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Beg To Be Lover

Beg To Be Lover

Author: prince15

Chapter 1 Cashren's Introduction

Word Count: 2148    |    Released on: 14/01/2024



voice was irritating at times. Earache. I immediately put my things in

. Giuseppe's cousin. There's no doubt that they are cous

eir ears are also hurt by wearing stilettos instead of bl

don't want to be with anyone, I don't want to have friends beca

approach me. Sometimes I just let them go. Because it's tiring to disobey them th

are rich. You can go to any school you want. You just say a word to your parents, it seems like you just flip and magic w

as a boutique. Mostly our mothers are actually fashion designers. So I

top 3 again, didn't y

now?" I asked hi

wed. To be honest, studying is tiring, but it is ne

ation but they do their jobs well. I a

rite and also to have knowledge in everything but they

l Gaim

you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in so

n employee you are chasing time.

d I was setting up a restaurant or is

er and etcetera, I know that they are not rich and they will not get rich. With the amount of bills we have, right? Beca

two looked at me. They were a litt

Cashren?” Giu

o did follow me. They eat fries and soft drin

ou? Health freedom, financial freedom or time fre

I am health freedom. Because we should always be healthy," replied Consetta. I understand

r a moment because he also seemed to be thin

lth freedom anymore. Maybe... I'll choose fin

you mean?" Conse

lly have a lot of things that I want to buy or whatev

u?” Consett

the two you chose, I wouldn't

me freedom?" they ask

old. When I was young I was confused by

either," Giuseppe s

ious. How did ti

ng him back. If it can be returned you will expect it to be another year. So I chose time freedom, because I don't want to waste my time here in this world. Our time that you just waste I know we should be doing a

. Time freedom is more important

me for our next class,

what I say sometimes. That is

nt to me. The employee is chasing time so they can have

I hung out at the park. What exactly am I doing in this place?

d rich. Why do we think there are poor people? It's not because that's what t

are born poor it's not your mistake

at something should at least change in the course of your life. That's our choice too. That's why I chose the time freedom. I took out my cellphone and called our family driver to pick me up. He

lier sitting in the park and listening to the professors disappeared

ahead," she said accompanied by a soft laugh. I sat next to

d with juice and apple


plied and I nodded. "How

, Mom," I said m

's for you

each us is how to earn money and how to get rich so tha

lucky. That they were not

rn, there is a destiny written for us," I promis

is that, son?" he

to my senses. "It can be in our hands because we will make the destiny that is for us. You and

sometimes I don't understand, s

lly think about a lot of things that

that made me smile. I stood up from my seat and approached him

derstanding you, don't worry. I will al

use I'm also close to my Mommy. I don't have a favo

So while I'm still here I promise to take care of them both "If your father and I are not destiny

y, 'let's be friends' it's our choice if we agree to what they want. So we often say that it is our destiny to mee

the sponsors of our school," Consetta babbled again. Earl

just waiting for our prof. Because it

itting next to me. To check me out. They're not noisy when it's class time, that's why they're in the top 10 because they'r

evident in his voice.."Our school is having an event so the p

d Giuseppe. He's real

very day they got sponsors so it

" Consetta, there are already rumor

invited because they nee

ternoon!” As soon as I said that, I immediately stood up. Maybe I'll just sleep on the roofto

e reason why our professor is still calling me?

th us, C


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