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Trapped In A Fake Relationship

Trapped In A Fake Relationship



Everything is starting on my senior year. I date my brother's best friend who is the football player and one of the most popular kids in school. Until everything is changed, he has a crush on someone else and I'm trying to find someone that can make him jealous and I start this fake relationship with Sam Evans only to make him jealous. Emily Hudson is the head cheerleader in William McKinley High School. She is in senior year with her twin brother, Finn Hudson. She got everything until Noah Puckerman (her boyfriend) has a crush on someone else and make her want to do anything to get Puck back. What is the thing that Emily gonna do? Will she get Puck back or find someone new?

Chapter 1 Anger

Hi I'm Emily Hudson. I'm Finn Hudson's twin sister. I'm the captain of cheerleading squad in William McKinley High School and I'm the member of glee club. This is my senior year and I'm gonna make it as the best senior year ever.

I'm dating the hottest guy alive in McKinley. He is Noah Puckerman. One of Finn's best friend and the football player. He is hot and he is popular.

I'm walking down in the hallways until I see Puck is smirking at Shelby. The director of The Troubletones who is also the step-mother of his baby.

I walk to Puck and take his hand then walk lead him to make him stop smirk at Shelby. Ugh I hate this.

"Okay what was that?" Puck asks me.

"Seriusly? What was that? That's your question? You smirked to that milf when you have your girlfriend here, Puck." I frown at him.

"She just smirks at me so I smirk back at her. That's it, baby." Puck says.

"Ugh I hate you." I roll my eyes and walk off.

Yeah seems like everyone in this school knows about the biggest flirt Puck. They also know that our relationship is like on/off like a lamp in the bathroom.

"Babe, stop it. Okay I'm so sorry about that but this is me. That's Puckerman." Puck stops my way.

"You never want to change and please just one day I want to see you not to flirt with any other slut." I glare at him.

"It's just Beth's things, you know." Puck says.

"I dont trust you!" I said to him.

"Fine!" Puck glares back at me.

"Fine! Just go ahead and flirt with that milf or Quinn Fabray or every girl in this school!" I glare at him.

"Fine! I'll do that and for now you cant stop my way."

"I'll fine another hot guy in this school!" I glare at him and walk away.

"You will never find that because it's only me!" Puck shouts.

I didnt turn back or say anything but keep walking. I hate this. It's always end up like this. I love Puck but I dont like his attitude.

I just need to find someone to make Puck jealous so he will back into my arms and he will beg me to accept him back like always. I have to do this.

"You want to follow me to go to Kentucky after the school ends?" Finn suddenly asks me.

"For what? What the hell are you gonna do this time?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Whoaa calm down. I'm just asking, E." Finn says.

"Fine. I'll join. I really need a distraction because of your sucks bestfriend." I sigh.

"Fight again with Puck? Can you both just live one week without any fight or anything?" Finn frowns at me.

"Actually we broke up now." I simply said.

"And you both will getting back together in two days from now." Finn giggles.

"Shut up! Just think about the stupid things your girlfriend done and make us lose more member." I said to Finn.

"That's why we need to take Sam back from Kentucky." Finn says to me.

"Where the hell he will stay if he back here? His parents move out to Kentucky and he is homeless here." I frown at Finn.

"With us. I talked to mom and Burt and they're fine." Finn grins.

"What? You want me to sleep with him?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No, he can sleep in the guest room." Finn rolls his eyes.

"Okay whatever with that, I just wanna go home right now." I simply said to Finn and turn my way to my locker.

"You're dangerous when you are mad." Finn says innocently.

"Of course I'm mad because I saw my boyfriend smirks at a milf." I roll my eyes then shut my locker.

"Your ex-boyfriend." Finn correct me.

"Hey Emily, you already know about the affair between Shelby and Puck? I'm sure that they already sleeping together because two days ago, Shelby doesnt let me to see Beth and I heard Puck's voice in her apartment." Quinn suddenly standing next to my locker.

