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More Than Friends

More Than Friends



They said they're only friends but they kissed a lot. They cuddled together. They take glance at each other. They sit down next to each other even they have their 'first time' together. And no one of them want to be separate from each other. Then what is this friendship called? Friends with benefits? Kate Hummel. Kurt Hummel's little sister. A straight, junior girl in William McKinley High School. A girl who never believe in love and give up with relationship. What happen when Sam Evans also feel the same way? Will they stay being friends or will they fall in love to each other? Read the story to find out.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Kate's POV

Hey, everyone. I'm Kate Easter Hummel. Yes, I'm a part of Hummel. Kurt Hummel is my big brother and Burt Hummel is my father. I'm a junior in William McKinley High School. I'm in Glee club and also in science and astronomy club since I really love science and many things.

My brother is a senior here. I live only with Kurt and our father in Lima. He is a congressman also the owner of Hummel Tires & Lube. Our mom died when Kurt was eight and I was six. It was really devastating. Even until now I'm still miss her.

Live only with our dad and Kurt is kinda hard. Dad is really strike to us. I know he is responsibble to take care of both of us as single parent.

My house is quiet big. It have three bedrooms with bathroom in every room and a half one downstairs. The living room and kitchen has open floor so that's make me easier to clean the house.

My bedroom is kinda pink and white. I decorated it by my own since I dont wanna let Kurt decorate it or he will ruin my beloved design and I wont trust him. I also have my own bathroom and walk in closet since Kurt and I have passion in fashion and our collections are precious. So both of us have our own walk in closet.

Different with my brother, I'm straight. But I dont have any relationship and I'm tired with relationship because my relationship always ended up bad. And I give up to be in a relationship.

I used to date Noah Puckerman but he cheated on me with Quinn. Then when Finn and Rachel broke up, we both went out and dated for few weeks until we broke up because he was still in love with Rachel. And last, I dated Artie Abrams. It was long until I though he was the best one for me but then I found out that he slept with Brittany and we broke up and when he tried to get me back, he lied to me. Those guys are same. So that's why I'm tired to be in a relationship.

Now this week is Valentines Week where the whole school is full with pink and love and it really make me sick. Literally.

I'm walking in the hallways and walk to my locker. I open my locker and then rose fall down from my locker. I turn my face and look around about who did this until I see Puck is smirking at me.

I roll my eyes and put my binder inside my locker and shut my locker. Yeah Puck and Artie are still trying to get me back but hell to the no. I'm not going back to them. No way. Never.

I shut my locker and walk away to the choir room. And walk passed Puck who smirks at me. I roll my eyes and keep walking in the hallways until suddenly Artie blocks my way and hold a love pillow wrote 'Be Mine Forever' and grins at me.

I scoff and turn my way to avoid them. How the hell they could hurt me like that but then they begged me to back to their life? Not gonna happen. I'm tired with bullshit relationship.

I walk in the hallways and walk enter the choir room. Everyone get in pair and in love. Kurt is in love with Blaine, his boyfriend, but Blaine is got injuried after Sebastian Smythe from The Warblers slusheed him with rock salt.

I'm just sitting down on the back row alone until Mr. Schue is walking and draw a heart on the white board.

"Okay, everybody, let's hear it for love! Your assignment for Valentine's week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs. Now, Regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $250 for costumes and hair spray." Mr. Schue says to us.

"Oh, God, not another bake sale." Kurt shakes his head.

"If any student gives ten dollars, we will sing these "world's greatest love songs" to their Valentine. We will serenade each classroom..."

"No!" We yelled together.

"Yes!" Rachel yelled happily.

"Two years ago, we went room-to-room Christmas caroling, they threw food." Tina says to us.

"And shoes." Mike added.

Sugar suddenly raise her hand. "Yes, Sugar?" Mr. Schue points at Sugar.

"Here's a spoonful of Sugar for you all: Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff when you're rich. So, here you go." Sugar give money to Mr. Schue.

"Uh, Sugar, I can't take that." Mr. Schue shakes his head.

"Take it!" Kurt simply yelled.

"Okay." Mr. Schue exhales and take that money. "Everyone, give it up for Sugar for paying for our FinalNet and cumberbunds!" Mr. Schue says to us as qe start applauding.

"I love the sound of applause, even if I have to buy it." Sugar grins at Mr. Schue. "Okay, everyone, look under your chairs. Except you, Artie. Your chair kept moving, so I hid your surprise in the wastebasket."

