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Childhood Friendship

Childhood Friendship



What happen when your childhood memory is back? What happen when your childhood best friend who havent meet you about five years is back? The one who not just a best friend for you but it's also your first love and your first kiss and this is happen to Madison when she moves to Lima and meet the one and only Finn Hudson. What happened? Madison Collins, a 17 year old girl who lives only with her father has to go out from Montreal and moves to London and leave her best friend, Finn Hudson until she finally moves again to Lima and something surprising happened.

Chapter 1 6 Years Ago

I walk sneaking in to get into my house because my shoes is really full with soil. This is because Finn took me to the forest to get see a dog labour.

"How much I have to you that no more go to the forest?" Dad suddenly standing in front of me and raises his eyebrows at me.

"I-I-I just saw a dog labour and it was really cool. That dog mommy got five kids." I said to dad.

"Honey, you better take a bath and change your clothes okay." Dad sighs.

"Okay I will open my shoes." I said and open my shoes.

I tried to open my shoes but I cant untie my lace. Dad let out a sigh and kneel down then untie my shoelaces.

I take my shoes and bring upstairs to my room.

"I will forgive you now if you want to wash your shoes!" Dad shouts.

"Yes dad!" I shout back.

I walk enter my room and throw my shoes to the bathroom. I wash my hand and my face then change my clothes.

Suddenly a pebble hit my window room. I turn my face and Finn give me a sign to open my window.

"Finn stop it!" I yell at him.

"Do you wanna see another dog labour? Dean told me that he usually saw that near the river." Finn shouts.

"My dad told me that I have to wash my shoes so I cant go!" I shout back.

"Okay, what about tomorrow?" Finn shout back.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Okay!" Finn closes his window.

I walk back to my bathroom and start washing my shoes. I lived only with my dad. My parents divorced when I was two and my dad got me since my mom doesnt want to take a big responsibility.

After that I place my shoes near my window so the sun can get in. I turn my face to my window and see Finn is playing with water tube while watering his backyard and singing.

"Is it fun?" I shout.

"Yeah, you wanna come?" Finn asks.

"Wait for me!" I shout and went out from my room.

I walk downstairs and about to go out from my house until my dad stop me by standing in front of me.

"Where are you going to again now?" Dad asks me.

"Finn's house. I promise I wont wear any shoes right now. Bye daddy!" I grin and run off.

"Madison!!!" Dad yells.

I'm still laughing and running until I got into Finn's backyard and suddenly my feet slide the water tube and I fall down with laying flat on my chest on the grass.

"Ouch." I groan.

"Be careful, Maddy!" Finn laughs.

I tried to stand up but I feel like my knees hurt. I sit down on the grass and my knees bleeding.

"Hey your knees bleeding. Stay there." Finn says to me and run to enter his house.

I'm just sitting down on the grass until I'm crying because this is hurt and my dad must be mad at me after this because I ran away from him.

"It's hurt." I'm crying.

"Here I got you." Finn brough first aid box and sit down in front of me. "My mom said if you're bleeding, you have to use this." Finn says and take a plaster.

"Daddy, it's hurt!" I'm crying.

"Stop crying, Maddy." Finn wipes my tears away then place the plaster on my knees.

I just raise my eyebrows as Finn blow my knees after he covered it with plaster. "What are you doing?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I watched in tv when a girl got like this, and the boy did like what I did." Finn says to me.

"What movie?" I frown.

"Love Actually." Finn simply said.

"My dad warned me not to watch that movie." I said to Finn.


"Because it's an adult movie and I'm not an adult."

"But my mom watched that then cried." Finn says.

"See? That's not a movie for children. My dad said that children's movie is always happy." I said to Finn.

"Yeah. Hey you wanna watch The Incredibles with me?" Finn asks me.

"It's not an adult movie right?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Nope. It's superhero. My mom bough me the cd." Finn says to me. "Come on, Madison." Finn pulls my hand.

I stand up and start walking but I feel my knees hurt so I stop my way. Finn turns his face at me and frowns.

"My dad will mad at me if he knows this." I sigh.

Finn walks closer to me and shows me his back. "Jump to my back." Finn said to me.

I jump to his back and he lift me up on his back until we got into his house and he place me on the couch in living room.

"Mom, where is my superhero cd?" Finn shouts and walks to the kitchen.

I just sit down on the couch until I found the cd that Finn looking for. Finn walk back to the living room and looking for his cd.

"This one?" I ask Finn.

"Yes!" Finn takes that cd and start playing it.

"Got it, honey?" Finn's mom walks in.

