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The Veil Of Faith And Destiny

The Veil Of Faith And Destiny

Aditi Mukherjee


Stuck in her miserable life, Azura makes her way towards a sorceress hoping to find an answer. As she walks down the Dark Forest, her heart pounding in her chest she knocks on her door. The seven dreadful knocks as the stories told her. The sorceress points her towards a small cottage in the graveyard, arming her with a task and promising her answers once she is done. But things end up taking a turn for the unknown as she in transported to a totally different world. The world she never knew existed.

Chapter 1 Where It All Changed

Why am I here? Is the question I keep asking myself, all day, everyday. I don't want to be here, stuck in the far north of St. Lawrence Valley where time has frozen. A place where we still believe in painting our walls in a certain colour according to the direction in which it faces. Well, painting has become a luxury for us at this moment. The ascend of Queen Victoria might have been a victory and pleasure for some, but us, the people who even struggle to put foods in our bellies, it has been nothing but dreadful.

The increased taxes that only help the royal family fund it's extravagant parties is an entirely different matter altogether. When the king fell and a new heir rose none of us expected the situation to get any better, the least we expected was for the things to not get any worse and here we are. Struggling everyday, seeing our economy crash, our crops being either stripped away from us or our farmlands burned to ashes. And when times get harder, and mouths get hungrier people do things they are not proud of. That is what scares me, going to bed at night and waking up in a brothel or next to a man I have not seen in my entire life but somehow he is now my husband. But as the time passes these thoughts get more and more practical. Anything and anywhere is better than this place, a place filled with nothing but my own tears and blood . If the walls could talk they would sing about my pain and sufferings, my daily struggle of trying to keep myself alive and in one piece. Mother and father never touched my face though, they always talked about how hard it would be for them to get paid if my face was disfigured. For a long, long time I thought my life would get much easier if my face was hideous. Mother and father would not look at me as this last and only option to feed themselves but for the actual human I am. So one day I decided to burn my face. I knew very well how agonizing that would be but it would be for a time being; a small price to pay for a life of a little peace. Mother, on the other hand did not think the same, the moment she found out she stripped me naked, beat me until my skin was red and raw then threw me outside in the cold. That day all my breaths, at least the one I had left, were praying for nothing but the sweet relief of death but it never came.

"Is the food ready?" a rough voice asked. I jumped up from my chair once. A tall, huge figure emerged through the door with a roll of tobacco tucked between his teeth.

"Yes father" I replied, lowering my eyes.

"Good put the plate out, your mother will be joining us" he said, walking towards the table. I quickly rushed to the kitchen and pulled out two bowls and spoons. I arranged them on the table, facing each other. I then turned the stove off and carried a large pot of hot stew to the table. I placed it in the center of the table and took a step back. Soon a short, fair, plump woman joined us.

"So your useless self managed to have food on the table" she snarled as she sat down. Both of them filled up their bowls to the rim and started eating.

"What in heaven's name is this?!" the woman exclaimed, I raised my eyes.

"Did you taste this before serving it to us?" she yelled.

"Yes mother" I mumbled.

"Oh, did you now? Eat this!" she said, shoving the bowl in my face. I did not move, it felt as if I was paralyzed.

"Have you gone deaf Azura?" she asked, taking a step closer.

"No-no mother" I whispered. She brushed my hair back before grabbing them and yanking my head back. She forced open mouth and poured the simmering hot stew in. I could feel it flowing down my mouth and my intestines, burning everything. Tears started streaming down my face, and as she kept pouring the stew it got harder and harder. She suddenly let go of me and I collapsed on the floor, crying and vomiting.

"Clean that up!" she commanded, throwing a piece of cloth in my face. I sat there crying and wiping the floor, cursing every moment of my existence. When I was done with cleaning, mother and father were long gone. I took a breath of relief. We walked up to my room and locked the door behind me. I walked towards my bed and pulled out a picture from underneath.

"Oh grandmother" I sighed brushing, my fingers against the picture frame.

"Things would have been way better if you were here. I miss the times when you use to all those stories. Were they true grandmother?" I sobbed, hugging the picture. I walked over to the window and pushed it open. A cold breeze made a sudden rustle and I turned. I saw a book cover shining from under the bed, I pulled it out and dusted it.

