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The Veil Of Faith And Destiny

Chapter 4 The True Face

Word Count: 6431    |    Released on: 23/07/2021

rds the river. As I approached the bridge the winds grew louder and the water grew meaner. The waves started towering over us and lashing against the bridge, the graphite clouds came to

he water lashed through my face, splashing and drenching me. I looked back but nothing was visible, all I could see was

yes, blinding me and giving me a sense of strength all at once. I picked myself up and started walking again. As the rain grew heavier my determination grew st

riffin, his face examining mi

reath" I replied as I sucked in as

iled Ivy as her eyes fill

hing mystifying, I looked at his face with eyes full of confusion. He twisted his palm and pointed it towards me and Ivy. H

raised my arms up to my s

s her long teeth pointed out of

eyes travelled across Griffin's face

I asked as I gently place

the grounds around us. He then shrugged his shoulders and his majestic wings sprung out mak

a few inches above the ground. W

asy for him" started Ivy a

ed as I tried to contain

ished as her eyes fixed on Griffin who was hovering in mid-air, lost in his own thoughts. I looked around, scanning the area around me. The land looked nothing but a sort of barrel to me. I could see very few trees surrounding the land. The sun shone above us,

ered to Ivy, unsure of whethe

" said Ivy as she s

ce a new heir took the throne, things have changed around here" she ad

y I ask?" I raised an eyebrow

am trying to avoid something" she said as her eyes travel

at made you two fall apart?" I asked as I failed

was clearly taken aback by my

we are two similar creatures who are

. I learnt a lot from him to be honest, when I came to the outcast realm I was lost and

I could from him. And one day, something seemed to change

I pressed as I placed a hand on h

at day" she paused as her expression changed. Her face dropped and her eyes fixed to the ground.

" I said as I presse

e was twisted and his eyes were blood red, full with rage. I tried comforting, I tried asking him what went wrong but he just...he just lash

fin asked as he leaped forwa

re we have to go" I replied as

on't run into anyone" he said as he looked over

urned into a land full of small bushes, shrubs and tall trees. The once brown and dusty land disappeared into tall green grass and the empty edges were replaced by huge mountains. The mountains rose up to the sky, hiding the sun behind them. Soon we stopped in front of what seemed like a huge cave entrance, Griffin landed in fron

d as he crossed his arms an

dar" Griffin said a

as he bent down to bring

!" he huffed as his hot b

dar. Let us pass!" he demanded

ature said as he swung his cane high into the air, a sudden spark of green and yellow ignit

knelt down. He swung his cane again and pressed it c

h is to see the Lady Faith and hope to get an audience wit

pointed his cane at Griffin. Ivy and my eyes froze on his face, w

ouldn't have dared set foot in your land if it wasn't a matter of

realms itself? We don't wish for your help or protection even if you coul

ian of the realms Lady Faith. We have been sent by Lady Syfyn herself to travel across the lands and tell the protector about the rise of evil, called the Silver Lady" I finished. The grin from th

of King Igor but I can still not allow this traitor

in thoughtfully. He looked at me before giving out a long huff and moving away. I got up to my feet and walked towards the entrance, the creature's eyes were glued to Griffin's face. There was a sense of terror and shame in Griffin's eyes as they almost turned white. We walked into the dark dingy cave, it felt small and cramped, barely big enough to fit me let alone majestic creatures like Griffi

, it seemed as if he was in a state of trance, his body was

ook his shoulder. Griffin blinked and t

he tunnel right below his feet, he took a deep breath. He turned and said, "Try not to break a bone." He crossed his arm over his chest and to

Within seconds I came down tumbling to the ground. I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing the open and untidy strands behind my ear. I got up and dusted myself. As I looked up I saw Griffin kneeling on the ground with his majestic wings folded back in submission. The room was filled with creatures that looked exactly like him, they all sat in their chairs, exchanging looks but none of them dared to say a word. I walke

y bellowed as he stood up from his chair, Griffin pu

rted but paused as soon as t

u filthy creature!" he yelled as h

ent you step in here!" the creature start

wings would carry you or else they will hang behind my throne!

id not bring me here.

Fey your death d

uld complete a bright ebay of green and red hit me, m

you are spoken to!" the creature

lenched my chest where the light hit me but I felt nothing. I examine

loser to Griffin and Ivy. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, a soft

er and remain standing!" He scanned my face searching for answers. Suddenly his eyes widened and he whisp

demanded as he tur

Lord" he said as he finally raise

e?" King Igor asked as his lips turned up into a mocking grin. Griffin's face fell once a

l. I thought you would have had some sense left in you, I expected you would at least show her the reality, but all you did was encourage her. Her blood is on your hands too, as much as it is on that human's. I gave you mercy because I thought moaning her

o the Flaun realm. My Lord, we just request you to show us the way. We don't ho

ve anything from me, human?" Lord Ig

it. All we can do is try to save the ones we love" I said as a sense o

he Fey yelled as his v

oom!" another called out. King Igor raised h

" he declared as his eyes turned bloo

tended my arm showing him my wrist. He gasped and took a few

e. I rushed over to him and gently wrapped my fingers around his arms as I tried to steady him

way!" he announced as

d up to his feet followed by Ivy. Lord Igor looked over his

e-silver. It lay in the middle of a quiet valley with mountains so high that they kissed the sky and the sun. The sky was as clear as a window. It was peaceful, utterly still and quiet. A mob of flies rose into the air and as they rose up into the sky their tiny win

realm" King Igor said as he st

?" I asked as my eyes trave

his voice feeling more sweet

e me" he added as he brushed h

do exactly?" Ivy asked as co

n it of course!"

