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The Mafia's Virgin Princess

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1063    |    Released on: 31/01/2024

time?", The strange man gulped as he walk

ust as startled as I was. He had no words to alter, infact he was looking around as if he was looking for a way out of the area we were i

aid as four muscular m

ed in giving this assholes a

th no expression on his face other than bother. He just stood there and watched his men release fire at the other guys. Sylvester approached me and realized I was trem

you doing here at this ti

t my mouth shut, and refused to give him any response. Noticing

I sta

nimals dragged and tried to", I couldn't finish

the moment. I suddenly began to feel the cold weather once again, and began shivering in a way that I didn’t want Sylvester to know. Funny enough Sylvester understoo

elieve me when I say that this bastards won't ever bother

somehow gave me a protective feeling that I was In safe hands. I slowly began to calm down, although still alerted and startled of course. He is quite too tall for my liking, as he was much mor

I realized I was wearing his jacket and immediately took it off my shoulders. Seeing t

I stood on my toe, and tried to put back the Jacket on him th

; even his men looked at each other from a distance full of surprise. I turned around to know what was making him laugh, only to discover that I was

for it's already late. I got rid of those assholes, but that doesn't mean all is we

that came along with him. I couldn't just let him walk away like that, so I

had such bad guys looks and vibes; but I still did anyways. Sylvester's men tried

to go back home?", I asked

said frowning his e

don't really want to be there anymore", I muttered, as I suddenly began to feel complete

, I don't even know why I said that in the first place. Am so sorry, I

there, his eyes searching mine. There was a bit of silence in the air for some seconds, I wondered what

with me", he

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