"Grandmother?" I looked at the picture. I sat down on my bed and started flipping through the pages, suddenly a piece fell on the floor. I bent down and picked it up.

"My dearest Azura,

I hope you never have to read this my dear, but I most certainly know you will as I am not going to live forever. I know my love there will be times when things get hard and you will feel lonely but always know I am with you, now and always. My soul attached to yours the day you first cried and it will be; till the day you walk this plain and I would like to believe even after that. I don't have much to leave you with but my love and the stories I wrote and read to you every night when you were a little girl. But let me warn you child, these are not just stories, they are the truth. The truth that hides in the shadows and lives among us and I hope you will not do something you shouldn't have. Because once done, things cannot be undone. I am leaving a source of great power and boundless treasure; use it wisely.

Love Grandmother"

The letter read. I wiped the tears off my eyes. How do you do this always grandmother? How do always love me and lookout for me even when you are not around. I smiled and tugged to letter back between the pages. I remember grandmother reading me stories of elves and witches, she always told me both of them had the power to o anything but they never made a fair deal. They always left out a key piece of information but still helped people, if they felt like. And if all the stories were true, maybe someone can help me and even if not, I was ready to die trying than to live in a house where not waking up the next morning was my only wish. I started reading through the book, hoping to find something that might help me. My eyes stopped at a page named "The witch who lives in the dark forest". I started reading through it.

"When the night is black and the moon is full. When the Twiki flies over the stars looking for her next meal. It is the same night when The Dearg-Due rises from her grave. On such a night the souls are so desperate that their eternal doom is not something that worries them. As the clock strikes three you can walk to the north edge of the Dark Forest and let the stars and the moon guide you to the small cave in its heart that The Silver Lady calls home. Knock on her door seven times and no one less or more. The first knock is you offering her your skin that she will use to patch her own decaying flesh, the second is for your hair which she will natch between her teeth, third time for your bones which she will use to mix her portions, fourth time for your heart which she will rip out of your chest and feed on, fifth time for you teeth that she will add to her collection, sixth time for your eyes which she will pluck out one by one and seventh time for your soul that will serve beneath her feet for all eternity" I looked up from the book and out the window. A black to navy gradient was the backdrop for a full moon; the night sky was clear, I could almost see every spot. The moon was glowing yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an ethereal glow. Millions of stars were sprinkled behind it, a few large ones but mostly a multitude of little white pin pricks. Every now and then, a twinkle caught her eye. This was an unfamiliar sight from all the nights I have witnessed none of them were quite like this. Deep in my heart I knew if I had a chance it was tonight. As terrifying the story was, the thought of living with two monsters terrified me more. I knew I had to wait a few hours before the clock struck three but it was a wait that was worth it.

I spend the entire time locked up in my room, praying that mother and father would be too drunk and tired when they came back home. This meant that they would go to sleep without even thinking twice of my absence and I will be able to slip out. As the hours passed by and the sky grew darker my heart became anxious. A creaking sound made me jump of my bed. I cracked open the door and poked my head out, I saw mother and father standing by the door laughing and talking. Soon both of them tumbled into their room and their voices died. I took a deep breath and closed the door. I fell back on my bed and rest my head on the pillow, shutting my eyes I took a deep breath. The loud sound of the clock jolted me awake. I looked around, the house felt dead silent. Darkness filled the room and the only light was the one shining moon. I pulled out a small lamp and lit it. I pulled out a long cape and covered myself. I slowly walked out my room and to the main door. I opened it and crept out locking the door behind me. The street was empty, completely deserted. I could hear dogs barking and animals howling. I pulled my hood over my head and walked towards the forest. My heart was racing and the dark path made my breathing fast. As I reached the north end of the forest I had nothing but the small lamp and the moonlight to guide me. I looked up and saw a flash of light shining directly above something. I swallowed my fear and headed in. With every step and every sound of a dried leaf crunching beneath my feet made my heart race. Soon I saw clearing and walked towards, and there it was sitting in front of me at the bottom of a tress, a small door. I placed my lamp on the foot of the gate and stepped forward.

