " I affirm, squirming with laughter.

" Mandy dear, it's not shameful to be afraid of horror movies " Dad comforts her, looking at her through the car's rearview mirror. In response, she nods, embarrassed, and turns her attention back to me, looking at me with disdain, crossing her arms and exclaiming:

" You're so annoying!"

" Yes, I know. " Still laughing, I mess up her light brown bangs, and she lightly hits my hand but then laughs.

" Enough of this silly argument; I'll be the one to choose the movie, and it'll be a drama. " My mother, Amélia Miller, intervenes from the front seat. Mandy and I look at each other, grimace, and say in unison:

" No! " I make another face and add: " Anything but drama; there's already too much drama in my life " I whine, and I hear my parents laughing.

" Don't be dramatic, Meg. Just because Kevin Lancaster didn't want to go to the dance with you and chose to go with Diana Williams, it's not the end of the world. " My sister comments absentmindedly, looking at her phone. Only later does she realize what she said and looks at me horrified, while I look at her incredulously; after all, she revealed something she shouldn't have.

I've liked Kevin since the fifth grade, but only my sister knew about this little secret of mine. Now my parents know too.


" Who is Kevin? " Mom asks curiously, turning in her seat to look at me, furrowing her brow as her blue eyes study me, seeking an answer.

" Do you have a boyfriend? " Dad asks, slightly annoyed, looking at me through the rearview mirror but quickly returning his gaze to the road.

" What's this, John Miller; of course not! He's just a boy from school " I quickly respond, trying to be convincing, and start to laugh, but I'm nervously laughing. I glance out the window when my mother continues to stare at me with narrowed eyes, not believing me. I see the moment a lightning bolt cuts through the dark sky, and soon after, I hear the thunder.

I think it wasn't a good idea to go out in this weather.

" It better be just a boy from school " Dad grumbles from the driver's seat.

" Just a boy from school. " Mom repeats my answer, as if reflecting. " If he's just a boy from school, why did you blush? " She asks in an intimidating manner.

Did I blush? Crap.

I touch my face, feeling it warm; I get embarrassed and then avert my gaze from the window to my restless hands and stay quiet. However, the interrogation doesn't stop.

" Is he your boyfriend, Meg? You know I don't want you getting a boyfriend now; I want you to prioritize your studies. Later, you can think about dating " my father says authoritatively without looking at me, making me roll my eyes.

" John is right; you have to prioritize your studies " Mom agrees with Dad.

This sucks because I can handle both things at the same time.

" This isn't fair! " I exclaim irritably, crossing my arms and looking at my father in the driver's seat.

" Dad, I agree with Meg. It's unfair that she can't date now, because I know she would be responsible and wouldn't neglect her studies. " Mandy joins the conversation, agreeing with me, and I nod positively, looking at her and then at my parents in the front seat; Mom was now looking attentively at us.

" Besides, if Mandy can, I can too " I comment as if it's no big deal, purposefully revealing my sister's little secret. " Sorry, it wasn't my intention to spill the beans " I add with a fake voice of surprise, looking at her pretending to be remorseful with my hand on my chest, and I notice that she turns red because her secret has been exposed.

Now she knows what it's like to have your secret revealed.


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