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Beg To Be Lover

Chapter 5 Make a baby

Word Count: 2193    |    Released on: 14/01/2024


believe me, I'm his wife? Why? Why is he torturi

e not a different child from me. You're

e maids just brough

enus?" I a

om my coma, my husband was always with them

ays hear them calling Xenus prince. I think that might be his first name. Even my o

our mansion, it was twice

's also on the fifth floor, it has its own gym, entertainment room, ball room. There are ten g

.. He got really mad at me. Because I'm lookin

because I didn't have a cell phon

my physical therapy. But in just a few days, my therapy

path. I looked out the window and a man came down

oung Lady," she said a

n I saw that they were already fighting. I didn't expect

far as I know no one else is tryi

ut. I was able to stand because

the car!” it shouted at

has his own mistress now," said the man and he wa

ike Xenus. My companion fell to

he man stopped me. He is also tal

you?" I a

h, the 12th prince of Denmark." My eye

Second princ

hat is the 12th prince of Denm

h Prince George Spender Le

ever-you-are. Let us go and don't block ou

bravish one. Hi, my lady. Can I know your name?” Why is

om the royal family? He was l

in the car but he was also in a hurry to get in the driver's s

t's my first time that someone is c

e me?!” I asked him in confu

here, milady. Don't wo

from me, then?"


ng to me because Xenus is his brother. It was obvious from his

I saw a...huge mansion---no

evanna-Lindbergh, the 1

of Prince George Spen

laying with me and was what he sai

didn't know what to do

and Prince Xenus because he is i

guess my nationality is different.

here, m

ssion. That's one prince's bad manners. Even if you are higher than me you still don't have the right to do

ainst me. You married my brother. S

y, just take me back to our house,"

. You are from the Philippin


asked confused. If that word com

er it... I'm a

here with you. Are you crazy, huh?” he asked me coldly. Why d

he Philippines. Just wow... What if Xenus just gave you to me? I have a big house too, I can pro

's handsome, I

d-digger. What are you t

I wish and want. You're one of them so I get you too, I will ask my brother. He surely

e. I am your brother's wife and he wil

lled my arm just to join him. I

orcing me? Do I really look like money? "Do you think that even if you are a prince and have a lot of

u are so noisy," it

to go in there..." I said nervously. Why

y did you bring her here?" Xenus asked coldly. Even though


I like her," said his br

sk me, Zemuis. She has a life of

er. This girl

Xenus said. I just hope he doesn't give me

what I want now, brother?


to father," he said a

ess returned

I uttered

's my wife and you can't have her.

r girl, brother

epped closer to us and held my hand. He pulled me carefully and when he saw that hi


he order

to be mine. She's not yet p

let go of me. I also f

that. I'll impregnate my wife first." I thought she was just joking when

was just a joke, both

my origin. Maybe he's the only one who knows because I don't really r

sked him. I know he will understand my question. But he w

be with my broth

ion is that?" I ask

u like to live with Ze

” I couldn't stop raising my voice at him

ld I do that?! I am you

ask me that? I

't have you and bother you anymore," he said



ur problem, Xenus? Is it

" he told me emphatically an

to him. He gently pushed me onto the bed. So


t yet r

this has happened to us," he


ou... I miss you so much..." he said softly and h

immediately crawled on my chest but when he felt

y... I won't force you to do this... if you're not

really have to be

e lick is enough," he said and his li

he reached my leg. He rubbed it up on my thigh. He's free to do t

from the heat of his palm “One lick, Jhed... ” I feel dif

he kissed my leg and pulled my waist. He got off the bed and knelt on the floor.




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