"What?" I raise my eyebrows at her.

"I guess we can do this together in order to make New Directions win on sectionals. You can get Puck back and I will get Beth back and reclaim her. How? Just think about it." Quinn smirks at me then walk off.

I sigh then push my head against the locker. This is so complicated. I cant believe that Puck could do this to me. Puck and I been dating since junior year after his affair with Quinn ended up.

"You dont believe what she said to you, do you?" Finn asks me.

"I dont know." I simply said.

"We better go home before you going crazy. Come on." Finn takes my hand and walks lead me.

"I love Puck, Finn." I said to Finn.

"I know but Quinn is another bitch one. You dont remember since last year she always trying to steal Puck from you? I mean, why she left him and dumped him after the baby born when at the end she wants him back?" Finn frowns at me.

"No. I will do anything to get Puck back. He is mine and only mine. Nobody else." I said to Finn.

"Yeah cool." Finn simply said.

I just let out a sigh and keep walking with Finn until we got to his car and go home.


"What is this?" I ask Finn and Rachel as we got into Kentucky and enter a fried chicken restaurant bar.

"Full with moms." Finn simply said while look around.

"Sam told me thatbhe works here." Rachel says to us.

"Ladies! Giving up for White Chocolate!"

I turn my face to the stage until I see Sam is stripping on that stage only wearing a boxer pants.

"What the hell." Finn frowns.

"Give me a dollar." Rachel says to Finn.

"What?" Finn raises his eyebrows at Rachel.

"I got this." I simply said to them and walk closer to that stage and take some cash from my pocket.

I'm standing in front of that stage and show my cash to Sam. "E-Emily? Wow." Sam says nervously.

"Get out of that stage now and I'll give ten bucks to you." I simply said to him.

Sam jumps off from that stage then takes my hand and walk lead me to a dressing room. I give a sign to Finn and Rachel to follow us.

"What is this?" Sam asks while he is get dressing then Finn and Rachel walks in.

"Dude, what the hell you did there?" Finn asks him.

"I'm working. You know how much I got in fifteen minutes? Sixty bucks." Sam says to us.

"You dont know that you lose your time as teenager, Sam?" Rachel asks Sam.

"What am I supposed to do? My brother need a new shoes and also to pay the rent." Sam sighs.

"Your parents must be dont know about this right?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No, they only think that the contruction already pay everything." Sam says to us.

"Dude, go back to McKinley. We need you for sectionals and you will become a teenager again." Finn says to him.

"I want to. I miss high school but I dont know what if my parents will let me or not." Sam sighs.

"We will help you to talk to them and that's why we are here. You can stay with me so you wont feel homeless. I already talk to my parents and they said yes." Finn says to Sam.

"Thank you so much, dude." Sam half-smiled at Finn.

"We better get out of here. I'm sick looking at nasty milf." I said and walk out from that dressing room.

I look around and and buy a basket of chicken strips in this restaurant then went out and get into the car and sit down on the front passenger seat.

Rachel is standing next to my window then sighs. "Backseat!" I simply said to her.

"You made us as the victim as your anger with Puck?" Rachel sighs then get into the backseat with Sam.

"Just tell your mom to back off from my boyfriend." I simply said.

"Stop it!" Finn stops us then start driving.

I just let out a sigh and eating this chicken strips alone while Finn is driving from that restaurant to Sam's house.

"Over there. That's my house." Sam says to Finn.

Finn parks the car near that house. I left my chicken strips then went out from the car. Sam walks lead us to get into his house. Such a small and simple one but looks confident one.

"Mom, dad, I brough some friends from Lima." Sam says as we walks in. "Oh they are in the kitchen. Come in." Sam says to us.

We keep walking and follow Sam. Until we see his parents are standing on the kitchen and looking at us.

"Have a seat." Mr. Evans says to us.

