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Married to my mother's daughter

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1164    |    Released on: 29/03/2024

gical mo

r had grown so big, and I had fina

was really going on, and I didn't even know how to start

s what happe


d given birth to a baby girl. Hearing this news made him really happy, feeling as if he was on cloud nine. He then turned to his PA and told him to donate half his wea

of taking care of my medication, giving me every piece of drug just as the doctor had prescribed him to give me. One day, after taking my medication, I fell into another deep slumber as a result of the medicin

supposed to take care of the both of us, he still didn't find you. He woke me up from my sleep, and I was still very weak to even keep m

is missing. I want my daughter

at my baby, whom I had carried for nine good months was nowhere to b

here, and yes, we didn't forget to sue the

s, it really became extremely difficult and hard for

as unsolved, pre planned kidnapping, but there still wasn't any clue to your disappearance. The police officers fin

ling is to close the case, and bear ou

give up or close this case. I do not care how much money it would cost me, for all I want is to see my daughter back in her mot

aving a happy family, neither did we know t


ow completely immersed into the story. Althou

ong story, and I wasn't planning on cutting it short at all. I wanted to explain every detail of it t


at I had just heard, as the whole story was seeming just like

ell me all this is a joke, and let'

hat she was being serious with all she had said, and that

ther's voice came through, br

d gently caressing it, as she c

crying from a distance. We began searching for where the sound was coming from, and that

ke down in front of me, while fath

r thought of it as importance to tell you about it, so we decided to keep it hidden from you, and raise you as our own child. You were really the best thing that have ever happ

and all that I could see

u Naomi, but we never felt for once that y

s. I felt like all my life has been a big lie, and it was now turning upside down.

until the voice of mother

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