"Seven knocks. okay" I muttered under my breath. I started knocking. With every knock it felt as if the night was growing darker and the wind was growing meaner. With the last knock the door swung open and I found myself face to face with a tall slender woman, her skin was as pale as snow, her flesh decaying on her face, neck and arms displaying the bones underneath. Her eyes were large and completely black, they had a hint of blood flowing from the corners. Her nails were long, yellow and broken. And her fingertips and palms were purplish black. My eyes were wide at the sight of the horrors it just witnessed.

"Why are you here?" she asked, standing up.

"I...I..." I struggled to speak. She took a step towards me, her long gown sweeping the floor.

"Your eyes tell a story child but that doesn't answer my question. Tell me why you are here before you regret your silence" she said.

"The Silver Lady....I hope to seek your help" I mumbled.

"What do you need?" she asked.

"I need to change every aspect of my life," I replied.

"Do you speak out of need or greed?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Need my lady. If things don't change I will be either on my dead bed or some man's" I said.

"And what do you intend to offer me in return?" she asked, lacing her long fingers together.

"I have some gold coins" I extended my palm forward.

"Gold coins you say" she wickedly laughed and it made me shiver.

"I don't long for gold child, it is of no use to me" her face darkened.

"I will do anything for you my lady if you choose to help me" I pleaded.

"Anything you say?" she raised her eyebrow.

"You shall come at once every time I summon you. And you shall not question but do whatever I shall demand of you in you this and every other life" she said, her black eyes glowing.

"I shall and I will my lady" I nodded.

"Extend your arm" she commanded and I obeyed. She picked up a knife as soon as the blade touched my skin it felt as if it was on fire, she carved a letter in my arm before she let it drop. I ran my fingers on my arms. It felt as if she had pressed a hot metal against my flesh.

"Walk to the graveyard that stands on the very edge of the town. Find the tombstone that reads Mairea and remove all the stones from top of her grave. Carry the largest stone to the small hut that sits in the middle. Do not move or touch anything if you will not be cursed. There in front of the fireplace facing Master Balrus' portrait sits the Veil Of Faith and Destiny. Look into it and wish for what you seek. But wish only for what you need not desire. No go! Go at one!" she said, pointing at the door.

"Thank you my Lady, I am in your debt forever" I said.

"You are indeed my child" she grinned exposing her rotten teeth. I gulped. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I ran to the edge of the town and into the graveyard. I frantically looked around as I started going in deeper and deeper. Finally I stopped in front of a tombstone that read Mairea. It had a dozen stones stacked on top of each other. I took a step towards the grave and then stopped. People believed that placing stones on someone's grave was to insure that they never woke up again, if I removed all the stones the person lying beneath might rise again. I bent down and examined the stones, I pulled out a stone making sure not to move any other. I then carried it to the small hut that stood in the center. I pushed open the door and locked around, everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. As I took a step in, the floorboards cracked under my feet. I walked into what seemed like a living room and spotted a fireplace on top of which hung a huge portrait. I turned my head and saw a huge dresser sitting in front of it. I placed my lamp on it's foot and looked closer. The wind wiped across my face as I brushed my fingers against the surface of the mirror. I leaned in closer and looked at myself squarely in the mirror. I know you belong somewhere. I know there's more to you than this. A voice whispered and I jumped back, suddenly the lights from the lamp flickered. In the growing darkness something caught my attention out of the corner of my eyes; a glint in the mirror. I squinted my eyes, but nothing...nothing changed. My reflection wasn't me, I raised a hand to my face, but when my reflection didn't, I froze. And suddenly the mirror itself looked a little odd, almost shimmery. I reached a shaky hand towards the mirror and when my fingers touched the surface, they pressed into the glass. I tried to yank back as hard as I could but it was no use, my hand won't come free. My palm started to sink in, then my forearm and before I knew everything went black.

My eyes opened to an endless blue ocean, rushing water yanked me forward, forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut against the current. Just as I felt my lungs starting to strain, a splash of water came from my right. I felt a pair of strong, sturdy arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me to the surface. I could feel myself being dragged onto the dry land and sputter as I wiped the water from my eyes. I tried to get my bearings, taking a moment to fap at my surroundings.

