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Married to my mother's daughter

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1153    |    Released on: 29/03/2024

wanting to hear any further

e Ma", I

him outside of the class into the hallway, while everyon

", I inquired, trying to avoi

his brow and

forget a handsome face like mine", he sai

ed at him in disbelief

ull of himself",

t then

yesterday, who had tried to

at my descri

CEO of Caruso builders Enterprise", he said, stretching his

I?. I do not intend to go back to anyone. Do I need to

ave my family. So now, stop creating a drama here and get out

ris said witho

sentence, his sudden confes

tered my words, not wan

k a little bit due to the extreme closeness of our faces, while I wat

he said al

ung man, as well as every ladies crush. But the fact is that every

ks with my palms. He smirked looking at my blushing state, and I sudd

d get out from h

of him, causing me to run back to my class, lea

about my words. Marry me", he went on an

a place, not believing he just let it out in front of everyone. I needed not to be

to punch his handsome face for now ma

oke!!", I yelled at him, but

spoke up, as I was creat

. Do you want me to report you to

fire you from your job?

ords leave Chris's lips, and I'

iversity?", Mrs Elizabeth questioned

is's face, as he turned

his whole university within ten seconds

eing Mrs Elizabeth being tackled in that man

h, I will take my leave

I walked away from the class. I guess Chris wasn't the types to give up easily, so he followed

haven't given me

t for your mother", he said, obvious

w stubborn he really was, I t

Sylvester North. And yes they have two kids, Naomi North and Jude No

ring up this topic again, then I wil

und to leave his presence, but just the

ancer", Ch

turned around to face him, perha

ble, and slowly it became worse. A year back it was confirme

hearing this words leave his lips. It was hard to process all this

e her daughter happy and marr

e was so obvious that

affection to the daughter she had always seeked for years. I know marriage is a big deal, but the thing is that, she has always

e", He added, his words han

ast words, so I looked at

by until she's a

it closer and

arriage. It will be a contract ma

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