I turn my face to under my seat until there is a box of chocolate with box shape love. I turn my face at Puck who already eat that and face full with chocolate.

"I found mine five minutes ago. Dont you wanna lick my face?" Puck smirks at me.

"No. You look disgusting." I simply said.

"V-Day is my fave day ever. And to help me celebrate, my daddy's throwing me a huge, ridic party at Breadstix. And I'm naming it the Sugar Shack. And drumroll, Rachel you're all invited! But you have to bring a date. No single people allowed. They're sad and boring and they don't exist in my world." Sugar grins at us.

"Um, but you're single." Mercedes frowns.

"Not for long." Sugar says proudly.

I only hold that chocolate box and still sitting down on my seat until the bells rings. I stand up from my seat and walk out from the choir room. I have to bring a date? Kurt is free. I will go with him since Blaine is still injuried. There is nothing better to go out with my brother after all.


I went out from my classroom and hold my binder until Puck blocks my way and smirks at me.

"Hey, babe, who will you bring to Sugar's party?" Puck smirks at me.

"Of course it's me." Artie suddenly wheel to us and interupts us.

"Dont be so confident, Wheel Boy. I was her first love and of course it should be me." Puck says proudly.

"I will ask my dad." I simply said. "He is single and he doesnt have any valentines date."

"You can go to a party with your dad. They will think that you're baby sitting him or opposite." Artie frowns at me.

"Oh I can. Now, if you both excuse me." I simply said and about turn my way but they block my way.

"You cant just go like that. What do you want for valentines, baby? Just tell me everything and I will give it to you." Puck smirks at me.

"You love sweet guy right? I'm right here." Artie smirks at me.

I scoff and turn my face until I see Sam is standing in front of his locker. Yeah we both are lab partner and we both have project together.

"Sam!" I shouts.

"Sam?" Artie frowns at me.

"Trouty?" Puck frowns at me.

"Excuse me." I glare at them and walk away to Sam's locker. "Hey." I smile at Sam.

"Hey, your relationship is really health I guess." Sam chuckles.

"Ugh forget it. Do you mind if we both do our project starting today? Oh you have plan after school with valentines date, right?" I said to him.

"No, I'm free. Alright. My home after school. Later, Kate." Sam shut his locker and waves me a goodbye.

"See you, later." I wave him a goodbye and walk away to the cafetaria.

I walk to the cafetaria and take my foodtray and fill it with the food I want. After that I pay my lunch and walk to my table where the others already there and sit down next to him.

"I got this gorilla glam from Blaine also these balloons." Kurt grins at me.

"How sweet." I smile at him and start eating.

"So, who will you bring to Sugar's party?" Kurt asks me.

"You. No choice. Blaine might be still at home and bedrest so you is the only choice I have." I grin at Kurt.

"That's better to go to V-Day's party with your sister than anyone else." Kurt smiles back at me.

"Weird." Finn simply said.

"Can you just shut up?" I roll my eyes.

I'm just continue eating my food and focusing with my food. I will go to Sugar's party with Kurt and it will be fine. I dont need any date anymore.


I'm sitting down on Sam's study table and looking at his comic collection. "I cant believe that you have these comics." I said to him.

"I love that." Sam simply said as he is sitting down on his bed.

"I love these comic too." I chuckle.

"Your phone cant stop vibrating by the way." Sam says to me.

"Just ignore it. It must be Artie or Puck." I roll my eyes.

"You dated them?" Sam frowns at me.

"No." I shake my head and sit down next to him. "I dont wanna be in a relationship anymore." I exhale and lay my body on his bed.

"Wanna know the truth? Me too." Sam simply said and lay his body next to me.

"I mean, it's enough for me to be in a relationship. I'm done with those guys." I simply said.

"I'm done with those girls." Sam simply said. "I just want to have intimacy without any relationship. No feelings. At all."

"Yeah like one night stand but I'm still virgin." I chuckle.

"Haha me too." Sam chuckles.

"We both have many things in common." I turn my face at him.

"Yeah you're right." Sam nodded and turn his face at me.

We both looking at each other and frown at each other until Sam grabs my face and he kissed me roughly and I lay my body on top of him and kiss him back that we turn out into make out.

We both have make out on his bed and roll around on his bed. Maybe this is what I want. Having a friendship and intimacy without any feeling at all or even better no relationship.

Sam and I pull our lips away at each other and we both laugh at each other. "This is stupid." Sam laughs.