sed an eyebrow. I was trying not to of

d and started walking away. I looked o

asked as I stepp

iled. A part of me wanted to believe wha

ter, I felt a weird tingle running down my spine. As we continued I could feel a weird feeling rise in the pit of my stomach. So we immersed ourselves completely into the water, I shut my eyes as it got harder to breat

f belonging and warmth washed over me as I walked towards the castle. As we reached

passers?" one of them as

replied as he shrugged his shoulders

turn at once" the statute said

ccept your advances" Griffins' voice echoed as he extended

help but are always ready to fight for no appar

e as if it was trying to read through me. I started to grow weary of this exercise. All these creatures searched

d" one of them said as both fell

meras, the Charon and King Igor had all previously done the same. I rummaged over the

Ivy Griffin and I looked at each other with utter shock and confusion.

er eyes closely scanned the statues w

id as my eyes refused

ards the door, Ivy followed close behind. But stood there, nailed to my place, my face still lo

suns and what looked like a moon shining in the blue sky painting it in gold and ivory at the same time. The street was filled with people chatting and walking around. I could see tall trees with beautiful flowers on either side of the road. Amongst a

ned by King Lamious" the Fla

he beauty that surrounded the place caught me by surprise. It had a huge lawn with a fountain in the middle. It looked like a lady with a huge jar in her hand pouring water into the flowers that surrounded the fountain. As we walked past her she sprang to life and bo

ith majestic statues and paintings and e

creatures of any other realm" Ivy joked as she looked over he

she asked with concer

ine, why?" I asked as I

eant. But before I could make sense of anything, a huge door swung open in front of us and we were led into a magnificent ro

held a slong slender caine in his hand. I instantly recognized the symbol of Flauns engraved on the head of the caine. Grandmother would describe this sym

n as if he was somehow expecting me to come here. His eyes l

aid as he kneeled down. Following his cue Ivy and Griffin fell t

of my cape. I was instantly snapped back to real

nd leave at once" King Lamious commanded and the General

ded as he stood from his chair

u" he said as he placed bot

ted but was immediately i

hild" he smiled as his eye

ou have been travelling for a long time and you should rest your eye

," Griffin insisted as he took a step forward. King Lamious' smi

rbingers of our destiny. Follow me" he said as he turned on his heel and started walking away. I bowed to the lady sittin

I can't make any heads or tails of the situation that

e that it is in our best interest to not question the judgement of

g was carved in gold in ivory and it sparkled as we walked past it. I looked up at King Lamious

t to ask, child?" he said w

d hesitantly as I quickly

up from the ground like arrows and at the end of it was a waterfall that seemed to have no

the river of time no one can und

oreboding as if he

gh the waterfall and within seconds I found myself standing at the end of a huge room with a throne right in the center. I looked around and

glance at my shoulder and saw Ivy and Griffin who were as awestricken as myself. I turned to Ki

he said as he stopp

I remarked as I

ng. Almost too familiar. I stood up and looked at her. Her face w

de and far and it feels nothing less of a miracle to be able to stand here" I said

he stood up from her throne and walked towards me. I looked at her with my face b

hand on my shoulder. Her touch felt soothing and calming at the same time. I looked at her, squinting my eyes

seemed achin

she said as she pushed her v

nk. All my thoughts seemed to have left me. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest with no indi

ned and I tried to understand what was h

hat" she replied a

.what..?" I strug

hope King Lamious will answer the one I might fail

don't understand" I fi

discovered that after facing defeat in the battle the Silver Lady did not go to the realm for the outcast but rather disguised herself in the human realm. I knew I had to find her, but I also knew well that I couldn't walk am

could not be around you forever, no matter how badly I wanted to. I knew soon I would have to

read to me!" I sai

Silver Lady. You would finish what I started. And you didn't disappoint me child, just likebyou neve

nished as she laced her fingers into mine. I looked at her, dumbfounded, at a complete loss of words. I looke

stammered as my brain struggled to process a

she smiled as she wra

you are Lady Destiny?" King Lamious asked, j

e to travel through the Veil of Faith an

for Lady Faith and Lady

r my hand. "I knew I could not draw her out unless she wanted to face me. I did not want her to take

another trying to fit the piec

iny. For you are hom

hand and closed their eyes. Suddenly a swirl of golden

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