"Yeah got it, mom." Finn nodded.

"Alright, have fun. Oh there is a bucket of ice cream in fridge." Finn's mom says to us.

"Do you want ice cream? Well, I want to. We can share." Finn says and walks back to the kitchen.

Finn walk back to living room and bring a bucket of ice cream and two spoon then sit down next to me as the movie begin and we eat that ice cream together.

"Carole, do you still have the catalogue about the shipping firm?" Dad walks in. "That's better. Watch movie than go to the forest and disturb wild animal there." Dad says to us.

"Oh hey. Yes, I'm still have. You still want to move?" Finn's mom asks dad and then they both walk off.

"You wanna move?" Finn asks me.

"Nope." I shake my head. "Maybe it's my dad's office or something." I simply said.

"Okay." Finn nodded and turn his face back to the tv.

So do I. I turn my face back to the tv and continue watching this movie with eating the ice cream.


I open the door of my house as the skies goes darker and night is coming over. Dad ever said to me that before the sun goes down, I have to go home so I went back home after playing with Finn.

"Dad, dinner is ready?" I walk in.

"Dinner time is in one hour, Maddy." Dad says to me.

"What is this?" I ask as I look at a catalogue.

"Oh it's shipping catalogue. We will move to London in two days." Dad smiles at me.

"England?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah, I got a promotion job there and we will live in a big apartment and you can choose the best school you want to go. Isnt that cool?" Dad grins at me.

"So it means that we will leave Canada?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes. We will move to a new place, honey. It will be amazing and you'll have a lot of friends there." Dad says to me.

"Does Finn and his mom also will move?" I ask.

"No, they stay here. His mom is still have work here." Dad says to me.

"When they will move?" I ask.

"I dont know. Well, I already packed some of your stuff. You're hungry right? I will cook you a dinner okay." Dad strokes my hair and walks to the kitchen.

I just being quiet and walks upstairs to get into my room. Will I find a new friend there? I dont know.

But I really love Montreal. I know that dad told me that I was born in Manchester and he brough me here after my parents divorced so which mean that I grow up in Montreal.

I let out a sigh and sit down on my desk and looking at the window. From the opposite I can see that Finn is doing something on his desk.

I just sit down on my desk and curious what he is doing until he shows me his drawing book and he drew me and him with words 'Finn and Madison forever'.

I built a smile on my face and give him a thumb up. Finn smiles back at me and take off his drawing book and seems like he wrotes something there.

He then shows me his drawing book and wrote 'do you like that?'. I take my drawing book and my colour pen and answer him by write 'I like it'.

I could see that Finn cant stop jumping and smiles happily. I roll my eyes and close the curtain to cover my window.

Will be a window like that in my new apartment in London? A window that can comminicate me with the world? I just hope that it will be.

I sigh and walk to my bed and lay my body there. I just hope that I will find a new friend there.


Finn's POV

I Jump happily when Madison said she likes that picture that I made for her. I turn my face back to my drawing book and write 'I like you'. I turn my face and ready to show that line but she close her window and cover up her window with her curtain.

"Finn, dinner is ready!" Mom yells from downstairs.

I hide my drawing book inside my bag and walk off from my room to downstairs. I walk to the dining table and mom is preparing the dinner on the dining table.

"Here I made your favorite food. So how was the movie?" Mom asks me.

I remember about what mom and Madison's dad said about moving. "Mom, Madison wont moves right?" I ask mom.

"Honey, she will moves to London in two days because her dad got a promotion job there." Mom says to me.

"What? Then she wont be live here anymore?" I frown.

"Yeah maybe. I dont know." Mom says. "What happened, Finn?"

"She is my wife and she cant move like that." I frown.

"Your what?" Mom frowns.

"My wife. I got married with her two days ago in Josey's house and Josey is our son." I said to mom.

"Honey, you're too little to talk about relationship. You know nothing about love. I know that she is your best friend and you must be sad because of that." Mom half-smiled at me.

"Can we move to London too? Where is London by the way?" I ask mom.

"It's in England, Europe." Mom says to me.

"How far from here to London?" I ask mom.

"I dont know, but it's really far. It takes 7 hours for flight. But dont worry, you can email her or send her a letter." Mom smiles at me.

"My letter will arrived in London?" I ask.

"Yes, honey. Now go eat your food." Mom says to me and place the food on my plate.

I nodded and start eating my dinner. Yeah my letter will arrive in London soon.


Madison's POV

I open my locker and take all my stuff from my locker because tomorrow I will move to London.

