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Married By Contract

Married By Contract



Unaware of their shared past, they enter into a marriage contract, only to discover that destiny has brought them back together. As they navigate the challenges of their contractual union, buried childhood memories resurface, revealing a love that has endured through time. Will the terms of their agreement strengthen their connection or complicate their journey to rediscover the love that was always meant to be?

Chapter 1 .

Alicia Harris stared at the rows of office buildings that loomed above her, their glass facades reflecting the bustling city life. Armed with a freshly printed resume and a determined spirit, she embarked on the daunting task of job hunting. The modern world was unforgiving, and securing a stable position seemed like an uphill battle.

Alicia has been traveling all round the city for the past few days, Searching for a job but her endeavor proved abortive. Life wasn't as easy as she thought it would be, Years ago. Ever since she lost her Dad to a ghastly accident, Alicia has been trying to make ends meet.

Living alone without a Mum , Dad and family members, she has been going through hell. Not even a sibling to call her own. The only person she has in her life was her Friend, Sam who isn't always available.

Alicia entered a sleek corporate building, the polished floors echoing the click of her heels. Navigating through the maze of cubicles, she finally reached the HR department. As she handed over her resume to the receptionist, her thoughts raced between hope and uncertainty.

" Oh God, this is my last hope. Please help me, I promise to be obedient to you Lord" She prayed inside her mind as she watched the Receptionist left her desk to hand over the Resume to the appropriate person.

She heaved deeply , found a seat and then sat down. Few months ago, she was doing well living under the care of her Daddy who was the only person she has left. She didn't know a day will arrive soon that her Daddy will leave her to cater for her self.

" Isn't this too much?" She held her head with her hands. " Why didn't he warn me that he'll be leaving me soon?" Her eye twitched but Alicia was quick to control herself. See didn't want to be seen crying in public. She has done that few days after losing her Dear Daddy but people only added to her pain.

What was the use of crying in public when no one was willing to help her?

Meanwhile, on the upper floors, Gregg Allman, a charismatic billionaire with a reputation for shrewd business deals, reviewed potential candidates for a crucial role in his expanding empire. His eyes fell on Alicia's resume, and a spark of recognition ignited within him. The name stirred distant memories of a childhood friendship abruptly severed by life's circumstances.

" Hmm, this name..." He mumbled then lifted up his head , looking at his secretary that brought the Resume to his office. " Where's the lady?" He asked her.

" She's at the HR Department, Sir" The secretary bowed her head.

" What does she look like?" He threw another question at her.

The Secretary was puzzled by the Question, she doesn't know the Owner of the Resume. It was brought to her by the Receptionist not by the lady herself.

" I have no idea, Sir. The Receptionist brought it. Why don't you look at her passport, sir? It's on the resume" She said in a professional way.

Gregg nodded his head, he should have looked at the picture attached to it before asking unnecessary questions.

" You can leave" He waved her off. But the secretary still has something to say which was related to the company and not what he was requesting for about the lady.

He didn't wait for any more response from the secretary as something pricked his mind. There was no vacancy at that moment in the company but what if he use her for what he wants? He rose to his feet and hurried out of the office to catch up with Alicia before she could leave.

And luckily, Alicia was about to leave the HR Department when she heard a voice behind her.

"Excuse me," Gregg said, catching up to her. "Alicia Harris, isn't it?"

Surprised, Alicia nodded. "Yes, that's me. Have we met?"

Gregg's lips curved into a knowing smile. "We might have, a long time ago. Fate works in mysterious ways. How about we catch up over coffee? I have a proposal that might interest you."

Intrigued and eager to explore any opportunity, Alicia agreed. They found themselves in a nearby cafƩ, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping them. Gregg got straight to the point.

"I've been looking for someone with your skills, Alicia. How about we make this interesting? I'm in need of a companion, and I propose a marriage contract."

Alicia's eyes widened in surprise. "Marriage contract? What does that entail?"

Gregg leaned back, studying her reaction. "Simply put, we marry on paper. You'll enjoy financial security, and in return, you'll accompany me to social events. It's a business arrangement, but with a substantial monthly pay. Consider it a mutually beneficial contract."

Alicia hesitated, the complexity of the proposal sinking in. Yet, the allure of financial stability and the mysterious connection she felt with Gregg tempted her to entertain the idea.

His face looked familiar. Though it has been long she saw that face. The face was that of a Boy, her childhood friend whom she grew to be so connected to until they have to leave their hometown after her Mum's death. But how can that Boy become the person sitting in front of her? She brushed the thought Aside.

"Think about it," Gregg urged. "I'll give you time to decide." He said.

" How long can you give me? You know this needs a thorough thinking. I can't just decide instantly" She lifted one shoulder up. Gregg knew that, he wouldn't want her to agree to what she doesn't want too.

" Miss Alicia, take your time but it has to be urgent. I need you to give me the feedback in few days as this has to do with my living" He said.

Alicia Sighed, she looked at her resume in front of him and she sighed again.

" Here's my Card, don't hesitate to give me a call when you decide..." Gregg stood up. " I hope to get a positive response from you" He gave her a smile before walking away.

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