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Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love



"No, it's not over between us. How long you still want to stuck in that unhappy marriage? I know you did this for your kid but have you think about yourself? It will be never over between us." Colin says while looking into my eyes deeply and I'm totally speechless to his words. ~~ Venice Peters, a 27 years old woman who has been living in a unhappy marriage with her husband. Then come Colin Everett, a 30 years old man who has been hurt so much by love. What happened when these two meet as the boss and the secretary who spend much time together?

Chapter 1 New Boss

I'm walking into my desk and let out a sigh. I sit down on the armchair and turn on my computer. "Hey, the meeting with the new boss in a few second. He is hot anyway." Summer grins at me.

"Well, I'm married. Thanks, Summer. I will be down in a second." I said to her and take my iPad and my files.

I'm Venice Peters, I'm 27 years old and I'm Secretary of Executive Production Manager in Vogue Magazine. I'm unhappily married. Yes I could say that because I secretly knew that my husband is having an affair with someone.

Nope, we don't have a kid yet. I was diagnosed with infertility and my husband didn't want to adopt a child so that's why I think he cheated on me. I'm just trying to make my own right now.

"Excuse me, sir. Sorry I'm late. This is the report that you asked earlier." I walk in and give him the file.

"Who are you again?" He turns his face at me.

"I'm your secretary. I'm Venice Peters." I smile at him and show him my hand.

"Why are you late?" He frowns at me.

"It's not necessary, sir." I simply said.

"Well, alright. I want a report from the purchasing to be done by 1 o'clock on my desk." He simply said.

"Yes, sir." I nod and walk out from his office and walk to my desk.

That's my new boss. His name is Colin Everett. Yes he seems pretty annoying since he is new and I'm sure he is bossy. But he seems older than me like 30 years old or something.

I could've quit but Vogue Magazine paid me real good. Most other secretary made about $4,900 a month but I got $6,000 a month and that's good just in case I have to rent an apartment for myself alone.

I let out a sigh and looking at my computer and yawn. I didn't tell you I was late this morning is because I had a fight with my husband, Gregg Lange. Another fight because of a damn cup of coffee.

"What's with the long face?" Todd smiles at me.

"Just some stuff." I giggle.

"Whatever with that I hope you will feel better." Todd smiles at me and walks away.

That was Todd Evans. The nicest guy here. I mean, the nicest one to me. Treat me like a real woman. If I have to be honest, yes I have a crush on him.

"You accompany me to have lunch today okay." Colin simply said while walking passed my desk.

"Yes, sir." I nod and continue working. "It will be a long day." I sigh and mumbled.


"Come on, Venice. I'm a very strict person." Colin says and walks lead me.

"But I'm bringing all of your stuff, bitch." I mumbled.

"Do you say something?" He turns his face at me.

"Nothing, sir." I giggle and walk to the parking lot.

"Get in." He simply said and open the car door.

"Thank you." I half smiled at him and get into the car.

"I'm new in New York, do you know any good place around here?" He asks me and start the engine.

"You're new in New York? I'm old in Old York." I chuckle as he turns his face at me and looking at me weirdly. "I'm sorry, we can go to The Morrison since the client's office is next to The Morrison." I said to him.

"Tell me the directions." He simply said.

"Sure. Just go straight, third junction, turn left." I said while looking at the street.

I keep looking at the street until I see Gregg is walking down on the street with a woman, walking down next to each other.

I keep looking at them and I'm sure Gregg doesn't see me right now. I know that girl is more beautiful than me and I know that Gregg wants his own kids but he could've be honest with me.

I turn my face to the street and frown. "The Morrison is over there, you passed that." I said to Colin.

"Well, you didn't tell me earlier but focusing on a man and a woman on the street." He simply said and turn over.

"That was my husband and probably his lover." I mumbled and look down.

"Oh.. unhappy marriage huh?" He asks me.

"Kind of. He doesn't know that I knew he has a lover but I secretly found out." I said to him.

"Why you didn't confront him?" He turns his face at me.

"I love him." I said to him and walk out from his car.

I walk to the restaurant holding the iPad preparing for the meeting with client this noon. I smile to the waitress and read the menu.

"I would like the oyster and chamomile tea. Thank you." I smile to the waitress.

"Medium well steak and non alcohol beer." Colin says to the waitress. "So have you prepare all the materials for our meeting today?

"Yes, sir." I nod.

"So, what cause the marriage ended up with some affair?" He asks me.

"I'm infertile. Gregg wants baby so bad. We've been married for almost three years and I asked him to adopt but he doesn't want to. That's why he cheated, I guess." I said to him.

"That's not an excuse." He frowns.

"Yeah I know but I try to accept that." I half smiled.

"I've been there. My ex wife cheated on me with her co-worker." He said to me.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I half smiled at him.

"Well.. it's three years ago so.." He shrugs and start eating his food after the food is coming.

I nod and start eating my food and sometimes turn my face at the iPad. Making sure the materials for meeting today is done and prepared.


I'm standing in my kitchen apartment and cooking dinner. I turn my face as the door is opened.

"Hey, honey. I'm so sorry about this morning. Here I got you red velvet cake your favorite." Gregg walks in and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you. Well, I'm cooking your favorite food." I smile at him.

"I'm going to take shower first." Gregg says to me and walks upstairs.

I could smell that he smells woman's perfume. Once I confronted him but he defended that it was my perfume meanwhile I don't have that Channel perfume.

How could I know if Gregg is cheating on me? I accidentally read a text from his lover about two months ago. Ever since I found that text, it's kinda hard to trust him again.

