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Married to my mother's daughter

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1264    |    Released on: 29/03/2024

d thinking of the pains that you must be going through. I never for a second had a feeling that I wasn't the one that gave birth to you.

ide her face between it

ey had sacrificed so much for me just to raise me like a princess. I have always been their princess and always will be. O

aze to my biol

appearance and creating this mess?", I ask

her husband's grip, freed herself

ecause we were of the opinion that we had lost you, our precious one. You have no idea how happy we are feeli

to get emotional or to develop a

lifestyle anymore. You are a princess, Naomi. A wonderful life await you for t

r hearing what they had plan

have to live like this anymor

heir long lost princess would come back to them. And on the other hand, there was my adopted parents who h

, this words kept on

logical parents say this words, as all my

now being selfish, but she just couldn't bring herself to loose a child, whom she pampered more than her very own s

lly difficult, but I believed it was for the best. I stood up facing my

ut since the day I started knowing this world, they w

ing me already. Now think of them that have raised me and have been with me for twenty years now. They took good care o

was already beginning

y any chance making me feel adopted. Think of how much they would suffer if their princess is taken away from them after twenty good years. I'm so

me with them, but I guess fate had another plan. I believe that they were disappointed but at the same time happy as

m hugged me for

at's that you will always be in our hearts", she said,

for the last time, giving me a fai

my parents for keeping all this a secret from me, but I didn't ju

n deep thoughts that finally

eady in class, seating on my chair an

for the whole day, as all I had in my mind was my biologi

eeply?", I questioned myself, as this was th

ont of my parents, neither did they. They knew my heart more than anyone else, and I'm

upted the whole class. I looked up to see who it was that was d



an entertainm

ms like a b

e background, as everyone began

ant to speak to miss Naomi", the guy said to Mrs Elizabeth

requesting to speak to me. He was all dressed in a black suit, his hai

zed by his lo

why does his face look fam

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