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Something In The Shadows

Something In The Shadows

Aditi Mukherjee


Travelling to a new town, and leaving behind your home can be a scary though but sometimes it's just something one has to do. Annica finds herself in a similar situation when he travels miles from her home country to New York, USA to peruse her dream and work under the most renowned chef Christopher Edwards. But things start taking an interesting and disturbing turn when Annica finds herself entranced and captivated by the charm of her boss. But what will happen when she learns about the dark secrets that are hidden behind those beautiful blue eyes?

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Look out the window and soaking in all the beauty felt like such a surreal experience. It feels like a dream come true. Even when I am here, in the great city of New York I jut cannot believe it. Coming from a different world nation, a different country, being raised with totally different sets of values and ethics than my peers really make things weariedly exciting. Coming here wasn't hard, neither was leaving my mom and sister behind: I always knew I was gonna do it anyways. What was difficult though was knowing I would never get to see my hometown, my family for a long long time again.

I will not be able to visit the beautiful streets, not

be able to get shit drunk and throw up and just not get out of it. Huh oh sweet sweet memories! Thinking about what a comfort home is, really makes me nostalgic about leaving home but what choice did I have? It was either my career or my family and my comfort space: I being the stubborn ass that I am, choose the second and possibly the hardest option was. But now what good it is to think about now? I am thousand of kilometers: oh shit sorry! miles: miles from home and now this is what my life is.

"What utter bullshit!" Remy exclaimed.

"What is?" I asked, facing her.

"This!" she replied, shoving her phone in my face.

Remy has always been a big critic and the first person to call out other's on their bullshit, but this time I don't blame her for that reaction, because what I saw made me burst out into laughter too. "Locals claim they say a giant dog or wolf of some sort running through Time Square at three in the morning. Some believe that it was a Werewolf of some sort. Some people say that due to yesterday being a new moon night, werewolves were unleashed. According to an urban legend, many believe or at least say, there are creatures of the dark larking among us. Living with us as equals but beware as they have been sent by the devil himself and will be mankind's doom."

"The actual fuck?" I laughed as I tossed the phone back into Remy's hand. I was never someone to believe on such nonsense. I don't think something like werewolves or vampires or fairies existed. But apart of me do want to believe in wizards because if they were true then someday I might get to go Hogwards and let got of this stupid, miserable, muggle life.

"So are you excited?" Remy asked. Her eyes shinning and her smile wide. For a second there she reminded me of a ghost or something creepy from a horror movie.

"Yeah I am" I replied, smiling back.

"I can't even believe I got the job let alone an interview" I added, shifting my gaze from her to the beauty outside.

"Come on Ani! You deserved it!" she replied, playfully punching my arm.

"I am skeptical about it" I smiled.

"Why? You are really good at what you do! You were the only female chef in a kitchen full of sixteen guys. If you could handle that, then this will be a cakewalk" she said, winking.

"Remy it was different!" I snapped.

"How?" she calmly asked.

"Because..." I paused, took a deep breath and started, "Because it wasn't such a big deal! This is Chef Christopher Edwards we are talking about! He is the youngest chef in the history to own fourteen Michelin Star restaurant, that's a big deal. After Chef Ramsey it's him"

"So? None of what you said gives me a reason to doubt your capabilities. You are a good chef and a very hardworking person, trust yourself. And trust me when I say this, Chef Edwards saw something in you, his team saw in you and that's the only reason you are the new Sous Chef" she said, rubbing my arm comfortingly.

"Speaking of that, why does he head the kitchen? I mean most of the big chefs owing a big restaurant are not directly involved in operations" I asked.

"Honestly I don't now and I never asked. Besides I don't see him very often" she replied.

"He's not with his crew?" I raised an eyebrow.

"His kitchen crew yes. Not the rest. We usually get briefed and de-briefed by the general manager" she said.

"Well, as you being the Bar Manager, can I expect free drinks?" I playfully asked.

"Girl hell no!" she snapped her fingers.

"Why?!" I exclaimed.

"Let me give you a piece of advice Annica.." she paused, her expressions darkening.

"Never do anything to drive Christopher over the edge" she added.

"Okay Remy you're scaring me" I gulped.

"Look you gonna work directly with him and there are certain things about him that only we as employees know" she said.

"Which is?" I emphasized.

"He gets over the edge sometimes. Just do your work, mind your business and abide by the rules and you'll be fine" she replied. I opened my mouth but quickly closed it as our cab came to a haul.

"That'll forty eight dollars and do you need help with the bags?" the cab driver turned and asked.

"No that's fine sir we'll manage. Here keep a fifty" she said, handing the cash and smiling.

"Thank you. And you ladies have a good evening" he smiled and Remy nodded in response.

We got out of the cab and helped ourselves with the bags. I helped Remy push my huge bags out of the trunk and on to the ground. I then dragged then across the street to a narrow door.

"Here we are" Remy said as she held the door for me.

"Thank you!" I replied, dragging the bags inside.

"It's not much but it's close to work and not to mention affordable" she said as she opened a small locker on the side wall and pulled out a bunch of newspapers, magazines and what seemed like mail..?

"Is that a mailbox?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah why? Haven't seen one before?" she teased.