"Wh-where..." I struggled. I could see a blue flame burning in front of me in a large basin. The sky was spotless blue and in front of me was a collection of cozy looking buildings with steepled roofs, a manicured lawn and an ostentatious statue out front. But as I gawked, the carved marble figure kept moving around, and overhead. I saw people flying by on a variety of objects including an ottoman, a broom and an ornamental rug.

"Where am I? What is happening?" I said as I stood up.

"Hey, hey! You're okay, I got you" said a tall dark in. I scanned me from top to bottom. His black curly hair dancing in the wind and his long grey robe spread on the floor.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Welcome to Elemental Magicks" he smiled. I looked around, trying to understand what was happening. As I turned around I saw a haughty guy eyeing me disdainfully from nearby. I blinked at him blankly. His lips curled up as if he wanted to say something but all he did was give me a withering look, before he turned and stalked away.

"Why am I here?" I asked, turning back to my saver.

"That's something only you can answer" he replied. I looked down.

"What happened...?" he paused.

"Azura," I said.

"Tell me, what happened Azura?" he asked.

"I went to a witch for help and she sent me off to this hut and there was a mirror..." I pressed my lips against each other.

"Mirror?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah it was called the Veil Of Faith and Destiny" I replied.

"The Veil brought you here?" his eyes widened.

"Seems like it" I sighed.

"Azura, do you have any idea what the Veil Of Faith and Destiny is or even it's powers are?" he asked.

"No" I nodded. He took a deep breath as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Come on, we need to figure things out and until then I'll keep you safe" he said.

"What does that even mean?" I asked, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Azura the Veil is not supposed to send anyone here, especially humans. There's a reason why you are here" he said, his eyes shining golden.

"You have to trust me" he whispered.

"Trust you? I don't even know you!" I said, when suddenly I felt a stinging pain in my arm.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked, wrapping his arms around mine. I looked up at him. For some reason as soon as his skin touched mine, the pain disappeared. He let go of me and the pain was back, it was so intense that I collapsed to the ground. He placed his hand on mine and I felt better.

"Show me your hand" he softly whispered. I extended my arm towards him. He gently wrapped his fingers around my wrist and examined it.

"Someone marked" he said, his golden eyes turning crimson. I looked at his face, soaking all the details.

"Who did this to you?" he asked, his eyes now completely blood red.

"The Silver Lady" I whispered. The colour from his eyes drained and they became pale, almost white.

"What business did you have with The Silver Lady?" he asked.

"I wanted her help...I wanted her to change some aspect of my life but this is not what I meant...." I fumbled.

"I don't believe greed or The Silver Lady brought you here because none of them have the power to do so" he said, his eyes turning green. I gave him a blank expression.

"Come on you have a lot of questions to answer and it'll be better if I ask them" he added, wrapping his arms around me. He stood up picking me with ease and shrugged his shoulders back. A pair of huge dark brown wings emerged. He flapped them and within seconds we were in the clouds. I looked down and saw a beautiful city full of tall green trees, steepled houses and people who weren't quite human. He stopped in front of a huge canopy and muttered some. A door opened and we flew in, setting me down on my feet. He shrugged his shoulders again and the wingers disappeared.

"What are you? Some sort of a fairy?" I asked and he laughed.

"No I'm a Dark Fey" he replied.

"And what is that?" I asked, confused.

"That is not of concern right now your mark is" he said, pointing towards my arm.

"Wait here" he added before he disappeared into a room. I walked around, everything was made of wood but not quite wood. It looked like any other house I have seen but still felt very different. He emerged back with a bowl. He took my hand and poured a green liquid over the mark, it seemed as if it became lighter and less prominent.

"This will help you, for a while at least" he said, setting them down.

"Now let's try again shall we, who are you really?" he asked, his eyes turning dark brown.

"My name is Azura and a mirror did transport me here. That's all I know, believe me" I replied. For a minute he scanned my face and then his eyes turned golden again.