"But it's fun. Let's do this again." I laugh and kiss him again and we both have make out round two.

Sam and I roll around on his bed and we both still having a rough make out until we both pull our lips away at each other and laughing at each other. This is funny.

"I think we should start this friendship." Sam says to me.

I leave his body and sit down in front of him. "What friendship?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Kate, we have so many things in common." Sam chuckles.

"Look, we could make a great couple but no one of us want to make an actual relationship so what about we have a friendship with little something-something behind it?" I smirk at Sam.

"Like having friendship with benefits?" Sam asks me.

"You can say that." I nodded. "What do you think? No feelings, no relationship, just intimacy. And our secret." I smirk at him.

"No one of us is allowed to date anyone else." Sam smirks back at me.

"Well, I dont wanna date anyone else because I dont want to." I simply said.

"Just remind you." Sam says to me. "Do you wanna make out again? Got to be honest that I like your chapstick taste." Sam smirks at me.

"You're nasty, Evans." I laugh and push my face closer to him and kiss him roughly until we roll around again and Sam is laying his body ontop of me as we both still have a rough make out.

We both laugh at each other after we have a rough make out. We lay our body next to each other and looking at the ceiling.

"We forget our project." Sam says to me.

"Screw that. Since when you study huh?" I laugh.

"You dont have feeling for me?" Sam asks me.

"No." I shake my head. "What about you?" I turn my face at him.

"Three times made out and knowing that we both have many things in common and I'm still dont have any feelings for you." Sam says to me.

"Maybe because we both are too tired to be in love." I simply said.

"Yeah, you're right." Sam nodded as agree.

I'm still laying my body on his bed with Sam next to me. I really want to have intimacy with someone else but I dont want to have any feeling for him or even a relationship. I'm tired to getting hurt. That's it.


Sam's POV

I'm standing in front of my locker until Mercedes suddenly standing next to my locker and give me a chocolate bar. I turn my face at her and frown at her.

"What is this?" I ask her.

"I told Shane about us..." Mercedes half-smiled at me.

"You shouldnt tell him. I'm back off. I wont disturb you anymore. You can go to him. And I wont stop you." I said to her and shut my locker.

I start walking in the hallways. Yeah I'm done with relationship. Quinn cheated on me. Santana treated me bad. And Mercedes made me as her cheat victim. Now, I just want to kiss someone else without any feeling or relationship.

And yes, I started that 'friendship' with Kate since yesterday we both had rough made out and it was felt amazing. Even better than having a make out with someone you love.

Kate and I might have so much things in common but I'm not in love with her. I close my heart. I dont have any feeling for anyone else right now and I dont care what other people think about that because it isnt their business.

The fact that I'm done with love and relationship. But the good thing is I'm still can kiss someone else and have make out with her without worrying about getting hurt. It's a win-win for both of us.

Kate's POV

I'm sitting down in front of library computer and finishing my project that should be Sam and I. And now I'm waiting him to come here to see if it's done or not.

Well, Sam and I have our secret. In public we are friends. But when there is only two of us we are friends with benefits. We are so much things in common but no one of us want to have a relationship. And just because we have many things in common we are into each other. And no. We dont even have feeling for each other. Let's just said that we both are make out-buddies.

"Hey.. it's done?" Sam asks me and standing behind me.

"10% more." I simply said. "Where have you been?" I ask him.

"Mercedes shocked me out and told me that she told Shane everything so I went to Shane and make sure they not break up." Sam takes a seat and sit down next to me.

"And then?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"They got back together." Sam simply said.

"Cool." I simply nodded and turn my face to the computer. "It's 100% uploading. Which mean that it's done." I said to him and unplug my harddisk and put it into my bag.

"I didnt do anything." Sam sighs.

"But you need to pay." I grin at him.

"With what?" Sam grins back at me.

"A make out. But not here of course." I chuckle and walk out from the library. "My home after school? My dad went to DC for two days."

"That's sounds amazing." Sam makes an impression.

"Stupid." I chuckle and shake my head as we both walk in the hallways.

We keep walking in the hallways until we enter the choir room. I'm sitting down in the front row next to Kurt avoding Puck or Artie. No more love. Enough with love.

Mr. Schue walks in and standing in front of us until he points at Rachel. "Rachel, you had an announcement?" Mr. Schue ask Rachel.

"Yeah, actually, Finn and I have an announcement we'd like to make." Rachel says to us and walks to the front and grins at us. "Finn and I are proud to announce that we're finally getting married." Rachel grins at us and shows us the ring.