"Obviously I have! But they look different. Very different" I replied as I titled my head to have a better view of this MAILBOX.

"Well if you are done admiring my mailbox shall we?" she asked gesturing towards a series of spiral staircase.

"No elevator?" I asked, mortified.

"I'm afraid not" she snarled.

"Oh god kill me now" I said, covering my face with my palms.

"Oh come on it's not that much" she smiled.

"Which floor you said you live on again?" I asked, hoping for a good news.

"Fifth" she giggled.

"Of course" the sound of it made my head hang low. In the back of my mind I was pretty sure I was heading towards my death. Before starting I took a deep breath, muttered a silent prayer to Lucifer under my breath and just hoped for my legs to still work tomorrow.

"Come on you're almost there" she said as she held the door wide open for me. Her voice did not feel very reassuring. I could feel beads of sweet forming on my forehead and it felt as if my lungs were on fire. I some how managed to drag myself inside. As soon as I heard the click of the door locking behind me I collapsed on the couch.

"Ugh...I....I...need...to...work...on...my....cardio" I said as I struggled to breath.

"Or cut down on smoking" she replied as she sat next to me.

"Speaking of smoking..." I bend down to open a small zip in my bad and pull out a box of cigarettes'.

"Do you happen to have a lighter?" I asked as I opened the box and pop one of the sticks between my lips.

"I don't smoke" she replied.

"Don't tell me I'll have to hover over the stove to light my cigarette" I said.

"Buy one tomorrow. And no smoking in my living room" she said as she snatched the cigarette from between my teeth.

"Come on are you for serious right now!" I shouted.

"Yep! You can smoke on the balcony. AND ONLY IN THE BALCONY!!" she ordered.

"Ugh!" I signed.

"Anyways I talked to the landlords they are fine with you living here" she said.

"Great! How did you afford a place on the upper side anyways?" I asked.

"This is my grandparent's" she replied.

"Your grandparent's? So when you said landlords you meant your grandparents?" I questioned.

"Yep" she said.

"Woah! From where I come we don't do this" I laughed.

"Well from where you come, they don't even have the concept of working part-time and saving up for college either" she said sarcastically.

"If my ma ever ask me to pay rent I'll totally assume I was adopted" I giggled.

"Speaking of your mom, did you call her yet?" she asked, taking off her shoes.

"No I didn't. I just settle in, change and then call her" I said.

"Well then let's get you settled in! The door to the left is my room, to the right is the kitchen and down the hall is your room. You get changed and I'll order dinner" she said, getting up.

"Cool!" I replied as I got up.

"How about pizza?" she asked.

"Honestly, I don't care" I chuckled. She smiled back.

I walked down the narrow hall. It was well lit and had pictures on either side of the wall. The house was indeed small but felt cozy and warm. It reminded me of my mom's house. I opened the door at the end of the hall. It revealed a small but comfy looking room. It had a queen sized bed stashed against the wall parallel to the door, a double door wooden cupboard at the foot of the bed, a small door a few inches right to the cupboard (which I assume was the washroom) and a small wall mounded mirror just next to the entrance and a few feet from the bathroom door. I smiled and walked in, locking the door behind me. I kept my bag next to my bed and sat down. It was then when I noticed a small TV mounded on the wall just above the washroom door, well weird placement in general but logical according to the bed placement.

I unzipped my suitcase and pulled out the first pair of cloths I saw. I then stashed rest of them in the cupboard and went in for a long relaxing shower.

"Feeling better?" Remy asked as I walked out of my room drying my hair.

"Much better!" I replied as I sat down on the sofa.

"I ordered the pizza. It'll take a while. In the meantime I'll go and change" she said.

"Cool!" I replied as she walked away.

Picked up my phone and called my mom.

"Did you reach home safely?" she asked as soon as she picked up.

"I did ma don't worry. I am all settled in" I smiled.

"You know I got really worried when you didn't call" she said, making the anxiety in her voice clear.

"I know ma I'm sorry. But don't worry everything is good" I assured her.

"How can I not worry you beta. You're so far away" she said, her voice cracking.

"Ma we talked about this! You're not gonna cry!" I said.

"Easy for you to say" she lightly sobbed.

"Ma come on. You're my fighter na! How can you break like this?" I said, memories flooding.

"Look at you! Lecturing your mother" she said, I could sense a smile on her face. It made me smile too.

"Just take care of yourself okay! And be careful" she added.

"I will ma. And you don't worry. I'll text you after work tomorrow" I said.

"Okay. Good night" she replied.

"Night ma!" I said before I hung up.

I rested my head on the arm rest thinking about all the things I just gave up, just a few hours ago when I stepped out of my comfortable house and job and be here. In an unknown place where I practically just knew this one person. No one except her to lean on to look forward to. For the first time, in forever, I was truly alone.

"Annica! Annica!" I heard my name and then a sudden jolt made me jump to my feet.

"Hey you okay?" I saw Remy standing over me.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I must have fallen asleep" I replied, rubbing my eyes.

"It's okay. The jet lag must me insane" she smiled.

"Yeah I guess" I replied.

"Here have something then you can go back to sleep. We need wake up early tomorrow for work" she said giving me a plate with a slice of pizza.

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