"I believe you" he said, taking a step back.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yes. I can tell when someone is lying and you most certainly are not. Which means you have no clue about anything and that means..." he paused.

"And that means...?" I emphasized.

"You being discovered here can be the reason for your death" he said. I looked at him in shock, eyes widening. When I wished for my to change I did not mean for this, I most certainly did not. My head fell down and tears started forming in the corner of my eyes.

"Hey don't worry" he said, wrapping me in a hug.

"This doesn't make sense. None of this does!" I squeaked.

"It's okay, it doesn't have to be. But I can tell you one thing with certainty my dear, you are meant for great things" he said, pulling away his eyes tuning light blue.

"How can you say that?" I asked.

"I feel it" he replied, cupping my face.

"I'm sorry I did not get your name" I said, pulling away.

"Griffin. My name is Griffin" he replied.

"Griffin the fairy?" I joke

"I'm not a fairy, I am a Dark Fey" he smiled.

"And that's different how?" I asked.

"Well to begin with fairies are small feies are not. Secondly are powers are not limited to making and flying objects, it goes beyond to creating and healing life" he replied.

"So you can create life?" I asked.

"Out of thin air? No" he replied.

"So this place, what kind of folks live here?" I asked.

"All who are not welcomed on the Earth. The witches who were ordered to burn alive, the fairies and feies who were able to run for their lives. And everyone who the cruel humans wanted to hurt'' his face darkened.

"I'm so sorry Griffin I truly am I never knew how miserable we made you lives" I said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We learnt to live here, somewhere we did not have to work for our lives. Somewhere we can be our true selves" he replied.

"I'm happy all of you found a way out of your sufferings" I smiled and he nodded.

"Come on, we need to go see someone" he said before walking away.

"Who?" I asked.

"Someone who can help us find answers" he said as he walked out with some clothes.

"Here this was my sister's. You need to fit in" he added, handing me the pile. I took it and looked around for a room, and he led me to the back.

I quickly changed into what seemed like a long blood red cape with three holes, two for arms and one for my head which was attached to a long hood. As I walked out I saw him standing at the door, he nodded and I pulled my hood over my head. He shrugged his shoulders and his wings sprang out, he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. He flapped his huge wings and within seconds we were in the clouds. Soon we stopped over a small stone hut with a large chimney. Griffin shrugged his shoulders back as he pushed the door open. It seemed as if it was a pub of some sort. We walked in and the man behind the bar greeted us. He was tall with skin as white as snow, ears extending beyond his head and ending in a point, his eyes glowing red and his smile curled up revealing razor sharp teeth underneath. I took a step behind Griffin and he slightly nodded his head.

"It's always good to see you here Griffin" he said politely.

"And it's always good to be in your presence, Malfas." Griffin smiled.

"Did you happen to know where Ivy is?" he asked.

"No one knows where she is Griffin you know that" Malfas said.

"But you do, don't you brother? Why don't you help a friend out?" he said, his smile almost threatening. Malfas gulped.

"Well Griffin if you must insist, I will say she might be in her library but I'm not sure" Malfas said, wiping a glass.

"I knew I was coming to the right man the moment I stepped in here. Have a good day Malfas" Griffin smiled, tossing a coin to Malfas. He then got up and marched out, I followed him.

"Who's Ivy?" I asked.

"Someone who might have the answers" Griffin said, shrugging his shoulders. Before I could utter another word he wrapped his arms around me and took to the sky. Moments later we stood in front of a huge domed shaped building with large gates that had spikes on it. The spikes emitted a reddish blue glow, I looked at Griffin and he nodded before he walked in and I followed.

"Ivy!" he yelled.

"This is a library, don't you have the courtesy to shut your mouth?!" a woman with dark purple hair and blue black skin walked out from behind a shelf. Her skin seemed as thin as paper, I could see the outline of all her veins. Her fangs bulged out from her mouth, and her eyes reeked of nothing but death.

"Griffin! What are you doing here?" she stopped dead in her tracks.

"I need your help" he said.

"I thought the Fey people were all knowing specially you" she snarled, crossing her arms and pressing them on her chest.

"Ivy, please it happened decades ago. Can't we just forget about it?" he asked.

