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Not The Usual Fairytale

Not The Usual Fairytale

Aditi Mukherjee


Combination of two romantic/tragic stories that combine reality and fantasy in a perfect blend. Who's The One? Stacy takes a walk down the memory lane when she is asked about how she met Derin, the love of her life and how much she loves him. As the conversation progress and some dark and unsettling truth is revelled that makes her suddenly being asked to confront her biggest REGRET; the thing she everyday; till date; regrets. An Unfolding Tale The journey of Ana, who lives her life the most. She never paid any heed to the problems in her life, would do anything to let her life be PERFECT. But as all humans who walk in the search of perfection: something she does goes horribly wrong with turns her life upside down. She is struck by realization that she is loosing the the most precious thing in her life.

Chapter 1 Who's The One

I was walking in through the door, I was more than happy.

"Plump cake, where should I keep this?"

"Over..... wait a second! What you just call me?!" I asked as I turned and face him.

It was Derin Jacob. A six feet guy, he had dark black hair, which were a bit raised. He had big light brown eyes with long pretty eyelashes; and I had one word to define his eyes and it was "Pretty". But he never liked the word because to him always this word felt alot feminine. He had long beautiful pink lips, a little beard, he use to wear two bands on his right hand and a black wooden cross around his neck, he had dusty completion and his also dimples completed his looks. He had a straight jaw and broad shoulder blade. He did not poses a muscular frame but to me; in all sense, he was just perfect.

"Girlie!" he said as he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Derin! Don't you dare call me that again!" I shouted.

"Why not?" he asked, innocently.

"Aw! Don't you make that face!" I said blushing.

"Ah, why not? If that face brings your anger down so what's wrong?" he asked as he slowly held me by my waist.

"Well..... no thing's wrong, but you're not suppose to make that face okay?!" I said as my nose slowly touched his.

"Ah well....." he paused as he brushed his nose against mine.

"Ahm ahm!!" our moment was interrupted by Troy.

It was Troy Lee. My best friend. He was a tall guy with a well built frame. He wasn't only kind, good and generous but much more than that. I and Troy we friends for like, forever. We almost spent our childhood together; and we knew each other inside-out.

"Ah Troy!" I said as I turned and faced him; still held in Derin's arms.

"Will you both do all this cheesy crab later! Why don't you concentrate on this shifting stuff?!!" he questioned us.

Before any of us got a chance to open our mouth and place an argument, we were interrupted by a bunch of people.

They were Monica, Rachel and Ross.

This was our friend circle, who had came here to help us. They all were helping us in setting our new place. This place was mine and Derin's, we both had recently decided to move in together because both of us were settled in our lives. I was a successful fashion designer and he was a leading business tycoon. He had a company called DD. At first place if I would tell this to anyone they always took it the wrong way. DD stood for Derin and Daniel.

Daniel was Derin's elder brother, who was an architect.

"So all you guys are here?" I asked as I struggled to get out of Derin's arms.

"No Stacy, non of us are here; what you can see are complete illusion!" Monica replied critising me.

"Hm!" I mumbled with an angry tone.

"Guys I called you all to help us; and not to fight with her!" Derin said; as he cut our argument.

"Yeah and....." I paused as I realised something.

"Wait a second! You called them?!" I asked Derin as I raised my eyebrows.

"Ah....!" he paused, and as he paused I understood everything.

"And I thought you all were here to generally help us! You know what; you should all go and die somewhere!" I growled with anger.

"Sh....Shit!" Derin mumble under his breath; regarding about the revile of his planned thing.

"Oh! Now I get it! You were just trying to less up the burden! K! Fine you do everything by yourself I am leaving!" I shouted.

And as I said I made my way towards the door.

"Stacy stop" Derin said as he rushed to stop me.

"Stac; please stop. K I admit that I called them and they had no plain to be here and help us. But I still pleaded them to be here because you know there is a lot of work to be done and you'll not be able to do it alone; and as you know I am good for nothing so that's the reason I called them. I'm sorry" and with this conclusion Derin made his all time cutest face the puppy face and that was enough to bring my anger down.

"K fine. I'll stay, I forgive you" I said with a smile. And with this Derin held my hand gently and we both walked in.

Everyone was amazed to see this; the fact that Derin was so good in bring my anger down and not letting it burst.

After I came back, everyone got busy in picking up the boxes and helping us; nothing much was said about the matter later.

I was setting the kitchen, when I suddenly realised that Derin's favourite bear mug set wasn't there! I looked for it all over but I didn't found it.

I moved the box aside to check where I kept the bear mug set.

"Shit! Shit!" I shouted as I was looking around.

"What went wrong?" Monica asked me; still engrossed in setting the dishes.

"I guess I forgot to bring Derin's favourite bear mug set!" I replied.

"So....?" Monica asked as she made a weird face.

"What you mean my the word so?! It's his favourite bear mug set! I was not suppose to forget it or should I say loose it!" I said as I scratched my forehead.

