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30 days with CEO GU

30 days with CEO GU



Christabella doesn't want to get into a contract relationship with her boss Adam but she has no other option because he promised to save her mother. What happens when her mother doesn't make it and Adam doesn't want to let her go.

Chapter 1 My girlfriend

Chapter One

Its another monday morning.. aghhh..i hate monday its always exhausting and annoying because am the head of my department so every monday we have to give a report on last week sales report and create a new sales schedule,well it isn't a big department just that its has always been my dream to be a saleswom...

"Ma,the meeting is going to start in five minutes"Zoe my assistant said interrupting my thought

"OK hope all the document have been printed out and of course get a coffee with a teaspoon sugar and little milk"I said sounding professional

"Yes ma"

Well you probably would be wondering what i need a coffee for,well its for my annoying CEO Mr Adams he's one hell of a boss sexy,annoying, arrogant i could go on and on but well I have a meeting to attend

**Meeting room**

As usual my assistant at the second seat followed by Mr Ruel Adams secretary and some other people who need to be present in this meeting"Zoe the coffee"

"Here it is ma"Zoe said handing the coffee

"Oh Mr Adams your coffee"I said

"Thanks miss ..."Adams said trying to remember her name

It always happen he never gets my name even if I tell him ,so annoying right"its miss Bella sir"I tried saying with a cool voice

"OK let's get started"Mr Adams said

Well you must be guessing what kind of company I work in well its a food production company well actually the best food production company across the country and guess my department is one of the important part in this company,the sales department we deal with the sale of the products and as well chat with the customers so ...

"May we begin"Mr yang said

"So last week the sales of the avocado sauce was high I guess the advertisement paid off and for the rice packs the sales of it was kind of poor one of the customers complained of stones she actually posted it but i reported it to Mr yang so it was sorted out but still the sales was loss we hope on something new this week"I said waiting for Mr Adams respond

"So well apart from the rice packs no complains on stock so that good Mr drex would you handle that situation and get back to me"Mr Adams said leaving

Well I didn't expected this meeting to end soon ,"so let's get to work everybody"I said with an air of authority I loved my job

"And miss .... Just forget the name see me in my office"

Well he forgot my name again I should probably get used to this

Am knocking just in case , have heard rumors that if you don't knock before entering the office you get to watch live porn and get fired too well i don't want both so am knocking my hands out"may i come in"I said as i was knocking

" come in "

"Thanks you sir, you said you needed to see me"

"Yes do you mind explaining this document"

"Which document Is this"

"The finance department sent me this request in your name so do you mind explaining"

I almost forgot my predicament for some minutes my mom is in the hospital now because of cancer of the lungs and if I don't get the surgery money in a month time my mom is going to die .Have been spending a lot on her bill and I can't save enough for the surgery so my best friend suggested i took a loan from my company ,now how am i going to explain this to him now.

"Well the thing is that I.need the money for my moms surgery "I said finally

Her eyes were pleading with me for some absurd reason i felt my heart melt"so how are you going to pay the company back"he said staring at me directly

"Well salary cut every month at least 75% of my salary ,and calculating it will take six months to pay it out"

"I see someone calculated everything already"

"Sir please I really need this money my mom is all I got please I don't care if you take my salary by 100% as long as it saves my mom"I said fighting my tears I hate people seeing the weak bella but I was at the verge of breaking down

"NO we can't give the loan but.."he finally said after some seconds of silence between us

What I felt like all my hopes are gone ,I felt like strangling this man.

"What a heartless man you are, I knew you were heartless but I just tried to prove myself wrong I guess I was stupid well ,thank you Mr Adam I will take my leave now"I said running out of the office to probably hide my tears

The hurt in her voice was clearly visible ,I didn't mean it that way I just want to help her but I chased her out, wow nice one there adams.

"Wow Adams Guman you took this your playboy stuff really serious even in the office with a staff or do you have another explanation for that"Mrs Guman said clapping

"Mom is not what you think"Adams said trying to explain

"Then what is it a girl crying out of your office definitely means two things "

"Which is"Adam said raising his eyebrows

"One maybe you fired her"

"No its not that...."

"Then you screwed her in your office and told her to get out ,like the typical Adam would right"Mrs Guman said interrupting Adam

"Wow its not that either"I said smirking

"Adam this your behavior is getting me sick my son is labelled the most successful billionaire ,the youngest CEO and do you know what I hate seeing on the tabloid "she said shouting

Thank God my office is soundproof.

"That my son is a playboy , jumping from one girls to another do you know how heartbreaking I feel"she said crying

"She's my girlfriend".

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