"So, what do we have tonight?" Gregg smiles at me and sits down on the dining chair.

"Here, your favorites." I smile at him and put the plates on the dining table.

"Looks so delicious." Gregg chuckles.

"Yes." I smile at him and take my plate and the food.

"How's the work today? You told me that your new boss started to work today." Gregg takes glances at me and start eating his food.

"Well, Mr. Everett seems nice but very cold. So far everything was fine. How about you? Any disaster in the hospital today?" I smile at him.

"No, not at all." Gregg shakes his head.

"Dad called me again today. He said that he will pay for the residence." I said to him.

"I'm still can afford it to pay rent. Anyway, I have weekend conference in Miami this weekend." Gregg says to me.

"Well, I have a lot of works ever since we will launch a new feature for the magazine so I'm so sorry I can't accompany you." I half smiled at him.

"It's okay, sweetheart. You will get bored with that anyway." Gregg chuckles.

"Yeah sure. I will." I giggle and take the dirty plates as we finished eating dinner.

Suddenly Gregg's phone start ringing. He takes his phone and walks upstairs. I'm sure it's from one of his lovers. I sigh and still washing the dishes. I turn my face to upstairs for a bit and there is no sign from Gregg.

We are living in a two floors apartment with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. I was thinking to change the other room into a nursery but the truth change into the other way.

I was thinking to change the other room into a nursery but the truth change into the other way

I half smiled and wipe my hands then dry my hands

I half smiled and wipe my hands then dry my hands. I don't know how long I have to hold this pain but I hope that it will be over soon.


"Excuse me, sir. This is the file that you asked." I walk into Colin's office and give him the file.

"Thank you. Anyway, you will come with me to this meeting on this weekend to Miami okay." He turns his face at me.

"This weekend? Miami?" I frown at him.

"Yes. I just got called from Mr. Harold." He simply nods.

"Alright, sir." I nod. "Anything else?"

"Nothing. You can have lunch. You look pale." He said to me.

"Thank you." I walk out from his office and walk back to my desk.

I sit down on my chair and look at my phone. Wait a minute. It's in Miami? I can spy on Gregg to see if he is going to do anything with that woman or not.

"Hey, do you want to grab lunch together?" Todd smiles at me.

"Sure." I smile back at him and hold my phone.

Almost everyone in office knows that I'm married but none of them know that my marriage is unhappy marriage except my boss, Colin because I suddenly blurted out.

But I'm sure a person like Colin isn't a blabber mouth because look at him, very cold and doesn't talk much about his life. It's not my opinion but my friends' too.

"So I heard that your new boss is a cold heart guy." Todd chuckles.

"He doesn't talk much. So much different with Nicole." I chuckle.

"That's good. At least he won't bother you with a story of the mistress and the lovers." Todd chuckles and sit down on the chair.

"I know." I giggle.

"Anyway I have two tickets to watch Broadway show this weekend. It's Hairspray, one of your favorite one." Todd smiles at me and take out his lunch.

"I can't. I have to go to Miami with the boss but you can watch twice." I chuckle.

"Sure thing. My girlfriend doesn't like those musicals." He giggles.

"Well, maybe you should get her into it. Step by step you know." I smile at him.

"Venice, your new boss get me drooling." Summer suddenly sits down joining us.

"You're getting married." I chuckle and shake my head.

"Well, that doesn't mean that I can't see other guys though." Summer chuckles.

"Well, he is single according to what he blurted out yesterday." I said to her.

"He told you that he is single? Guys barely did that. But he did when he is really close with someone." Summer says to us.

"I'm guy here." Todd chuckles and raise his hand.

I chuckle and eat my food then turn my way as Colin walks into the longue and sits down alone. Every other girls in this company seems crazy about him but I don't know why I found this guy just the same like other guy.


I walk to the door and look at to the peephole and open the door. "Daddy!" I smile at dad and let him in after hugging him for a while.

"Hey, baby. Where is Gregg?" Dad smiles at me and walks in.

"Oh he is still at the hospital." I smile at him and walk lead him to the living room.

"Well, I have something to tell you." Dad grins at me and sits down on the couch.

"Please tell me that you're not buying this condo." I shake my head.

"I just did." Dad laughs softly. "I didn't get you any presents for your wedding day. So this is my present for you. Besides you could live in a huge brownstone instead of this one." Dad says to me.

"I told you I want to live by my own, dad." I sigh.

"Here the agreement paper and the certificate. You can keep this and you don't have to pay the rent anymore." Dad grins at me.

"Daddy, I don't know what to say." I giggle.

"Just say thank you." Dad grins at me.

"Thank you." I smile at him and hug him.

"You're welcome." Dad smiles and hugs me back.

My parents are rich. Well, my mom passed away when about a month after I got married because of cancer and I'm only child. My dad has his own business company and he always told me that I could takeover whenever I want but I don't want to because I want to live by my own. Beside neither Gregg nor I understand to run business. I'm working in a magazine company and Gregg is a doctor.

"You don't have any beer?" Dad asks me while opening the fridge.

"No, Gregg and I are trying to conceive so no more beers." I giggle.

"Ah really? You both finally ready to start a family?" Dad smiles at me.

"Yes we do. We're just taking it slow." I giggle.

I lied. Gregg and I aren't trying to conceive. Even our parents don't know that I'm infertile. I just don't want to disappoint them or making them sad. I'm just gonna wait for the right moment until I can convince Gregg to adopt a kid or keep trying.

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