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The Mafia's Virgin Princess

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1267    |    Released on: 31/01/2024

although making sure that t

ll?", Sylvester asked softly, wishing

ting up on the bed of which he frowned; still of the believ

an go back to bed and sleep a bit more. Af

get my ass of the bed and sleep no more. After al

, I said shaking my head

to buy you some clothes last night. So am sure it should look

t expect him to do such a thing for me, neith

ester has already done so much for me. Realizing that I was now

need for that Sylvester", I said

nothing", he said as he headed towards

sers, leg socks, hand gloves and some pair of shoes and slippers. Although pink and red were a

r smiled at me proudly; probably because he know

dresses. Here", he said han

, were I kept thinking of the decision to make, and the words to go with it. Fin

", he said placi

e said, grabbing a pair of pants and shirts, walking towards the

the bed still lost in thoughts, until a gentle breeze embraced my skin through the window. I came off the bed, and headed

I would have to face those guys again, although Sylvester had alr

al instead of shooting. Yes I knew they made use of guns, but the blood stains was just too much for one to forget so easi

about it. Sylvester had already given me a protective feeling that I was in safe hand

ess; the red one to be précised. I headed to the kitchen, s

his guys left some plates of breakfast on the table and left immediately after

said waving

", he said on retur

ng eye balls fell on a jar of chocolate above the frid

strange that tough muscular men

, he

rd. So how did he know what

ing my head on my sho

or breakfast, and as such I won't let you have t

holding his hands and looking straight

ed away unable to l

would surely Grant my request. So instead of staring

e bite", he said

tion until the chocolate jar is brought down. I felt like a kid, but chocolate has no age label on

eeing that I was still sitting, playing with my fingers. He knew that I was unable to reach out to the chocolate, and didn't al

oth sat down to slay our breakfast. Just as we

lvin said dragging o

f Kelvin’s presence, so I went qui

ned yesterday, it was just

he was doing it, but I think that he just doesn't want to be scared of him anymore. Sylvester also went comple

You actually misunderstood

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