"No Griffin whatever happened that day changed a lot of things, including our friendship" she said.

"Okay then not let's make it a personal affair but rather a professional one. I pay your price and you do my bidding" he replied.

"Can you pay me?" she narrowed her eyes.

"I will Ivy" he promised.

"Very well then first payment then work. You have an hour" she said before she turned on her heel and marched away. I looked up at Griffin, his fist was curled up and now his eyes were red. I placed my hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it.

"Wait here Azura I'll be back" he said before he bolted, leaving me alone among piles and piles of books. I walked around, brushing my fingers against the dust leather case and what seemed like roots. A purple glow incapacitated me, I found myself walking through the chains and near the book.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that" Ivy's voice broke the spell. I found myself with stretched arms, reaching for the book, I quickly retreated.

"What is this?" I asked, stepping out.

"Something you shouldn't poke your nose into" she hissed.

"I'm sorry...have I done something to offend you?" I asked.

"Your mere existence offends me, human" she snapped. I took a step back as her eyes bulged and he hissed between her teeth, she hunched her back, raising her arms and her sharp nails pointed towards me. I took a step back, and before I knew it I tumbled and fell down. I covered my face preparing for the worst, but nothing happened. I saw Griffin standing in front of me, his wings spread out. Ivy retreated back, her red eyes still glued to mine.

"This is not what we talked about Ivy!" he said.

"We never talked about you leaving a human in my library" she calmly responded.

"She's a friend and you will not hurt her" he said, giving me his hand, I took it and got up.

"Friend, since when are humans your friends Griffin or you just simply lost your mind?" she sarcastically asked.

"Not all humans are the same Ivy as not all Fey or Bloodwraiths are '' he replied.

"Don't compare me to a filthy human!" she barked, her eyes glowing red.

"I am not comparing you to anyone Ivy. I'm just stating the facts. Now if you will" he said, extending a small jar towards her. She took it and unscrewed it, a swirl of black dust sprinted out followed by agonizing screams. I crouched down and covered my eyes, Ivy sniffed it and chucked it down in one sip.

"Follow me" she said, wiping her lips. Griffin nodded and I got up.

"What do you want to know?" she asked.

"What brings Azura here?" Griffin replied.

"I'm guessing her doom" she laughed.

"Ivy! The Veil Of Faith And Destiny brought her here" Griffin said and her smile faded away.

"That's impossible! The Veil will never do that; it's not to transport people from realm to realm" she said.

"I know and that's why I'm here" he said. She started looking through books, pulling them out of the shelves, flipping through pages and then tossing them on the floor. Griffin and I looked at each other, Ivy's rising worry was not helping neither of us.

"I will be back" she said before hurrying away.

"Where did she go?" I whispered.

"I don't know. But seeing her, makes me think that even she doesn't have the answers to our questions" he replied. After a few minutes Ivy came back holding a pile of stones.

"These might help but none of them give a clear picture" she said, placing them on the table. I looked over her shoulder, they had some sort of engraving on them which kept changing every few minutes.

"What do they say?" he asked.

"They talk about the daughter of King Laimous" she said.

"No no no that's not right. King Laimous never had a daughter" he argued.

"And even if there was, she must be a thousand years old" she added.

"Then how do you say these help?" he asked.

"Because only the daughter of Lady Faith herself and King Laimous can use the Veil to walk through realms" she said.

"Wait wait wait wait! You're telling me that Lady Faith herself had a daughter with King Laimous? I don't buy it, because I'm sorry to say, but that woman is terrifying" he replied, raising his palms over his head.

"I know but it seems like it's true. No one believed this for centuries and neither did I but here she is" Ivy said gesturing towards me.

"None of this helps Ivy. Tell me how can I send her back home?" he asked.

"For the first time in centuries I am saying this but I don't know" she sighed.

"You promised to help Ivy I paid you! And now you're bound by your word!" he snapped.

"I might know someone who can answer some of your questions. But I'm not sure she would like seeing a Fey" she replied.

"I'm not sending her with you alone anywhere. If going to Syfyn is the only way I am coming with you" he said.

"So determined to protect a human soul that you don't mind risking your own?" she chuckled.