"You.....what?!" she suddenly exclaimed.

"Yeah! I am not sure; but I think I lost it" I said.

"How can you be sure?" she asked.

"I am not sure! But I think!" I said.

"How?!" she asked.

"Ah because I don't remember that I kept them!" I said.

"They must be in some other box" she said.

"I don't think so!" I exclaimed as a I am pretty scared look ran across my face.

"Stacy just calm down and check. I am sure you will find it in some other box!" she said as she looked at me.

"What serious discussion is going on between you two ladies?" Derin asked as he interrupted in your conversation.

I turned to face him.

There he stood with a big box in his hand and a cute puzzled look on his face. He was just keen to know what was going on in the room.

"Hello!" Derin called out again, to break my thoughts.

"What's going on?" he repeated his question again out of interest.

"Ah nothing - nothing much! Nothing of your interest" I replied in a hesitated tone.

"Yeah nothing much" Monica said as she repeated half of my statement after me.

"So what are you doing?" I asked Derin as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and tried to charge the topic.

"She just lost your favourite bear mug set" Monica suddenly announced as she broke the silence; which suddenly laid between us.

"Monica!" I shouted at her and as I said I turned my head and looked at her.

"Oops!" she said as she opened her eyes wide and relished her mistake.

"You......What?!" Derin asked as he bent and kept the box down on the floor.

"You what Stac?" he asked again as he got up.

"Ah I think I lost your favourite bear mug set; I am so, so sorry" I said in guilt.

"Which one?" he inquired.

"The one you brought from Spain" I replied in a calm voice.

"Ah......?" he said as he gave me a puzzled look.

"The white one. The one with the sharp bottom" I said as I keep on describing it.

"Ah....?" he asked as he showed me the sign that he wasn't getting which one was it.

"The one which costed you one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dollars" I said as my head fell down.

"Oh that one!" he said as his face lit up.

"Yeah, I am so so so sorry, Derin" I said in a low voice.

"Oh! Don't worry! Chill!" he said as he gently kept both of his arms on my shoulders.

"What?!" I asked him as a smile suddenly ran cross my face.

"I said it's cool don't worry! Chill!" he replied in a playful tone.

"Oh! I love you so very much!" I said as I held his shoulders tightly.

"Yeah I know! But I love you more!" he said as he held my waist gently.

"Ah! No I love you the most!" I said as I pushed myself near him.

"Maybe; but I love you to the moon and back and even more! I love you more than infinity" he said as he touched his forehead from mine.

"But I love you both more than anything!" Monica said as he interrupted our conversation.

"Monica!" I said as I shouted at her.

"Yeah guys, this is your place and you both totally can spend more cute moments here! But for now it will be better that both of you concentrate on this shifting work!" she completed and as she said she picked the empty boxes up, and walked out of the kitchen.

"Can they not see us happy?!" Derin asked me in an irritated tone.

"What made you think that?" I asked him and as I asked him I gave him a smile.

"Well, because anytime we are going to have a moment anyone of these people come and interrupt!" he said as he turned his face.

"Hey come on! Chill! They are our friends!" I said as I gently turned his face back in the direction it was before.

"What kind of friends they are! Who always interrupts and irritates us?!" Derin asked as his anger showed no sign to calm down.

"Honey calm down! They just want to finish this stuff as soon as possible that's it!" I replied as I started to play with his nose.

"Okay now let's go out and check on them!" Derin said and as he said he unwrapped me from his arms.

"Yeah sure!" I said and as I said both of us made our way out to the drawing room.

And as we crossed the hallway, and reached the drawing room, we saw Rachel arranging the cabinets which had glass stuff in them.

And then I suddenly heard a shout.

"Rachel!" I shouted as I ran towards her.

"I am sorry" she said as she got up.

"Sorry?! That was an expensive dish set you just broke!" I said as my voice got louder.

"I apologised Stacy I am so so sorry. I was just trying to help, it was just a mistake!" she said as she jumped and got away from all the broken prices of the glass.

"No Rachel sorry is not go enough! Will your sorry bring me back my dish set?!" I asked her as I kept on shouting at her.

"Stacy please you are overreacting!" she said as she started to argue with me.

"No I am not!" I said as I continued shouting at her.

"Guys I called you here to help us in the shifting work so that we could finish faster but you all are just increasing our dame work!" Derin said as he interrupted in our conversation.

"Totally!" I said as I raised my eyes.

"Well, right now non of you are helping us but increasing our trouble" Derin said as he started shouting and criticizing everyone.

"First Derin pleaded to us to come and help you, and we did! And it was a clear mistake Stacy" Ross said as he supported Rachel.

"So? You are doing me no favours!" I said as I got a bit mad on Ross.

"I can't believe you all!" Derin shouted.

"You guys are totally unbelievable!" I said and as I said I made my way towards the main door and then I existed the house. And as I left Derin followed me.

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