"Hey Madison!"

I turn my face and Jordan smirks at me and shows me a cockroach. "Throw that things away from me!" I yelled at Jordan.

"Come on touch it." Jordan laughs.

"Dont disturb my wife!" Finn suddenly standing in front of me and hold his plastic sword.

"Your wife? When both of you get married?" Jordan asks.

"Two days ago in my house and I'm their son." Josey says.

"And I'm the pastor." Dean says.

"So back off." Finn says to Jordan.

"Okay." Jordan turns around and start walk off until he throw that cockroach to me.

I suddenly jump and screaming. "I'm here okay." Finn says to me. "Dean, throw that insect away." Finn says to Dean.

"Yes sir!" Dean says and throw that cockroach away.

"Now you can walk and we will walk behind you as your bodyguard." Josey says to me.

"No, both of you are our bodyguard." Finn says and takes my hand.

Finn hold my hand as we walk in the hallways until we got out from the school building and waiting for our parents to pick us up.

"That's my mom, see you tomorrow guys!" Josey points to his mom and run off and wave us a goodbye.

"And that's my driver. See you!" Dean waves us a goodbye and walk off.

"I heard from Gabi that her dog is ready to labour, you wanna see it after this?" Finn asks me.

"My dad said it's inapropriate to see pet labour because they also need privacy." I said to Finn.

"But that's cute." Finn simply said.

"Besides that tomorrow I will move to London." I turn my face at Finn.

"You will never back?" Finn asks me.

"I dont know." I shrug.

"Can I send you email and letter?" Finn asks me.

"Yeah sure." I nodded.

"So we are divorce now?" Finn asks again.

"Yeah I guess so. Because when my parents separated it means that they divorced." I said to Finn.

"So I take Josey with me?" Finn asks me.

"Yeah he is with you." I nodded.

"Guys, come on let's go home." Dad smiles at us. "Finn, your mom called me to pick you up because she is still have a meeting so come on lets go home." Dad says to us.

Dad takes my handbag and walks lead us to the car as we walk behind him. We then enter the car and sit down on the back seat with our seatbelt.

"How was the school today?" Dad asks us.

"Like usual, Jordan keeps disturb me." I said to dad.

"But I warned him to stay away with my sword!" Finn says.

"Wow Finn you're cool." Dad chuckles.

"Yeah because a husband have to protect his wife. But now Madison and I divorced because she will move to London." Finn says.

"Ugh I'm so sorry, I dont meant to make you guys divorced. But I have a job in London. And Finn, you can send us letter or email." Dad says.

"I asked my mom and she told me that my letter will arrived in London soon." Finn says.

"And that's true." Dad nodded. "Alright, kids. It's arrived. Finn, since your mom isnt home yet, you better stay with us okay." Dad says as he parks the car.

I went out from the car. And get into the house then walk upstairs to get into my room. My stuff are half packed and tomorrow I'll be really moving.

"My mom said that when you wanna leave someone you have to leave them a thing you love the most." Finn says.

"You want this doll?" I ask Finn.

"I'm not a girl." Finn shakes hid head.

"Okay you can choose whatever you want." I sigh.

"This one?" Finn shows me a picture frame of me and him on my desk.

"Sure. I'm still have another one." I nodded. "Or maybe we can share this toys." I said to Finn and take my toys box.

"Those all girls toys. I dont want Jordan mock me because of that." Finn says.

"Okay, you can take my comic books if you want." I said to Finn.

"Can I choose which one?" Finn asks me.

"Yeah sure." I nodded.

"All of these." Finn grins at me.

"Just not this one!" I take one comic from his hand and hold it.

"Why?" Finn frowns at me.

"I keep secret here." I said and put that book inside my bag.

"Finn, your mom already home." Dad yelled from downstairs.

"You wanna come to my house and take my toys?" Finn asks me.

"No, I have to pack my stuff." I shake my head.

"Okay, thank you for this." Finn says and walk off.

"Honey, you can pack your toys and all your books inside this box right?" Dad walks in and bring a box.

"Yes, dad." I nodded.

"Okay I know that my daughter is really smart. Call me if you need any help." Dad says to me.

"I got it." I nodded.

Dad close my door and walk off. I sit down on the ground and pack all my books to this box.


I sit down on a bench in front of my house and looking at some cars that walk passed me.

Suddenly Finn sit down next to me and give me a necklace. "My mom bough this before she went home and she place my picture inside this pendant and she said that it's a gift before you go." Finn says.

"This is beautiful. I will place my picture in the next one." I said to Finn and take that.