"When's the baby's due date?" Puck simply asks them.

I frown at them and turn my face at Kurt. This is so confusing. We are still in high school and we even still have our future.

"Wait, guys, have you both carefully thought this through?" Mr. Schue frowns at them.

"Yes. And our parents are totally behind us.

And your plan to stop us by telling them totally backfired, Mr. Schue." Rachel says to Mr. Schue.

"Actually, I'm the one who told them. Because I think you guys are making a mistake. A huge mistake." Kurt says to them.

"When's the wedding?" Quinn asks them.

"The date is TBD, but I can assure all of you that we're gonna have a very simple and elegant ceremony at the Justice of the Peace, which all of you are invited to. And we're registered at Samuel French." Rachel says to us.

"You guys aren't mature enough or old enough to properly face this type of commitment." Quinn frowns at them.

"If you don't support us, then I feel sorry for you, and you're not invited to the wedding. Which makes me really sad, because I would have loved to have seen you in a bridesmaid's dress, Quinn. And you as well, Kurt." Rachel says to Quinn and Kurt.

"I'd be happy to be a bridesmaid, Rachel. I'm not sure I'm ready to get married, but I do know what being in love feels like." Tina smiles at Rachel and Finn.

"We'll be there." Mike nodded.

"Thanks, guys. And we hope the rest of you all change your minds, because it would mean a lot to us if you were all there." Finn says to us.

"Well, add me to the list of people who are wishing you guys the best in your marriage." Artie says to Rachel and Finn. "However, let's stop the fighting and remind ourselves that Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching. So if you'll excuse me. If you'll excuse me." Artie says and wheel to the front.

"Yeah. Sorry." Finn says and walk to the drummer as Rachel walks to the her seat.

"Congrats, though. I got some candy sweet game to spit." Artie says and smirks at me.

I raise my eyebrows at him and keep looking at him as Artie is still smirking at me and he start singing.


Isn't she lovely?

Isn't she wonderful?

Isn't she precious?

Less than one minute old,

I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she,

But isn't she lovely made from love?

Isn't she pretty?

Truly the angel's best;

Boy, I'm so happy.

We have been heaven blessed.

I can't believe what God has done;

Through us, he's given life to one.

But isn't she lovely made from love?

Artie with New Directions Boys:

Isn't she lovely?

Life and love are the same.

Life is Aisha,

The meaning of her name.

Londie, it could have not been done

Without you who conceived the one

That's so very lovely made from love.

"I know what I did was pretty bad but I just want my girl back. So, Kate, will you go to Sugar's party with me?" Artie smiles at me.

"I'm sorry, Artie but no. What you did not only bad but also pretty hurt." I shake my head and stand up from my seat.

I half-smiled at Artie and walk away from the choir room. I know they slept together during my sophomore year but I just found out after Santana spread it out when we were found out about her sexuality. It means that Artie lied to me for a long time and no more love. That's it.

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More Than Friends

Chapter 1 Introduction



Chapter 2 Valentine Sucks



Chapter 3 Suspicious Exes



Chapter 4 Promise



Chapter 5 A cat



Chapter 6 Are You Dating



Chapter 7 Cuddle Night



Chapter 8 You



Chapter 9 Dad's Wedding



Chapter 10 Prom



Chapter 11 Moody



Chapter 12 Nationals Champs!



Chapter 13 Loser Like Us



Chapter 14 Senior Year, Here I Come



Chapter 15 New Rachel Berry



Chapter 16 Failed School Assembly



Chapter 17 New Crush



Chapter 18 Senior Class President



Chapter 19 Unfair



Chapter 20 Quit



Chapter 21 Change My Mind



Chapter 22 Date Night



Chapter 23 Worst Competition Ever!



Chapter 24 Keep On Dreamin'



Chapter 25 A Date For School Dance



Chapter 26 Sadie Hawkins



Chapter 27 The Calendar



Chapter 28 I Love You Back



Chapter 29 The D-I-V-A



Chapter 30 Valentine's Cold



Chapter 31 Versus



Chapter 32 Guilty Pleasure



Chapter 33 Wonderful



Chapter 34 Regionals



Chapter 35 The Show Must Go All Over Place or Something



Chapter 36 I Do



Chapter 37 Prom Sucks



Chapter 38 She is Mine



Chapter 39 The Truth



Chapter 40 Try Out New York City
