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Beg To Be Lover

Chapter 3 Accident

Word Count: 2185    |    Released on: 14/01/2024


alking about also arrived. I intend to not attend anymore beca

h sleeveless dress, it looks simple but elegant because of its shiny fabric and a pair of ankle st

said softly to me and hugged me "I'm a

was there, but when Daddy saw me, I saw tears forming

love you, son..." I notice that my Daddy is

otional again, Ca

. Da

y staff was grand to see. The decoration was beautiful but I don

ed being with the two cous

d enjoying the party. We were only drinki

ren Jhed

?" I asked

The two of them already know that fake prince so th

y men wearing black suits surrounding him that I almo

thering me?" I

with you just for

ke this? Feeling clos

ut he stood up and grabbed my shoulder then sat me do

only student who gave you a tour of the school. Cashren is a smart kid, she's just quiet," s

for your

n of our school's sponsor. I have nothing to do with it, right?” i

ou, kitten. You are too str

and I just let them go on their trip. I just ate

the strength of its taste but I slowly realized that it w

om. I washed up immediately but my dizziness didn't go

at someone caught me. I made a facepalm when I saw him. I

e. There is no juice on t

iot!" I asked him that he even

n! I wouldn't do that to

meant to get me dru

it, will you?! I am a

e so ar

st telling

sity and he took me to th

"Here... Drink your cof

e's still a party at school," I sai

guards remai

oing back to Denmark tomorrow," he said. What

d th

ot understand your language. English only,” he h

ur problem if you can't understan

I will learn to speak

to y


was like a kiss from the wind because I was only with him for a short time but he left a strange impact on me I didn

he said he didn't understand Tagalog. Maybe if he stayed here lon

life. I love Cervin Raeson Vesalius, even though I was still st

n't long before we had a child. Renna Cerae, my beautiful daughter.

with your Momma again, my baby..." I said with a smile and pick

uder. I sat on the sofa and laid her on my lap, I didn't stop ki

uniform, it doesn't matter becaus

when he was about to take Cerae from me,

o miss him every day. What if, I'm just ab

u don't take your studie

and our baby laughed again. He als

en, ho

feel that I will never

very night," he said. I stared at Cerae's face for a while, he looks like his Daddy and even thoug

y," I said softly and he touched my cheek so I bent d

this moment I feel like I don't want to be away from ou

e it seems that she doesn't want to be separated from me either

d kissed her lips. "I love

I went out. Cervin only drives me to s

w seconds. I don't know why until school I still carry my

as on our mansion. I feel like I want to see m

to let them study abroad. They have no choice but to follow. I can't say that they

e afternoon, I was the first to st

sband. "I will pick up Cer

ou sur

e's also at Mommy's house at th

take care.

babe," I said and

my car it didn't seem to want to start. So, I went down to check but o

it later. I have to

tudents who were walking with me. The subdivision where my mother-

iled, because it was driving fast and I was hit.I first felt the hard object hit my head and my knees went numb when it hit too. I was almost deafened b

my back and I could see a lot of blood on my head. It's so heavy that I can't move it and this is what it

because I felt... I would never see m

y with Cervin but... It seems that the Lord will take me back soon

woman. Even though my eyes were getting blurry and I was having trouble moving, I tried

hit me because he was just staring at me. He held my hand and took off

n my heartbeat slowed down. I was catching m


a head injury and was revived several times by doctors and almost died. There is no sign that she wil

u are willing to hurt someone else?!"


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