"You really have to go?" Finn asks.

"Yes." I nodded.

"I love you!" Finn suddenly kiss my lips and run off.

"Finn!!!!" I shout.

Finn didnt turn back and keep running until he got into his house. I dont understand what he said and keep holding that necklace he gave me.

"Honey, come in. It's cold outside." Dad open the door.

I leave the bench and get in then dad closes the door. "Can you wear this on my neck?" I ask dad and shows him that necklace.

"Wow this is beautiful." Dad says and wear that necklace on my neck.

"That was from Finn and he said that he loves me." I frown at dad.

"He loves you as his best friend, honey." Dad smiles at me.

"I see. I love him too." I said to dad.

"I know that." Dad strokes my hair.

"Will I find new friends like him in London? Or Dean? Or Josey? Or Gabi?" I ask dad.

"You will." Dad nodded. "I will prepare the dinner and then you can sleep because we will get a morning flight tomorrow." Dad says to me.

I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. I just hope that my life will change in London soon.


I went out from my bathroom and ready to go. Today I will move to London and I got morning flight at 7.30am and it's sucks.

I turn my face to the window and seems like Finn isnt wake up since it's 7am in the morning.

"Honey, come on or we will be late." Dad shouts.

"Coming!" I shout back and take my shawl.

I turn my face back to the window and take my drawing book and take my colour pen and write something there 'I'm gonna miss you.' Then place it on the window so Finn could read it.

After that I walk downstairs as dad are ready to go and his assistant took our stuff to the car and truck.

"Come on." Dad take my hand as we walk enter the car.

We sit down on the back seat. I turn my face to Finn's house but seems like he is still sleeping and no sign that he will wave me a goodbye or something.

The driver start driving away. I keep turning my face to Finn's house and he is not go out or anything.

I let out a sigh and turn my face to the front. I wished that I could give him a hug before I go.


Finn's POV

"Honey, wake up. You'll be late for school." Mom wakes me up.

"I wake up, mom." I sigh and sit up.

"Okay get ready now or you'll be late." Mom says to me and walk off.

I stand up from my bed and about to walk to the bathroom until I turn my face to my window and right across my window there is a sign.

Madison already gone? I keep looking at her window but she already gone so I didnt see any moves from her room.

"Mom!!!!" I shout and walk downstairs.

"What's wrong, Finn?" Mom frowns at me.

"Madison already gone?" I ask mom.

"Yeah, this early morning." Mom says to me.

"Did she mad at me?" I ask mom.

"What you did to her?" Mom asks me.

"I-I told her that I love her and I kissed her then ran away." I said to mom.

"She didnt mad at you. She got a morning flight so she has to go to the airport in the morning or she will lose her plane." Mom rubs my hair. "Get ready now, or you will be late." Mom says to me.

I just frown and walk back to upstairs. Is it true that she didnt mad at me? I hope so. But I'm gonna miss her too.

I take my drawing book and cut a paper then wrote 'I'm gonna miss you too' and place it on my window. In case Madison forget that she left her doll and she wanna turn around so she will see this.

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Childhood Friendship

Chapter 1 6 Years Ago



Chapter 2 Present



Chapter 3 Two-Faces Kind of Girlfriend



Chapter 4 Prank Gone Bad



Chapter 5 Broken Leg



Chapter 6 Jealousy



Chapter 7 Missing The Prom



Chapter 8 Misunderstanding



Chapter 9 Breaking Up



Chapter 10 Mad Madison



Chapter 11 Plan B



Chapter 12 Lost



Chapter 13 Night Camp



Chapter 14 Senior Year



Chapter 15 Too Late



Chapter 16 Not Over Her Yet



Chapter 17 Accidentally Cheating



Chapter 18 Comparation



Chapter 19 My Leprechaun



Chapter 20 Finally!



Chapter 21 She Kissed A Girl



Chapter 22 A Mistake



Chapter 23 A Stupid Bet



Chapter 24 Make Up



Chapter 25 Madison Collins, Will You Marry Me



Chapter 26 Officially His Girl



Chapter 27 Who Told Them



Chapter 28 All Is Well



Chapter 29 Valentines Week



Chapter 30 Valentines Week 2



Chapter 31 First and Last Regionals



Chapter 32 Finn



Chapter 33 Mother Issues



Chapter 34 Controlled Grandma



Chapter 35 I Am The Trouble Maker



Chapter 36 Senior Prom



Chapter 37 Props



Chapter 38 Nationals!!



Chapter 39 Farewell



Chapter 40 Graduation
