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The Mafia's Virgin Princess

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1163    |    Released on: 31/01/2024

upstairs. I was still scared though, and began to feel embarrassed to have

zed that we were still holding each other's

ause I don't think that mine nor that of Collins would fit

ds the door at

why I go get the clothes for you", Sy

ut what happened downstairs. Just know that

ile he went out to get the clothes. I decided that after the shower, I would at least

phone. He seemed quite angry as he couldn't stop furrowing his eyebrows and yelling at you s

on a big hoodie and pair of joggers. My little hands and feet w

already feeling so cold, and also had a lot running through my head. B

o me, because it was already late and as such he w

don't have a guest house, as my friends has a room of theirs each.

n he is in my room, sorry hi

t of the boys. Sylvester was the only one I could trust with my body, after all he was the one that saved me

your hair well, or you are going

", I replie

idn't say anything about it, because I actually found it nice to see that he cared for me. Sylvester alread

before I knew what was happening, we both fell asleep. The night was qu

me to wake up. I woke up only to discover that I was snuggled to his chest, and his hand gently resting o

dsome and charming even when sleeping. I pushed closer to him, placing my face against his w

ll asleep again, until I had the door bashed open, and someone walked in on us. Unconsciously, I bleat as the it was obv

t opened the door, while I pretended to be sleeping; altho

and tensed. Seeing me on the bed, he blench

on the bed although filled with annoyance. Seeing

alk into my room as you so plea

s always kind, and soft spoken with me, compared with the others. I liked seeing him

the impression that I was already awake. Sylvester used the bed cover and

ant you to give us the details of the missi

ed all of it, not me. So he should be the one to g

or bother about it; so far as I was still warm and comfortable. But w

red to enter my bedroom in such a manner, then I wou

. I then slowly opened my eyes although

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