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Dark Side Of Obsession

Chapter 5 Our masters' house

Word Count: 2393    |    Released on: 28/12/2023


lier. I don't have any idea why that happened to me a

und them. That was so embarrassing. Maybe they of me as a

ecause I don't know where else to go

ll never attempt to set foot in that house again

they are looking for me but they have no idea where I ended up.

wo left. But Sir Norman didn't seem like he had any plans to le

The only difference between

my room. I immediately went to my cabinet to get dressed. But what I was wear

ng because it might rain toda

est. There are no neighbors around. There are only a few pe

e both walked. The two of u

ink the twins used it to go to work. I'm curious

was crowded around. Maybe it's because today is the week a

though I was ashamed, I still held on to the old

you might disappear in no time.

diately started shopping. I just helped him

esh," whispered the o

e to her husband and asked

n't seem to be a

ou next time." He said and con

o bosses are r

y even beat his grandson's ar

ho's th

there, just new.

people in there anymore? Besi

e it was a mess and there

heir garden. Besides, I'm good at taking car

dn't answer because

n turned his a


e my name there. He was sur

yes w

countered someone like you. But y

don't have a bad attitude?" I hesitantly nodded

other is just a little bit. I already kn

and held both of my shoulders. I was even

want to work there to earn m

smiled at hi

being so close to my body. He looks

hat I think is filled with meat and fish based on its weight. I was even more

sy for me, plus both of my arms are sma

n either because it

ately breathed a sigh of relief becau

e because we were already on

of the house. two? As far as I remember it was only

he gate, I immediately

. I immediately followed him to the back of the house. We went to the kitchen a

ecause I might make some no

eard sir Thei's voice while I

Theo." Man

for our guest." It was a simple promise an

, manang immedi

ong as it's fish. Their guest loves fish.

and noise in the living room. I can also hear a woman'

f the two because I have nothing to do with them. The

ne suddenly took a bite fr

st Sir

wed to him an

whenever he was near me. Besides... I don't feel comfortable with him every tim


wered. I couldn't look away becaus

me nervous all of a sudden. I stared at the boilin

est. It won't talk to you, idiot." He said

ly and sniffed my shoulders. It made me shiver. I

g. Who was it, hm, tell me?" He came closer to me causin

felt like I would lose consciousness whe

h? A virgin but a damn fli

I'm flirty. But I am not. I didn't flirt wi

my hea

ll over you and it

this Liam? He

rength and was trying to take off my clothes but I pushed him with all my strength and I w

ccidentally stuck to the pot I was cooking in, causing me to immediat

the burnt part and ran to th

Theo arrived and I s

Norman?! What

just re

rman! What were you thinking?!" S



a worried face. He came closer and checked the wound. My burn was

pulled one of my arms that was not burned. Bu

eeded. I pointed to what I was cooking while looking at Sir Theo and

Norman, who had a frown on

red to the twins. Sir Norman only sco

. I can't look back to see who it is because I'm alre

ater," he simply answe

Norman for not being ab

ared and I heard their foo

disappear immediate

he is like that to me. Why is he treating me like that

rritated whenever he saw me. Maybe he hat

trouble. Because every time we meet, it doe

mmediately told the manang t

n because he might be angry again because his twin sco

eating at the dining table. Good. There seem

p and opened the door. This is Sir Theo. I stepped back a lit

He handed me the small bottle and I took it.

be kind towards you." I shook my head. I reached f

sir. I und

because of


me. Maybe my face is really irri

n." He is cheape

you look... uh... good..." He bit his lip and closed his ey

got hot because


y from him so there

there something wrong with... what I

red of him?" He

nodded because that was the t

ed, Norman." He

use of him. He's just a crazy dude who

was hesitant to say someth

mean, it's understandable if you hate him already b

say what he wanted

red but I don't hate him. I don't think I

eart that feels like... I c


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