"It is to save her soul" he said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"The Silver Lady marked her. Azura's soul is hers and so is every other part of her" he replied.

"The Silver Lady sent her here?!" she exclaimed.

"No! We both know no one has that kind of power" he said.

"I'm not liking this Griffin, not even a single bit! You know if she's marked, nothing can save her" she said.

"I'm hoping Syfyn can" he replied.

"Uhu the question is not can she, it is rather will she" Ivy crossed her arms.

"You know there's a very good chance that none of us walk out alive?" she added.

"It's a chance we will have to take" she said.

"Were well then, I will see you here tomorrow at the break of dawn" she said before she walked away. Me and Griffin looked at each other, quietly we walked out.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because I gave you my word" he replied.

"Technically you never did" I said.

"Azura, if you want me to leave you here to die, I will not do that" he said, turning towards me.

"Why don't you hate all of humanity like Ivy?" I asked.

"Because as I said, not everyone is the same" he smiled.

"How do you know that? You don't even know me or where I come from" I said.

"I don't need until and unless you do things to harm me or my people, I will help you" he replied.

"Where's your sister Griffin?" I asked. He suddenly stopped, his eyes fixed to the ground.

"She's dead" he said.

"I got a feeling that was the case. What happened?" I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We are helpless without our wings. They give us our powers and strengths. My sister, she was the strongest Fey. She has the abilities none of us possessed. One day a human saw her flying above the clouds. And they got greedy, they wanted her wings. So they chased her and shot her down. She didn't even put up a fight, she never intended to hurt a single soul. Her kindness was repaid by her death" he choked.

"I'm so sorry" I said, wrapping my arms around him.

"You shouldn't risk your life to save mine. I don't deserve that kindness" I added as I pulled back.

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"Because it's true. I have done nothing to earn your kindness" I replied.

"And neither have you done anything to lose" he smiled. My head hung low, he cupped my face and lifted my head up.

"Don't worry yourself with unnecessary things' ' he whispered and I nodded. We walked down the street and I couldn't believe the beauty that my eyes saw. Fairies flying around leaving spec of gold everywhere they went, little elves walking around with their eyes shining, sphry walking around trying not to bump their horns into anyone or step on any little creature, centaurs standing in a corner bellowing with laughter. Even though it was night, the sky seemed to be full of colour. It was lit with incandescent stars that shimmered and flickered, I could hear the raucous laughers of different creatures around and behind us. They all felt so full of life and more human than we ever can be.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Griffin leaned in and whispered.

"I have never seen something like this in my entire life" I replied, my eyes still glued to the sky. I felt his strong arms wrapping around my waist, I rested my head on his shoulder. Soaking every moment of this beauty in. Soon he flew us both back to his canopy.

"You must be hungry" he said, setting me down.

"No, not really" I smiled.

"You haven't had anything since morning. I cannot offer you much but..." he paused as he placed a huge basket full of berries, melons, grapes and apples.

"I don't know what humans eat" he added and I smiled.

"We eat fruits" I said.

"Thank heavens" he sighed.

"You're not going to make me sit here alone and eat are you?" I asked, and he didn't respond.

"Sit down" I said, sliding the basket towards it. He took the chair next to mine.

"So tell me, how many realms are there?" I asked, as I bit into an apple.

"Well there is the human realm, Flaun realm, a realm where Lady Faith lives, there used to be a realm for Dark Fey, then there is a realm for centaurs and the Moose realm" he replied.

"What's the Flaun and Mosse realm?" I questioned.

"Well Malfas is Flaun and so was King Laimous. Their realm is the hardest to get to, they have their own ways to protect and shield it. And Mosse is the place where every other creature lives, fairies, elves' ' he said.

"Which one is this realm?" I asked.

"This place is not exactly a realm" he sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"This is where all the outcasts live. The creatures who have been rejected, abandoned or left their lives behind" he replied.

"Then why are you here?" I placed a hand on his.

"When The King fell our realm was consumed by war and chaos, it felt as if it was the end but it wasn't, for the time being. The new King wanted to do things I did not stand by so I left" he said.

"I hope now you're in a much better place" I softly smiled.

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