I sit down next to Finn on a round dining table. I give a Finn sign to start speaking.

"We are here to ask you for a permission." Finn says.

"Mom, dad, they need me for sectionals. I miss high school. I miss being teenager." Sam says.

"Yeah Sam can stay in my house so he wont feel homeless." Finn says to them.

"How?" Sam asks curiously.

"Can you guys move to another room? We really need to talk first." Mr. Evans says to us.

Finn, Rachel, and I stand up from that seat and then walk to the living room. I sit down on the sofa and look around the ornament of this house.

"I'll wait in the car." I said to Finn and take the car ket from his jacket pocket.

I went out from that house and feel the good air. I wish I could stay in a place like this. I unlock the car then get into the front passenger seat and continue eating my chicken strips.

I turn on the radio until a Neil Diamond's song come out. Oh damn this is remind me with Puck and I have to forget him at least for now about what he has done.

I take my phone from the dashboard and looking at the screen. I'm thinking about what Quinn said now. What she said was right but I dont have any prove to said that Puck is sleeping with Shelby.

Sam, Finn, and Rachel went out from Sam's house and bring two big suitcase. Then they place the suitcase in the car baggage.

Suddenly my phone is ringing. I look at the screen and I got an anonymous email with a picture of Puck is flirting with Shelby in an empty classroom.

I lock my phone and then turn my face to the window. Tears slowly fall down to my face. I really love Puck. I mean, I love him for the way he is because sometimes he can be sweet but I cant believe that he could do this to me.


I'm laying my body on my bed and hug a pillow. I'm thinking about what Quinn said and about that email. God this is really sucked me up.

"Emily, dinner is ready." Kurt open my door room.

Kurt Hummel, my step-brother. His dad and my mom are married since one year ago. He is a gay and he dates a guy in our glee club, Blaine Anderson.

"I'm coming." I sigh then sit up from my bed.

"Come on, your mom and I made your favorite food." Kurt grins at me then walks lead me.

I just let out a sigh and follow him to the dining room where the others are ready to have dinner together.

"Here I made your favorite one. Chicken spicy drum sticks." Mom grins at me.

I just half-smiled and then take my food and eating. I'm going crazy now. I mean this is first time I got jealous with Puck like this and I really hate this.

"E, you okay?" Finn asks me.

"Fine." I simply answer.

"Carole and I will go to the downtown for a week tomorrow so I dont want to hear any fights or argue between you guys." Burt says to us.

Burt Hummel, my step-father. Married with my mom since one year ago after dating about one year after met up in parents-teachers meeting.

My biological father is died when Finn and I was two years old. He died in army and I always think that he died legend.

"No party, no drinks, no sleepover, nothing." Mom says to us.

I didnt say anything and eating my food slowly. I just got bored with this and I really need a distraction to forget about what Puck has done but one thing is I have to get him back but how?

I turn my face at someone right in front of me. Sam Evans, he is kinda cute and I guess he want to help me since Mercedes is dating someone else and they broke up. Yes I can make Puck feel what I felt right now by using Sam.

"Emily, you okay? Seriously, you scared me." Kurt says to me.

"I'm fine. Dont worry about that." I giggle.

"Honey, you alright?" Mom asks me.

"She become crazy after saw Puck flirting with a milf." Finn suddenly says.

"At least, I dont betrayed someone who I called my best friend for the senior class president then cheating." I said to Finn.

"Okay stop it." Mom says.

"So who is the one that cheating now?" Burt asks.

"Rachel got suspended for a week and she is not allowed to join the sectionals." Kurt answer.

"And made me lose my big chance to become the senior class president with Kurt." I added.

"Winning and losing in a vote is usually happened, guys." Burt says to us.

"Yes and stop blaming at each other." Mom says.

I just sigh then continue eating my food. Sam didnt say anything but eating his food. You're in my list, Sam Evans. I will make Puck jealous with you.

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